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Everything posted by Lou
Apart from John Wayne Gacy 50007[/snapback] Bejesus that's the scariest thing I've seen in a long while!!! You could REALLY cop out and go as God because "no one knows what God looks like, so you can't say my costume's crap"
I'm currently listening to nothing but a slight ringing in my ears. Just got back from a Hard-Fi gig at the Union. Was fun Haha, and yeh, home by 11pm. We're good children, us.
*wonders where the Magical Mystery Newcastle Tour of DOOOOOOOMMMMMM can go........*
I'm sure he'd rather have a houseboy around the place, the dirty swine. (Psst... we're definitely getting a kitten some day though... ) Toonraider, gadgety stuff is a fine idea, you never know quite what you're going to find in shops like that. Trouble is I don't get into London until the evening of the night before his birthday, so shopping time is going to be seriously limited. I might beg for a one-day amnesty to give myself some space to find something. 49605[/snapback] Do they not sell things in Germany? Or are you hoping to end up getting a bulky and heavy gift and you don't want to have to carry it over. Now, see, if you sent him toast in the post..................................
You say that like it's a bad thing. I can't stand any other soaps though. My Management lecturer completely lost me on Monday starting every sentence with "Like in Corination Street". He then showed us a clip of an epsiode that he'd "just happened" to record... and then related everything back to that. Unfortunately none of it seemed to be about how annoying and ugly the characters were, alongside how bad the acting was. And then my Marketing guy didn't help much yesterday by showing an example of the demographic of users of a certain product..... he put up a pic of some old couple, said some name I've never heard of, and some people went 'ahhhh' and chuckled. And then he moved on. I assume they're from Eastenders or Corination St or something.....
I've lost all respect I have had for you people The coca cola christmas advert is the best. thing. ever.
OH wow. That's fantastic!! Damn I love Neighbours. We're 13 or 14 weeks behind. We've just seen the episodes that were aired JUST before I left Oz.
They do WHAT??!!! Dammit. There goes that plan.
*sigh* I wish people wouldn't give me ideas......
Wait wait wait!!!! I missed the best bit which was Brock announcing that Meenzer is legend because "he has a baldy heed " Glad I could be of service, Mr Chops.
Bah. I don't like you and your rules. Hang on - am I allowed to buy a car with this £8k we have agreed that you're giving me... and then sell it on again, and reap the rewards? Or do you have some annoying small print clause for that too?
From memory, it's like this: "Meenzer rocks" "I agree" "I agree too" "I love Meenzer" (that was Steve) "You're right, Meenzer IS a legend" "Here's a Eurovision related question for Meenzer" "Here is the correct answer" (from Meenzer) "Danny Wallace rocks too" *silence* "Meenzer rocks" "kiss ass" "Why?" "Because" "Sorry" "That's ok" "Lou rocks" "What happened in this thread?" "Let me post something long and pointless" "SHUT THE HELL UP LOU" etc etc etc. I took the liberty of paraphrasing
Can't we just keep the £8000? Pretty please? You're giving me this money, right? Pretty please?
It's not actually been THAT cold recently... I've been pleasantly surprised since I came up here. But the weather has just decided to add to my woes recently. Luckily the girl I walked to my lecture with today had a brolly. She be a sensible and prepared person.
I just remembered when I met up with Steve in Melb, and the Christmas Tram went by - WITH SANTA ONBOARD, so Trisi and I ran after it yelling and waving to Santa. And Steve and Woody refused to run too in order to A- wave at Santa, B- catch up with the tram so that we could get on it. Damn that was funny. You shoulda seen the boys' faces! [happy place] (you probably had to be there...) (and be me. Steve seemed to find it less amusing than I did at the time..... then again, it's probably hard to be amused when one is fearing for one's life..... )
It certainly WAS bastard freezing earlier today. And fecking wet too. Not impressed. I also think I need to invest in an umbrella.
IT'S NOT EVEN HALLOWEEN YET!!!!!! NO, CHRISTMAS. NO!!! WAIT YOUR TURN. That is my sane and rational message to Christmas. It was so bad in Melbourne this time last year... so Christmassy EVERYWHERE.... drove me and Trisi mad. I don't like to feel Christmassy until December 1st at the earliest. But when it's still October?? MADNESS.
Sorry, I missed out some form of or or something. You'd have to try harder than that to offend me. (see, i got it there. practise makes perfect) I'd like to suggest that you don't though... not really in the mood to be picked on at the mo...
Even the guy next to me sang the whole game through! Normally he just sits very very quietly and silently seethes to himself. Occasionally yelling stuff if the moment really calls for it. Yesterday he didn't shut up, was shouting encouragement, and even spoke to me! Derbys do strange things to people....! Reckon it'll be dead again next game?
Just because I felt like it. Permission granted?
That's a suprisingly forceful, near-spasming nod there!!
happy birthday matey. have a great day. hope u like rain... i went out of my way to get it for you as a present* *not actually true. please do not blame me for todays shite weather.
Maybe people were chanting it in a valiant attempt at being ironic? Loads around me were yelling it. Maybe I should have asked?
I just felt this thread was worth lifting back up to the top.