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Everything posted by Lou

  1. Mikey, as if I'd FORGET International Talk Like A Pirate Day!!!!!! WHat do you take me for????!!!!! I've been looking forward to it since 20th September last year. In fact, just today I put up my poster I found advertising it in Oz last year. Haha, last year I was sitting on a train somewhere in Melbourne, texting Steve going "arr it be international talk like a pirate day!!" Good times, good times.
  2. Boo, Matt! I'll be there!!! That's the day I move up to Uni (though I'm actually taking my stuff up a few days before) - so you'll have to make me go at some point, to go and meet everyone at Uni. You have to be nice to me.... the thought of uni's a bit scary!!....
  3. Lou

    Hells Teeth.....

    haha, "hell's teeth" - you sound like my mum
  4. Ahh... cunning.... thanks. Do people concur?
  5. Cath, do NOT get me started on the idea of a pirate themed wedding again!!!! ("do ye take this scurvy-ridden wench to be your wife?" - "arr!") Steve, look on the bright side...... at least you're in Melbourne. *seethes with jealousy* How long are you over there for??
  6. Hello there.... I got a new phone, and i can put music/sounds on it... but if i want to use it as ringtones, then it has to be MP3 (i think!!).... so is there a way i can change a WAV file to MP3? Or does the world not work like that? Thanks.
  7. sounds like student landlords are all much the same. a while back when my brother was at uni, his shower leaked... and the water tended to drip down the lightbulb in the kitchen below..... had a hellish time trying to get it fixed, despite the obvious safety issues. bleedin' swines the lot of 'em. good luck with getting it all sorted, mr fish.
  8. I really, really, REALLY hate to say this but.......... ..... I completely and utterly, 105.6%, agree with Steve To hell with Brissy. Go to Melbourne. It ROCKS. By the way, have fun in Oz. I think you'd struggle not to. LOVE that place!! *sniff* (still missing it lots)
  9. Lou

    Goodness me!

    It's the 'attacks' part of random attacks that scares me. 32540[/snapback] Hmmm... to be honest... you do have a point there......
  10. ??? MMmmmmmkaayyy..... I'd call that 'dull', as opposed to 'nice'. Drunken conversations with a dog sounds much more entertaining When I was in Oz I had the most VIVID dream of being home one night.... it was freakily clear, even though most of the action in the dream was completely unrealistic, it seemed SO real. I woke up CONVINCED I'd be back in England.. took me a moment to work out where I was when I opened my eyes..... I'd never been more relieved to see those big Aussie windows. Being home is all well and good... but this was back in March or something, and I was SOOOOOO not ready to go home yet!!
  11. Today I got the V635. It's cool. I have no idea how to work it... it does so many nifty things.... my old phone made calls and sent text messages, and that was about it. It's only other feature was the fact that it was blue. This one is much snazzier. But not blue. No idea how to help you though zico, sorry!
  12. Lou

    Goodness me!

    Yeah right.... you've got inside info haven't you??? C'mon... tell us the details... we won't tell anyone that we got it from you, honest
  13. Lou

    Goodness me!

    I'm guessing he knew the girl though?? It freaks me out when there's random attacks. Like the guy who took an axe to a passing stranger one day a few months back.... in the street next to where my brother lives (which is actually a nice part of London). My brother walks down there everyday to catch the tube..... it freaked me out SO much thinking that if he'd been at the wrong place at the wrong time it could have been him decapitated by a madman instead. It's the 'random' part of random attacks that scares me. Who'd have thought I'd be beaten at my own game. (Luckily my 'random' doesn't tend to be related to attacks though....!)
  14. People all over the world, All ladies, men and girls (and boys!) Stop the mugging and start the hugging And tidy up the world. vs Little rabbits have short noses And kittens soft paws And Mother Holle likes her wool From the african dromedary Actually... they're right.... Danny's just not up to scratch, vs Alf.
  15. Ahhh ok. Damn. Danny Wallace was told that his attempt at a Eurovision song was reminiscent of Austria at Estonia..... I wanted to know if they meant Alf... unfortunately not. They also said that his song wasn't up to standard for Eurovision. Danny's response to this was spot on - "have they ever WATCHED Eurovision??!!" Danny's song rocks
  16. Lou


    Certainly ain't my cup of tea. So, yes, I tend to agree.
  17. I reckon Scrubs is great! I find it consistently funny - the characters are great... well, Dr Cox and the Janitor especially. But I like that it gets a serious/sentimental edge. I mean, yeh, we watch comedy to laugh.... but I like it when it suddenly breaks out of the jokes for a second to provide a moment of clarity on something. It's based in a hospital, people are very sick and die in hospitals (woah, newsflash! i didn't mean that to come across in such a 'you are dim and therefore won't know that way' at all!).. but therefore, I reckon the show needs to take that into consideration. And I like that it's different and experiments with stuff..... like the Janitor being a figment of JD's imagination for the first series.... or the epsiode where Dr Cox's best friend dies but you don't realise.... or how it plays around with it's own fundamental characteristics by switching whose narrative we get in an episode. But, yeh, mainly I love it because Dr Cox and the Janitor are FUNNY. Filmwise.. watched a bit of The Joy Luck Club today.... it's the stories of lots of different Chinese women, both old and young..... we just watched the bit where one of the ladies wanted to hurt her husband (who was cheating on her.... in their flat, while she was there...) and so she killed their baby, because it was the only way she could get back at him. Ouch.
  18. I reckon they should have opened your chest cavity for a look there and then. 28959[/snapback] Serious subject I know (and I hope everything with you is okay Menace) but I couldn't help laughing at that comment. 28971[/snapback] Glad that wasn't just me then, mr hips!! Hey Menace, hope it turns out ok for you.... easier said than done but try not to worry about the results.... i always reckoning that worrying like that should be left to Mother. Saves you having to get stressed out by it yourself (because surely that'd just raise your heartbeat more?? nicht so good!)
  19. I called him a Flamin' Gallah to his face. He chuckled.
  20. I'm on the Tube Gossip site (http://www.themanwhofellasleep.com/gossip.html) and it has rather provided me with another 'what happens if...' question, that ties in with our previous discussions.... "He only went and put a full can of baked beans in the microwave." Now THAT would be messy.
  21. Hey, don't forget Woody too!!
  22. Oh, yeh, and there's the fact that.... I have no idea why that makes me laugh as much as it does. Maybe I'm just a simpleton.
  23. Meenzie's a legend if only because I can ask him questions like this, and he'll know the answer: Was the amazing Alf's Eurovision entry the year that they were in Estonia??? (I'm actually asking you this question, Meenz, it's not just an example!!) Oh, that's not the ONLY reason he's a legend...... the other reason is the moneymaking haymarket idea he's given me..... oh yes... the millions shall come a-rolling in......
  24. If "Ifs and Buts were pots and pans, then you wouldnt be able to cook your tea" 31582[/snapback] That's very reminiscent of my dad's "he who cooks beans and peas in the same pot is very unhygenic..." I think it works better when you say it as opposed to when you right it down. And Mmkay. So this guy's story of feeding panadol to seagulls at a cricket ground, then watching as they all flew over the pitch and exploded on to the cricketers below which had been mean to him was, in fact, as suspected and expected, absolute shite. If they don't actually EXPLODE then it's not very tempting. In fact, I'm not even sure it IS tempting even if they DO explode. The matches dans la microwave sounds a much better past-time..... if more expensive. I guess microwaves are more expensive than panadol. I think we need to send this one into the Mythbusters... they'd sort it out for us.
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