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Everything posted by Lou

  1. *sigh* If any of you lot were into Aussie musical comedy, then I could go "I think Eddie Perfect does!" and we'd all laugh until we fell off our chairs. But, alas, none of you are (fools, the lot of you!) and so instead you'd all just go 'what? huh? who?' and then I'd have to explain that he's an aussie musical comedian with a song about how he'd like to juice the girl that works in one of the juice bars in melbourne, because she's so perky and fresh and annoying. "it's not like i'm some psycho loser, it's not like i'd sexually abuse her, I just want to abduct the bitch, then chop her up and juice her." Incidently, he's one of the nicest people you could ever wish to meet. So, now we're all up to date...........
  2. Lou

    Twats Amnesty

    Awww, ain't you two cute??
  3. This is the second time (to my knowledge) that people on this board have suggested that I am bottled and sold. *thinks she might start taking security along to piss-ups in future*
  4. I can't stop giggling at the fact that alex used the word 'winky'. I'm such a child.
  5. your a bit erm strange really arent you? 52028[/snapback] I'm glad she's a bit further away from me than York this year tbh. 52029[/snapback] You're lucky. You can escape it. I'm stuck with me.
  6. Lou

    Twats Amnesty

    I could start another thread entitled 'foul mouthed dwarf' amnesty if it helps. 52037[/snapback] I'll put Jeremy Clarkson on my list. Right under the name "luckyluke" (see wink-meaning on GRC for correct emoticon understanding)
  7. I so much prefered the old winky guy.... He's so cute and cheeky. He's like "teeheehee, I'm only joking, love you really!"
  8. Obviously I needed to more shovel sarcasm onto my post, as opposed to sprinkle. And your answer made me giggle probably just a little too much. Have I ever mentioned how much I *HATE* this winking smily? >> It looks like it just got a bug in its eye or something. Or is having some sort of spasm. Or is looking into the sun. Or lost its eyepatch. Certainly 'oh yes, it's winking' is not what I first think.
  9. Lou

    Twats Amnesty

    Are you guys going to make me put Craig Bellamy in here then?? Personally I'm still fairly convinced he's a 100% wonderful stand-up character...... *whistles happily as she wanders around the fairyland she lives in*
  10. jeezus I'm in a weird mood. sorry luke. i just sent him a PM (fair enough). Then i sent another one (can just about get away with that). But you have no idea how close I was to sending another going "i'm going to stop sending you PMs now" (oo i almost wrote PMS - that probably wouldn't please him if i sent him that). Then i thought, no, don't send that, so then found myself on the verge of sending one saying "I almost sent you a PM to say i was going to stop sending you PMs. Good job I didn't do that." Which then would have had to have led onto another PM which said "I will stop now though". Which probably would have led onto another that said "Honest." So, to be honest, I think he/you (depending on who's reading) got away with that quite lightly. luckyluke indeed.
  11. I think we can easily tame him without the others around to be bad influences though. The quietness is making me feel guilty... like maybe I should be doing my essay on Mintzberg vs Fayol or something.... But then I think.... nnnaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.......
  12. No. I love that shit. It's so dumb, but it's creepy and I love it. I like believing in ghosts and stuff. It makes life more interesting. Admittedly not MUCH more interesting... but, a little bit.
  13. You realise that when the other cool kids come back you're going to have to edit some bullying back into these posts, right?
  14. WHY is it so dead on here??? Is there a party that some of us haven't been invited to? I know it's not because everyone's camped outside Pud's house, waiting for Emre to go by, because that's where I am and I don't see any of you. Unless.. wait.. is that one of you in the security guard's uniform marching my way?! (God bless wireless internet...) (and the power of blatantly lying) Or do people just have stuff to do that, shock horror, they're ACTUALLY DOING?!!?
  15. I'm such a girl, I don't like lots of blood and gore and stuff kind of horror. Just ghosts and aliens and implied blood and gore... I've not watched a horror film for aagggggeeessssssssss. Like, err, since I moved (when I was 13...) Haha. The closest I've got (which isn't really close at all) was The Frighteners.... which of course I watched simply for Michael J Fox but that's really a comedy, featuring ghosts. As I said, not really close at all...
  16. However, I in no way ban you from investigating the aforementioned book, you'll be glad to know. I'm nice like that.
  17. Monroe Transfer??? No, I reaaallllyy don't want to know. *scared* I was more talking to Happy Face about the book, but, yeh, it's all good!
  18. That's probably for the best tbh 51999[/snapback] My feelings entirely I have a sweet and innocent mind, and I do not want it sullied by the likes of you and Wacky. HF - have you read Danny Wallace's book Yes Man? I suggest that you do. Basically, he just decided to say yes to everything. So if someone told him to go to the Eiffel Tower, he would, or if someone told him to do a parachute jump, he would. Very funny book, well worth the read. ( look here ) Same concept, different wording, more influenced by a random man on a bus.
  19. I missed the original 'washing the dog' convo, so I have no idea what you guys are on about. And, to be honest, I'm happy this way!
  20. I'm not sure if you'll take this as a good thing, but here goes anyways... I like you And it's quite fun being told random things that you have to do. I spent about, oooo, 3 or 4 days doing it. A friend gave me either a small task (I had to stick a sticker on someone without them noticing - NB: don't do choose that person to be your dad when you know damn well that he'll know it's you. he attacked me.*) or gave me a random phrase (for example "a pistachio carpet" or "I was once killed by...") that I had to slip into general conversation during my day. I took it to be a bit worrying that I could tell someone that I once got killed by a pair of socks, and it was rather annoying, and them not even batt an eyelid. Sigh. Oh well. Ahh, the crazy days. * obviously in a play-fight way. not in a child-abuse, lock-him-up-in-prison way!!
  21. I think I've missed something here with the whole non-wearing of the shoes..... ?!
  22. I didn't care much when I was in the country last year. In fact, I slept through the whole day. Things haven't changed much in 12 months.
  23. Those two words do not belong together. 51187[/snapback] It isnt that bad! Still it is a liveable city, wouldnt be the first for a terrorist attack so im in no danger here 51949[/snapback] Yeh but Melbourne was VOTED the MOST liveable city* It's the place where everyone wants to live! That amused me. I liked to think that, on the opposite end of the scale, somewhere there was a city with the slogan "the place where everyone loves to die". * or something...
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