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Everything posted by Lou

  1. It's bad when the person in front of you does it and you then have to follow them down the street, trying your best not to laugh out loud. One time (different topic of amusement) the guy in front of me had a closed umbrella that he was swinging with every step, like a cane. But after one step, when he went to swing it forwards again, he accidently let go and dropped it. Now, I'm easily amused, so I burst out laughing at this without thinking (I was listening to music too, so didn't think about how loud I was being!) .... he wasn't best pleased by my reaction! Moral of the story - don't laugh blatantly in strangers' faces.
  2. In Melbourne a couple of months ago, I went through a period of about a week where I repeatedly saw people walk into windows and glass doors. It was fantastically amusing. The best was when there was this little toddler kid running around and around, it's parents had very little control of it, and it kept almost running into the road when they weren't looking. But then one time it ran the other way, and ran SMACK BANG into a shop window. SO hard. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. Just thought I'd share
  3. Lou


    But if he made the toast.. and didn't eat the toast... then it'd be a waste of toast. That's as bad as a waste of paint, surely? The whole exercise would have been as pointless as toast!!! ...ahh yes.. suddenly it feels like the olden days on here!
  4. I got into the nasty habit of crossing roads without looking in my last week in Melbourne.. not because I had a death wish though! But my last weekend, we were out at 3am, wandering the streets with my mate Coen (a circus boy)... and at roads, me and Trisi (my best friend) would start to cross.. then stop thinking 'no, we should look first'. Coen would see we'd started to go, and so he'd trust our judgement, and start to go, without looking. As we hesitated, we'd see that he was going, and trust his judgement, and go too, without looking. It took the best part of an hour for the 3 of us to realise that not one of us had ever checked to see if there was any traffic. Luckily at 3am, there wasn't much!!
  5. Lou


    Milk's great. And that's about all I have to say on the matter. I don't think I have any interesting milk anecdotes. Damn.
  6. Hmm... I'm just about to go and feed the chickens with mum. You really shouldn't give me ideas!! Except, I'm scared of them. Well.. some of them. Mainly "Sir Bobby", the big black and white cockerel (I've trained my parents well.. when we got him last year, they named him that, not me!).... he's big and evil and I wouldn't dare try to hypnotise him. Although, if I did do that.. he'd stop chasing poor old Roy (our likkle cockerel) around as much.... But, Mr Fish, if you wanna go ahead with your chicken-hitler plan, and need some chickens, i'll lend you some. Does it work with ducks too??
  7. Tigers can hypnotise monkeys. *nods wisely*
  8. I miss comedy boy hugs And circus boy hugs. Teehehee, when I was saying bye to my circus boys, one of them decided to hug me bye... which was GREAT coz that gave the others the go-ahead to do it..... Bloody hell I loveses those boys....... *sigh* But, thanks Brock
  9. Poor Brock. My day's not been great.... tired and "homesick" if you will, for Oz... and all my Aussie friends... nicht so good..
  10. Yep, definitely. What's up Brock??
  11. Mikey, if you mean the series on BBC2, How To Start Your Own Country, yes, that's my Danny.
  12. Today I figured out that I just had to plug one thingy into a little box-doobie and now my internet on my computer in my room works again. Genius!! Also, today I am greatly missing everyone in Oz Having most of the most awesome people you've ever met ALL on the other side of the world can be just a tad depressing, it has to be said. Can't wait till I go up to Edinburgh, at least I'll get to see a few of them then. Soooo looking forward to that. Hey, Rik'll be online from tomorrow onwards. :yay: Or "fucking woo" as we say in the trade. ("for when 'woo' just isn't enough") I'm thinking of making that into a badge.
  13. I was reading the above post... and trying to remember what order the questions went in, in order to relate the answer.... However, I mixed up questions 4 and 5 in my head, and so was a little surprised by Mr Pud's answer to how often he eyes up the opposite sex........
  14. I dread to think how you people talk of me when my back is turned... *shakes head sadly* I never saw Nisse turn crazy.... damn.
  15. Mmmhmm, done that before. Also, I've tried just running across the road, just before the lights changed green, yelling 'DON'T RUN ME OVER!!!!!!!' at the driver, who had his window down, so he could hear. He didn't. Which I thought was nice.
  16. Well, my shoelaces are in what I'd say are my most interesting shoes. So they are, I guess, SUPREMELY interesting, as you say. I'm thinking of putting the other two shoelaces (the other pink stars, and the other ducky) into my purple boots.... I don't know how that'd look... but I'm thinking about it. I have my black-with-neon-speckledy-bits shoelaces in my black shoes. Actually, I don't RIGHT NOW, coz I took them out to take the laces to oz but not the shoes (too heavy and cumbersome), but I'm going to put them back in when I a) find them (need to finish unpacking all my crap!!) and can be bothered. That then just leaves my pale yellow boots. They're converse style, but not converse, and cost $10. That's like $4. They've already last me 10 months... I'm pretty impressed. They just have white laces at the mo. Dull. I have combated the dullness of the yellow and purple (which currently just have light purple laces in) boots by wearing one of each.......... this tends to puzzle passersby, which I like. OK, I really need to shut the hell up about shoes and laces, don't I?? Matt's fault!!!!!
  17. That is indeed a crazy octopus. Quite nasty, indeed. And don't worry - panic averted - it was actually PINK and white. Which is a bit better. It wasn't my fault though (if it could be misconstrued as red and white...) - mum put it in without me knowing (I was playing with the dvd at the time)... and some of her family are sunderland supporters.... *sigh* Luckily, others aren't, and much prefer the look of black next to white, as opposed to red (not just me). I'm still pretty chuffed with my shoelaces, incidently...
  18. OMG!! LOOK AT THAT PIRATE CAKE!!!! AND YOU USED THE WORD 'PLETHORA'!!!!!!! Gold stars, peppers, tigers in tanks and EVERYTHING for you, Mr Mikey!!! And, btw. Red and white. I found out.
  19. Umm... i don't know what colour it is!! it's driving me crazy now!! i wanna know but I can't take it out... hmmm.... well, i CAN take it out, but I'm not going to. And don't worry, I've got the TV on. MUCH excitement when I realised which episode it was. And YAY for pirate talk. How COOL would a Pirate Wedding be?? "Ahoy thar, Do ye take this scurvy ridden wench to be your wife?" - "Arr!" - "Now ye may be exchanging your parrots.." ahh... happy thoughts....
  20. I loved when the flader thing started, and I had Nisse on MSN asking me "how do u know the flader language? how do you learn how to speak it? do you REALLY know? are you joking?" Actually, after the first few days of that, it got pretty annoying.... "YES we know... from DRINKING IT!.... No we're NOT joking, why would we do that??"... My hair is tied up with a pipecleaner. Mother did it. Just thought I'd share.
  21. Yep, you're waaayyy off the mark with that crazy thought there, Mr Isegrim. Mine are so good they deserve a gold star. Yes - they're *THAT* good!!!
  22. Good to see this thread going still. Love it. Mr Fish - nice to see you back. I have the best shoelaces ever. One is pink with black and white stars on, the other is blue with yellow rubber duckies on. Oh yes. I'm an individual, me
  23. Lou


    Awww, I can't even pretend that I even slightly belong is this thread now... That's right folks. I'm back. Mwahahahahah.
  24. It didn't. They're pretty impossible to compare.... one's a musical, the other's a film.... one's a Gene Wilder cool-but-slightly-sinister-which-makes-him-even-cooler Willy Wonka... the other is a Tim Burton/Johnny Depp completely different style Willy Wonka. This WW is more younger, for a start, and more childish, and insecure. I thought he was a really interesting character, brilliantly played by Johnny Depp (hold the phone - ME?! loving Johnny Depp in a film?! with MY reputation...... damn, I'm predictable). To me (a BIG fan of the original - we bought the DVD in Oz and spent many a happy hour watching it and singing along with all the songs) he wasn't Willy Wonka. Gene Wilder is, and always will be, Willy Wonka. But it was a different take on the character (Tim Burton says it's trying to be truer to the character portrayed in the book... I've not read that in many many years so I can't comment on that...), and the only way to have got away with this film was to do that - to create a different WW, rather than trying to recreate the old one. Oh, and it was DAMN funny too. I was sitting in the cinema (in Hollywood, no less, oooOOoo!) on my lonesome, just laughing out loud (and i mean LOUD) at stuff. Good fun. It was also interesting (though I'm not sure I'm convinced it was great) to have all the flashbacks to WW as a child and delve into his inner psyche so much... if only coz I struggle to spell it. but yeh... WW's meant to be a mysterious character, surely? Well, I've always thought of him that way. This kind of did away with that.... they explained all the mystery away. But, oh well, as I said, interesting way of doing things. Umm.. I'm going to stop typing now..... In summary: I liked it. (sometimes things really just don't change do they? sorry...)
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