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Everything posted by Lou
*wonders who the first person will be to comment that you could call deaf people what you want, they won't hear* *wonders who will point out that deaf people are often very good at lip reading, so they could probably tell* *etc* I did a Deaf Awareness Course the other year too. So much fun Was weird when there was a thunder storm outside though, and the thunder cracked really loudly and we ALL looked outside, including my deaf teacher, and we were like 'how did u know?!' and he'd felt it because it had made stuff shake. He did get confused when we all kept looking outside when there were fireworks somewhere nearby though.... at every bang we'd all look up, and he was just like 'what!??!!' so we had fun trying to explain. It was just like a big 2 hour game of charades every week. (Me?? Trivialise things? With MY reputation....?!)
If it's in my pocket and on silent, I still won't know messages have come through. Unless I actually think to check it. Ahh.. this reminds me.... *changes phone back onto noisy*
There was something or other on at Attic last night... Something you needed tickets for? Monday night is Boat night or Tiger Tiger night, or so I've been told. Mainly Boat night though. So, if you want to avoid students, that's where you should steer clear of.
Because you may perhaps leave it on the other side of the room. Or even in your pocket. And so if it's on silent then you don't know it's got a message through. However, if it had been on ring/vibrate as per normal, I would have heard/felt the message come through. I suppose I should just put it on vibrate instead of pure silence... but.... shoosh.
Dammit!!!!!! Knew I shouldn't have left my phone on silent.... I hate that... you come back to it and it's like "You have 217 messages from Peasepud". Tsk. Next time, eh? Next time.
You're a week or so too late. Had this one not so long ago. Keep up, Thomas!!
Pud, you seem to have forgotten to reply to a few posts there........ *innocent smile*
Well I *might* forgive you....... with time..... Not too sure about the others though. You could be hung drawn and quartered for this...!! (btw - it was a bit of a hit the first time round... so you were on the money with it... just tooooooo slow...) (I just really like that pic...)
I have it on good authority that Return to Oz is the scariest film EVER. Not seen it yet, so can't comment, but why not give it a go?
Quite right. I never go for tea-and-a-visit-to-the-neighbours at a friends' place without Toonraider at my side. Pud.... So, yeh, really, which day's best??.....
When you're a doctor you should so do that to someone. Y'know, just for a laugh. If you can't abuse your authority in such ways, what's the point of having it? Anyhoos.... enough of all these jokes.... methinks it's time for a singalong!! Anyone up for a bit of the old classic House of the Rising Sun?? Altogether now... "There is.... a house.... in New Orl...." ... umm..... oh......
? 51307[/snapback] i used to have one of those mugs - the sang the tetley tune when you picked it up. Needless to say it wasnt around long 51310[/snapback] I had one too!!!! Needless to say I kept it for years and loved it dearly. The rest of the family weren't QUITE as keen on it though......
Where do you live then, in your land of non-clock-changing? I do love the idea of an extra hour sleep. That's really quite marvellous.
I was in Whitby one day, walking along the pier, and this kid who must've been about 12 or 13 stood NEXT TO A BIN and THREW HIS COKE CAN OUT TO SEA. He did it on purpose, just because he wanted to. He even tried to get his mother to watch, but she was ignoring him so never even knew he did it. I was so fuckin ridiculously mad at him I wanted to damn well throw him in after it. ARGH. Stupid idiot child. If you wanna chuck something into the sea, throw a stone or something, not some frickin' metal. [/probably disproportionate anger]
Mr PUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDDddddddddddddddddd.......... Hi there. Would you like to come round one day for lunch, and perhaps meet some of the other folk that live here at Castle Leazes? They're nice. You should come and say hi to them. Oh, and by the way, it's really rude not to return invites such as this.... so...... when is he, oops, I mean, are YOU up for visitors??? *innocent smile* (i still weep inside that mr bellamy no longer lives in newcastle... *sob*....) I have issues
And i thought Gemmill had a decent score in cricket that i wouldnt ever get to but now you have added 50 runs to that i have given up! 51168[/snapback] Ah, but come on, you still have the motivational factor that is "beating Gemmill". That's gotta be worth something. 51273[/snapback] Is this with metal pipes, or wooden clubs or what? Or do you get a choice of people you'd wish to do the beating for you? Or.. wait.... have I misunderstood the meaning of your sentence....???? ... oops..
I think my favourite part was the Pink Uncomfortable Stools... "LOOK!! THEY'RE PINK AND UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!" "Lou... I've lived here all my life.... I went to Uni about 30 seconds walk away... I've seen these stools a million times..." "Yes... but.... look how PINK they are!! And have you ever SAT on them???? They're UNCOMFORTABLE!!" "Yes I've sat on them" "Did you APPRECIATE the UNCOMFORTABLENESS??!!!" "umm..." "SIT ON THEM AGAIN!!!" Or something to that effect anyway. I've not QUITE got across the look of pure fear that was in Steve's eyes at the time. Or how Woody just stood back and pretended to be the innocent party in all of this who felt for Steve (felt *FOR* Steve, people, there was a FOR in there) and was on his side.... whereas ACTUALLY it was all his idea in the first place. Oh yes, it was allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Woody's idea I'm going to be quiet and go to bed now. G'night!! (PS - I'm actually sitting here giggling at the memory. Good times, good times... whether you'll admit it or not... )
Rock 'n' Roll 50252[/snapback] Haha, tell me about it! They had the funniest support acts.... the first one, the leader singer/guitarist looked as if he'd learnt to play guitar in between IT sessions and chess club. There's a general rule, a mon avis that give pretty much any guy the ability to play an electric guitar, and it makes him hot. At least a little. But, alas, this guy hadn't seemed to have got that memo. And then the second support act was a bit less geeky, but one of the guys was one of those crazy lets-act-like-i'm-on-drugs-and-run-around-the-stage types. While the rest of them were just, well, normal. T'was so bizarre. I'm listening to a cover of Eskimo Joe's From The Sea.
I just really really really like the word 'aposiopesis'
But isn't that like a sub-thingy of ellipsis? 50152[/snapback] Don't you sub-thingy me!!* * in other words "I have no idea what you're talking about... but it IS an aposiopesis... like a break in speech and stuff... and it IS a better word than ellipsis (and 'elipse' as i wrote before.. oops) Oh yeh, and don't be thinking Rob invented the useage of the beloved "..." (not gonna bring up the GRC's game of aposiopesis tennis... haha) Oh oh oh, and!!... WOOOODDDYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"..." is an aposiopesis. Which is a FAR better word that 'elipse'. You may bow before my knowledge.
i think he'd have made me just cry with fear. LOOK AT HIM. i love circus, and i'm not scared of all clowns, but some of them (ie: the freakiest scariest ones) are terrifying. Mimes are so worse though. *shudder* TR - go as a mime!!!! Freak out the world!! by the way, I LOVE the sound of the house your party is in - I want it, I want it!
you're right, that does indeed make it scarier. now it's more of a BEJESUS! (notice capitals and exclamation mark) and perhaps a *wimper* at the end. to trivialise stuff somewhat, i quite like the word 'bejesus' all of a sudden...
What ever happened with the Corby thing??