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Everything posted by Lou
I just watched Monsters Inc. It made me cry. Again. It's the bit when Boo opens the cupboard door after Sully's gone back after saying bye... and she opens it all happily and goes 'BOO!!' and he's not there.... awwww it's SO sad!!!!! Maybe that's just coz saying bye to friends is still so fresh in my memory... but still.... I was watching it with an 11yr old girl. She didn't cry. I never used to cry at films (you should have heard my laughter at the end of Leonardo diCrapio's Romeo and Juliet)... I think I may have issues. Many, many issues.
"swine". That's a personal favourite that was picked up by someone today after I called about 5 people in a row swines. I must try to use 'rapscallion' a bit more instead.
Mine are "fucking woo" (it's for when 'woo' just isn't enough) and also "colour me *insert emotion that i'm feeling*" - colour me amused by that saying!!
Yeh. but just them falling over dead sounds a bit like needless cruelty. Making them explode is at least entertaining. I think I'm a bit of a sick individual... but you know what I mean, right?? Anyways, it'd make sense if it doesn't work..... this guy who used to make up absolute crap to tell us (I think in his head he believed it was true.. which is the scary part), he went into great detail about the time he exploded seagulls like that over a cricket pitch to get revenge on mean cricketters. So yeh, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't explode. Not surprised at all.
Has anyone tried it? Does it ACTUALLY work?? Don't make me go out and find a seagull..... ... although I've also been told it works on pigeons too.
I only saw one episode of the horoscope one. It was great. I actually still have it randomly on tape somewhere, I found it the other month and sat watching it, giggling the whole time. Mr Fish, would the BBC actually be that useful??? So, is it just me with one of Danny's flags a-flying in my room? Probably, I suppose...
Yeh, Mr Fish, I've heard that from many sources too.... and then someone (I forget who) told me it wasn't true!!! Boo!!!!
He's still not as good as Dave Gorman. 10979[/snapback] Pfft, you're deluded. DANNY IS KING!! (Literally!!) Actually, I bought the Googlewhack DVD t'other day, and Dave DOES indeed rock. But Danny's my leader and my king.... so I swear my allegiance to him.
You'll be disappointed when you see Sarah again briefly in a couple of months then....... oops, have I said too much?? Also, Carmella's a really nice girl in real life. Not that that's probably a big factor for you folk I used to watch Hollyoaks just coz Des (aka Ashley Taylor Dawson... aka Darren Osbourne) was in it. I've not got back into it again since I've come back coz some of it is actually PAINFUL to watch it's so bad. Especially when he's hardly in any of the scenes. *sigh* Then again, I did quite like that guy Liam that arrived just before I left again in January... the mysterious badboy one.. but then he got so much less myseterious and badboy-ish just before I left and he was dull then... But yeh, watching it just for the girls?? Pft. You're all pathetic. Men
Hope you're having a great day Isegrim!!!
You also missed my return to the homeland. Good to have you back Lukey
Mr Fish, check out www.citizensrequired.com and you'll see the latest news. You can also download the National Anthem (complete with video). I'm sure there'll be a nice Joinee person on the Citizens forum who'll have recorded the episodes and would be MORE than happy to send them to you. I've not recorded them, so I'm no good. How cute is it when Danny says 'citizens'? He says it so southern. Actually, I don't really expect any of you to agree with that one.....
I don't like that smiley. It seems to be suffering from some sort of facial seizure. Not that I have anything against people who suffer from facial seizures... it's just that.... well,.... umm..... "shut up Lou".... yes, yes I will.
Happy Birthday empster!!!!!! Hope you have a great day. Thanks for looking after Mavis a bit while I was away. Appreciated!
Not sure if I can make it on the 20th (bloody Saturdays... grr.. must work out if I CAN actually make it or not) .. but definitely the 28th..... and I've got a season ticket now, and I move to Newcastle at the end September, so I'll be a regular fixture after that I should think.
Haha, how much like me does that sound?? Welcome onboard, ChocChip
Yep, definitely good stuff in the first few seasons.... I've not watched the later stuff regularly enough to be able to comment.
Gol, you LAUGH at CAR CRASHES?!??!!!!? You sick, sick individual. *shakes head sadly* That's disgusting. *insert appropriate smiley here to show the evident sarcasm*
Yep, both YesMan and Join Me are being made into films - YAY!! Needless to say, I love this show. I love Danny Wallace. I love the whole idea. I became a citizen about a month ago, actually, two, I think I was in Sydney at the time so that means it was June. Kinda expected this thread to be "he's absolutely crazy. what shite"... so glad you guys like it! Oh, and have I mentioned how GREAT King Danny is?? .... Unfortunately, all his emails to @citizensrequired.com are bouncing at the mo... booo.....
Wow, this was HUGE in Oz. Or at least, it was played up as if it was. I could tell you the secret of the island................ ... but I never watched it when I was in Oz, so I can't. Although I did VAGUELY pay attention when they were discovering the secret... and it was WEIRD... like, just, very very strange. Changes all your conceptions of the island/show/characters I think. Umm.. so.. i'll shut up now.
Yeah, those TV shows suck. When you see it happen though...... ahhh... still laughing at that little 2yr old kid doing it right now....... good times, good times..... Gol, so I guess you don't see the amusement in skiers crashing either?? C'mon... that's FUNNY!!!.... (unless they get very injured)
Well then, you're missing out on a treat. Then again, it's still not QUITE as funny as the time t'other week when my friend Will effectively maced himself with silly string because he didn't realise the spray of the can was pointed at his face..... he pressed the nozzle in self defence, to ward off my other friend who was trying to steal it, and instead it sprayed right in his face. I don't think I've stopped laughing yet. (I'm also aware that it's the kind of thing you have to actually SEE to find quite so hilarious... but still...)
Hello Mr Sned I agree, semi-skimmed IS the stuff.
I'm scaring my self with the amount of fruit i'm eating nowadays. it just can't be healthy. it's certainly not natural! i'm still a teenager for god's sake! But.. dammit... fruit's just NICE.