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Everything posted by Lou

  1. Prepare for a big shock.... I'm listening to The Churchills Their new album. In my opinion, damn good. It's doing pretty nicely in America since they released it, actually. Which is nice.
  2. Don't confuse me. I'm already CONVINCED that Frank Lampard is German... even though he plays for England. But seriously, look at him, look at his name, he's GERMAN dammit. I know I'm right. Just having the newspapers lying around on the table, with the back page showing with the pic of Owen in his black and white stripes makes me grin.
  3. Glad we got Nobby back!!! damn them taking milner for a year though.... that's my 3rd fave player gone..... I'm just going to stop liking players. We're getting rid of them quickly. Hmm.. or maybe I'll develop a liking for... umm.. Boumsong? Or.. I dunno... who do we want rid of nowadays? UP PERU!!!!
  4. I watched the whole SkyNews broadcast earlier - that was so cool how many people turned up. You've gotta love a club if you're given a reception like that when you sign. So chuffed about this - let's hope all goes as well as possible, and then we can REALLY give all the southern press something to whinge about. FUCKING WOO, OWEN!!!! Fucking woo And look, I didn't even mention once how goddamn pretty he is..........!!!
  5. Hey, explosions isn't just a guy thing. They're DAMN cool. And I'm like a 5 year old boy if a fire engine goes by..... "ooooo!! look!!! it's RED!!!! and SHINY!!! and FLASHES!!!! AND MAKES NOISE!!!!!!!" ...... but then I also like to look and see if the firemen are hot (and in Oz, they tended to be!) ....
  6. Why is it toontastic tradition to gather in the most inconvenient spot in the whole building??
  7. 24. Just about a quarter of the way. I'm just about 20. Which is just a bout a quarter of the way to 80. I think I'm nicely on track.
  8. Aww - they can't close CBGBs!!! All my mates have played there, and I've always wanted to one day go and see them there. The closest I've got is walking by it. Which isn't really the same! Plus, I love the name. I know I'm easily pleased, but saying "CBGBs" makes me feel happy inside. It's fun.
  9. Fucking love them. Well, good one's anyways. Not so much the animal stuff, the people stuff. It's just incredibly amazing the things some people can do... I can just about juggle 3 balls. Then a guy comes out and juggles 7 with ease. I had a go on static trapeze, had a go at a really easy move and had to let myself fall off because my grip wasn't strong enough to hold myself like that for more than 2 seconds. Then you watch them come out and do all sorts of crazy stuff. And then aerial ring - not only do you have to have the strength and talent... but you have to put up with a hell of a lot of pain as well!! The Russian Bar REALLY amazes me. Surely no one could fail to be enthralled by the skill in this? 3 pole-vaulting poles are strapped together. Think about it - theat's not even wide enough to stand both feet next to each other, not really. Two guys hold this at either end, hoisted on their shoulders, and another person stands on it in the middle. They then jump and do ridiculous triple somersaults in the air or whatever- and LAND on the bloody russian bar again!!!!! How anyone could watch that and not have their jaws dropping on the ground in awe, I dunno. I'm blown away by stuff like that. The skill, the talent, the strength.. it's all incredible. And the dedication as well. These people practise 12hours a day sometimes. I don't do ANYTHING for 12 hours a day. Not even sleep (though I'd like to). It's insane. But in a good way. Ahhhhh Ritchie..... you got me started on a favourite subject now...... I'll stop here for now though. Btw, I'm scared of clown clowns too. But mimes are the scariest.
  10. Skol. I had CRIME SCENE TAPE at my disposal!!!!!! If we'd have been caught that night we'd have been severely reprimanded. Typically, just as we jumped down off the 2m wall we'd had to climb up to escape, a car with lights and sirens races by. Scared the hell outta us! Should've known that they wouldn't be THAT quick to respond though..... *innocent whistles* lol... "severely reprimanded"... what am i? an uptight head teacher?!
  11. ooo, running with scissors is WAY too naughty for me to do!!! I have to say, i didn't just RANDOMLY decide to put a bag on my head. One of my friends did it in his comedy show at the melbourne comedy festival. He announces that now he's a fully grown man, he can do what he wants, and so he VERY defiantly puts a bag on his head. You should have heard me gasp with horror the first time he did it. LOL i'm such a goody goody. But having seen him do that a few times, I became curious, and just HAD to give it a go myself... face my fears and all that....
  12. Well, have you?? I have. I've never felt naughtier or more daring in my life. And I have done SOME naughty and daring things in my life..... honest! But yeh, you get it SO drummed into you as a kid... 'don't put plastic bags on your head - you'll DIE!!!!!' .... and then you try it, and it's not that bad really. Just kinda, white. If it's a white bag. Which mine way. I don't in any way suggest you try it. Just wondered if I was the only one.
  13. 3-1, apparently. Not sure who calculated that though.....
  14. lol i knew someone would pick up on that...
  15. One of my mates is a knife thrower. Why not be an assisstant?? They wouldn't have an assisstant if they weren't sure they were going to be 100% accurate 99.999% of the time. Yeh, accidents happen, but they're not going to risk hurting someone if it's a case of "well, i TEND to get the knife to hit in the right spot.... y'know... sometimes..." I had an interesting chat with one of the circus trainers in Oz about human cannons. because if it's set up wrong then you could basically just smash the guy's feet up into his knees and break all his legs. I can't remember how they said it was done though... I should have paid more attention. I think the platform he's standing on moves.... rather than something coming up from the bottom and slamming into him to make him move. That way would knacker him up immensely. I don't know any human cannonballs...... boo.. how dull!
  16. Hey Jill - t'other night I was at a gig (my brother manage's a band, and he invited us to their gig). And I was chatting to my brother's mate.... and he had a t-shirt WITH GIRAFFES ON IT!!!! It was SO cool. Brown t-shirt with 3 giraffes grazing on the chest of it. After a minute or two, I couldn't hold it in anymore and just HAD to point out how great it was. And.. ..he told me that he has a JACKET with giraffes on too!! I don't know what sort of jacket, what it's made of or anything ,but apparently on the back, at the bottom, it's got a sunset with a couple of giraffes in front of it. Wow. What a cool guy. I want to steal his clothes. Not ALL of them... just the giraffe ones.
  17. In Oz Nestle had this "Heaven" range out - not looked to see if it's here. In tubs, I mean. They had the bars too, but they weren't as nice. I saw 3 flavours in the tubs - and tried two - the Choc Fudge one (awesome choc icecream with chocolate fudge sauce and bits of fudge in it) and the toffee honeycomb crunch one (gorgeous honeycomb icecream with toffee sauce and crunchy bits of toffee and honeycombiness in it). Oh my god. Lovely lovely stuff!! Ages ago I had some Ben and Jerry's that was both the fudge brownie AND the cookie dough all in one. Yuuummmm...!!! They don't get Ben and Jerry's in Australia. I weep for that country sometimes.
  18. I'm in Edinburgh on Wednesday and Thursday, visiting friends. Should I expect to see you on the Royal Mile, wearing a clown costume and blue body paint and precariously balanced on one leg atop a packing crate, all in the name of "performance art"? 15658[/snapback] Meenzie, I'm bloody scared of moving statues still, so no, not I. However, on Thursday night I will be seeing Andrew McClelland and Laurence Leung's Somewhat Secret Secret Society if you care to come along too. It promises to be bloody hilarious - Andy's one of those people who doesn't have to do a THING and he's a comic genius. Such a nice guy. I have no Wednesday plans... other than to find all my mates. Can't wait!!!!!!
  19. Some people have waaayy too much time on their hands.....
  20. Me and my mates have used that before, gets some strange looks from people who are either religious or don't know the two original sayings 15599[/snapback] Although this stuff just makes me think of Back to the Future when Biff would say stuff like 'you're as funny as screen doors on a battleship" or "i'm gonna hunt you down and kill you like a duck" ....
  21. Love that song! I've just let RealPlayer start playing my whole list of songs, because laziness means I can't be bothered to choose what to listen to. So I'm listening to some song called So It Seems... by some random American band that I stumbled across from other American bands's sites... I can't even remember which band this song belongs to!! It's cool though. Nice acoustic version.
  22. I go to Edinburgh Festival on Tuesday
  23. Mum won't let me claim the whole house as being part of The Country. Boo. She'll let me have the stables though. I'll take the flag down there tomorrow. I'm thinking of invading the house. though...
  24. You are just a 7 year old trapped inside an 18-19 year olds body aren't you? 12674[/snapback] Yep. Did it really take you this long to figure that out?? And I'm 19 years and three quarters, thank you very much!
  25. The time that I wasn't crying was spent going 'aww!! how CUTE is she???!!!' I love Boo. I could watch her all day. She's so entertaining. "Mike Wazowski!"
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