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Everything posted by Lou

  1. I love Stonie really quite a worrying amount. I was extraordinarily excited when they brought him back for Toadie and Dee's wedding. Unfortunately, he doesn't come back with everyone else for the 20th Anniversary celebration thingy. Booooooooooooooooooo. *cough* annnnywaayy......
  2. BANG! *guts* 31385[/snapback] But is that what ACTUALLY happens, or just what people SAY happens?? The only person I know who says they've tried it, and that it works, is someone who talks bollocks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Therefore, not OVERLY reliable, it has to be said.......
  3. Is that serious?? (The news pics I mean..... obviously I know the Steve/Toadie facts. And Laz is spot on with them.)
  4. DVD - a copy that I made today (very proud of myself) of the end of year show that the melbourne circus school did last year. i was so proud at my (probably highly illegal, but meh) copying that I dancing round in a little circle SO fast that I physically could not stop. It was fun. I almost fell over when I finally managed to stop. Ahhh, everything's a pointless story with me, isn't it?
  5. Don't. Tempt. Me. Fire is COOL. I'm not quite as much of a pyro as my aussie roommate though. Quite. However, my lighter that I bought in Edinburgh at the end of August is now half-empty simply because I keep lighting it just to go "oooo.... flame.... preetttyyyyyyy....." Hey, if I tried your microwave/match thing... and there was some form of explosion/fire thing..... then would the fire brigade have to come out??? I LIKE fire engines. They're red. And shiny. And have flashy lights. And make noise. And, just to top it off, they're full of firemen. But, meh, that's an after thought. It's mainly the top four. Damn I act like I'm a little 5-yr-old boy sometimes. What really WOULD happen if you give panadol to a seagull......??????
  6. My birthday's in January. January is coming up (in a few months). Maybe you're just well prepared?
  7. So you're making them a compilation CD, then?? Why would telling me spoil the surprise? OOooo.. is it FOR me??!!! How nice!
  8. What are you making them?? Or do we not wanna know......
  9. Went over to my grandma's for a chat......... accompanied mum down to the field to lock in the chickens..... i plan on eating sometime soon..... WOAH the excitement of it all it's wearing me out!
  10. Cat's have nine lives - which makes them ideal for experimentation! ...... annnyywaayysss....... That really sucks Peasepud! Poor liddle cat! And poor you for having to inject it so much. The cat'll obviously hate it at first.... but it'll probably get used to it. If it's always the same person that injects it though, it probably won't like that person as much. My cat got cancer a few years back, and the vets just guessed with what to do (thankfully it worked and he's fine now!) but we had to give him nasty tablets loads, which made him feel like crap. (obviously there's a difference between tablets and a fecking needle sticking into you, but work with me here). And yeh, it was always mum that gave him the tablets, and he really fell out with her. Took him at least a year after he got better to even start going to her for a cuddle or whatnot. Good luck - hope the cat doesn't give you too much hell!
  11. This whole thread has been really rather entertaining reading, but quote of the moment.... Lovely way to snap the thread back into shape, Brock. True class. I laughed way too long and loud at that. tbh.
  12. Lou


    Heya! Welcome back How's life treating you? Can you believe I've just spent 10 months in Australia and didn't see one live koala*...... I think I've failed a bit there. *they have stuffed dead ones in the museum.
  13. Y'know what I reckon possibly the worst name ever is? Dwayne. How can a parent look at their newborn baby and go.... "well..... wayne's just not enough...!!"??* *comment stolen lovingly off Eddie Perfect
  14. I'm disturbed that I've heard someone tell that joke, Isegrim,... but with the Queen as the main female character.......
  15. If I was to have a number 7 on my list... it would be... 7. watched lots of TV. But it kinda ruined my trend of so I left it out.
  16. The Crash Moderns - All About You. I went to the studio with the boys when they were working on this song. That was so cool. If anyone's familiar with The Sopranos (and I mean VERY familiar, not just know it exists as a show) then this song opens the episode Pie-O-My (series 4 I think...).
  17. Well, in the space of just one weekend I..... 1. Got to see 3 of my aussie comedy boys - two of which are two of my favourites 2. Got a big hug off Tim Minchin (OK, this ties in with number 1, but meh) 3. Got the BIGGEST hug EVER off Eddie Perfect (again ties in with number 1). Y'know those hugs where you don't think they're ever gonna let go, and that's perfectly fine with you? Mmmhmm, one of those. 4. Was called beautiful by one of the hottest, wonderfullest guys I know (who just happens to be 27, live in australia, and have a long-term girlfriend... but meh, minor details!!) (this also ties in with numbers 3 and 1) 5. Got an email off one of my favouritest circus boys 6. Found a circus shop in London and had a lovely chat with the guy that worked in there..... daaamn i love circus boys. OK, so, I'm done now. I'm just going to sit and smile like I have been doing ever since Eddie's gig on Saturday night.
  18. Get a family member to move there. I just spent the weekend in London, staying with my brother. Damn cheap. He wouldn't even let me pay for my food. Good boy that he is. That probably doesn't help you much, though, does it??......
  19. *having a bit of a Tim Minchin encore song moment* "This is my body, and I live in it, It's 29, and 10 months old It's changed a lot since it was new, Done stuff it wasn't built to do, Sometimes I try to fill it full of wine... And the weirdest thing about it is, I spend so much time hating it, But it never says a bad word about me. This is my body, and it's fine, It's where I spend the vast majority of my time, It's not perfect, but it's mine, It's not perfect..... but it's mine..."
  20. Ahhh Laz.... you know me oh so well. Actually, I'd much rather talk about the cost of Edinburgh zoo. Anyone know?
  21. Hope all's going well for all 3 of you
  22. Since when did "GRC" stand for "Lets Talk About German Porn All The Time"?? *sigh* Oh well.... each to their own..... you folks are crazy
  23. I go to London on Saturday. I get to see Eddie's show again. Eddie is pretty. And funny. And lovely. And friendly. And I always used to think his drummer is freaky... turns out he's not. Who'd have thunk it. "I don't have a bank account.... but I do have money under my mattress."
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