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Everything posted by Lou
I got the googlewhack dvd a month or so ago....... my mate pointed it out to me on sale in HMV.. and i was suffering from comedy withdrawal.... so got it and watched it straight away. it's really good. he's got a lot of energy onstage (never seen him live, boo)... very entertaining, as well as funny. and i like my comedians to be fun to watch.... Mum started whinging about how much he swears in the last half of it though. Pfft. Mothers. After 5 months of watching aussie comics, you kinda get used to that...!! Yes Man's a really good read. Just wish I'd known he was doing it at the time... just think of the things I could've emailed him to make him say yes to.... mwahahahahahahahah! NB: I am in no way slightly in love with my King and Leader
Meenzer, I dread to think what you got up to with 11 other guys!!!!! Please, please, don't tell me. Wiley, I'm studying Marketing and Management. And yeh, everyone'll be the same when I get there on Saturday, so that's cool. And having spent my last year in Oz, meeting new people, I know I'm good at making friends. I'm quite happy to walk up to random people and start chatting.
Glad to have helped out. Let me know how it goes, or if you need any other tips, Joinee to Joinee. Btw, have you read Are You Dave Gorman? and Yes Man? If not, do.
Newcastle Uni I moved all my stuff up yesterday, and it seems ok. My room's alright. Sharing a little kitchen and a bathroom with 10 other people though.... not something I'm looking forward to, but oh well. In Oz I shared my kitchen with 49 other people, so I guess I can cope!!!!!
Oh oh oh (damn i should remember to type EVERYTHING before i press 'reply') - how to start your own country is being repeated on bbc1 at midnight (ish) at the moment........
Yeah, that RAOK Day has been my only non-lonesome ones.... oh, except when we had a mini meet in York... and we gave stuff to a homeless dude (who had a pet hamster) and gave sweets out to everyone we went by. Giving Haribo to bouncers makes them happy, we found. I have to admit, I'm not very good at doing stuff on Fridays religiously anymore. However, I do try my best to just Be Good as much as possible.... I make an effort to be polite to people and whatnot. Little things like thanking the bus/tram driver or whatever.... maybe having a little chat with someone who normally wouldn't be chatted with. Like one time the guy working in 7-11 in Melbourne did the normal "hi how are you" thing when he served me, and I replied "great thanks!!! how are you?" in a tone of voice that implied that i really cared. He stopped what he was doing in surprise, looked at me, smiled and said that actually he was doing ok. It was so small, but it seemed to make that little difference. Also once left a note on a car windscreen saying "Nice Parking!!!" It was, as well. Very impressive.
Hello all. I go to Uni on Saturday. That's a bit scary.
Just me again..... you'd never heard of me before, you're never gonna be able to get rid of me now... Anyways, as an idea, be really nice to an old person. I mean, an OLD person. My grandma is 88 and doesn't think people are very nice. She was lost the other day and a lady did help her out, thankfully, but "it was an old lady - of course" (as she said to me). I'm guessing you're not old... maybe you are, but anyway, still heed my words.... but yeh, just be nice to some old person. Sit on a bench and chat next to the 90-yr old dude next to you. Help the old woman next door carry her shopping home (just make sure she realises you're not gonna nick it). Or, as I did, offer them Werther's Originals. It's true - old people LOVE them.
*cough* Hi. I'm not a him. I am a Joinee though. And a citizen (Danny's latest project). My best Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK) has been... umm... well, I actually spent a RAOK Day with my best friend last summer.... ... we gave out flowers to random folks in the street ... then we gave out Werther's Originals to all the old people we went b .... then we went into a toyshop, bought 5 yoyos for £1, and left them with the guy at the counter, who was under strict instructions to give them free to the next five people who bought stuff. We then hid in the shop across the road, spying on the shop, until we saw a lady come out with her two kids both clutching yoyos, with HUGE grins on their faces. YAY! It was a really really awesome day. One old lady had turned down our offer of a flower... and then a few hours later very happily accepted a Werthers. We didn't recognise her, so didn't realise we'd approached her twice! She stopped and had a chat with us - "why are you doing this? are you advertising something?" and we replied that we just wanted to do nice things, to make random strangers happy. She thought it was absolutely LOVELY and told us "you've put my faith back in humanity" FUCKING WOO!!!!! Danny was so proud!! My first RAOK was the scariest - I gave random folks on the street a box of chocolates, then ran off. Simple little ones are stuff like leaving change in vending machines or in phone boxes..... only costs you 20p, but it'll make someone smile a little.
I got a fairly similar deal, specifically for students, from The Link the other week. If all goes to plan, I'll have ended up spending £4 a month (and that's only because I wanted a text bundle... or else it'd have been £0). I have 30 days after getting my 6-month bill in which to apply for my money back. I guess they just hope that students will have lost track of their bills by then. You have to send them your first and sixth bill. To be honest, I almost lost my first one after I got it... so I can see that not many ppl would do this! Although... we're students... we like being given money. It's a deal done by The Link, not by the network..... who apparently pay the link for selling phones on their network... so somehow the link still make money out of it. I got a really nice phone outta it too. Which is nice.
Brock, I never have any idea what the hell you're on about, but you do keep me amused.
Thanks for the map, Ritchie What time will you folks be there? Not sure if I'll make it before hand... still dunno what train I'm getting up, and I'll be headed to Halls first to drop off some stuff, so not sure if I'll get there afore the match. Will hang out for a little bit afterwards though.
haha, hey emppy! consise as ever
I'd LOVE to go back to NYC..... that place is great (but I'm biased because some of my friends live there... so I'd love it no matter what just because they're there...) Hollywood's WEIRD.... just..... weird. It's so tacky. I really enjoyed my weekend there, but I expected at least a little bit of glitz or glamour... but no..... however, if you need to buy 72,000 fake Oscars, then it's your place!!!! I'm not saying don't go - just, be aware that it's probably nothing like you'd expect. Unless you expect TackCity. Other than going back to NY and Melbourne, I'd LOVE to go to Africa. On a safari. That'd be DAMN cool I reckon.
argh, argh argh argh ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you've just WOUNDED my mind with that sentence....... CURSE YOU! Disturbed just does NOT do that justice.
Right now - nothing (I just checked). Normally - not much. I tend to just carry stuff in my bag (I'm a girl, so I can get away with that)... unless I just can't be bothered to go to ALL the effort of moving my arm slightly so I can put whatever it is (money.. key.... etc) in my bag, so I shove it in my pocket instead. Well, that was enlightening for us all
He looks like a lump of wax. Almost as much as Tom Jones does. And I find that disturbing.
A rubber ducky. Less feathery.
Ahhhh, the comedy! No, really... that made me chuckle out loud.....
Well, I'm confused.
Who are/were Villa playing?
From what i saw in the brief seconds it was on, there was hardly any serious contact and whilst it cut away quickly there was barely a reaction from Bellamy either. 36286[/snapback] Yeah, I'd say it was more of a tap than a kick reeaalllyy..... There may not have been a reaction from Mr Bellamy, but there was hell to pay in my sitting room....
I like you And I hated seeing him playing for the other side. But, I guess there's no surprise there. I'm not even going to get into the bellamy argument, because despite everything, I'm still biased... *hopeless*
INTERnational talk like a pirate day, if you will, please. Had a great, piratey day..... i got both parents, my god mother AND her husband all 'arr' and 'ahoy there' and 'shipmate'ing all day long... it's been good fun. This morning Alwyn (godmother's hubby) arrived at the table for breakfast with a teatowel tied round his head in a pudsey-bear style eyepatch....... lol! Meanwhile Sue would sing-song happy greetings as usual ("what a lovely morning!!!") then add, "jimlad" at the end, for pirateyness. I even persuaded "Cap'n Roonbeard" to have a sword fight with me. I won. I made him walk the plank like the scurvy bilge rat he is. As I said, good times.......
Tim Minchin* - Inflatable You. *Edinburgh Festival 2005's Best Newcomer *proud grin*