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Everything posted by Lou

  1. Sima... http://www.toontastic.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=2457 YESTERDAY, that was posted. YESTERDAY. Keep up!
  2. That second dog is so beautiful. And look what they've done to it. Bastards
  3. Dan "the Man" is belittling me??
  4. http://www.costumecraze.com/Traditional-Co...s-for-Pets.html Words fail me (you do kinda have to laugh at the yoda one though.....)
  5. Lou


    That's a bugger.
  6. Lou


    Maybe it fell behind the couch? Or somebody's mother threw it out? Perhaps someone lent it to a friend who never gave it back again, but no one remembers who or when? Perhaps it was borrowed, then left on the backseat on a cab? And then there was that butcher's neice in spain, who said she saw it on a train.... but unfortunately, she's insane. [/quoting a song you don't know] Hope you find it soon! Do you know if you've lost it in your house... or out and about?? Where do u last remember having it, and what did u do after that?
  7. Haaannnnggg on!!!!! My elbow's starting to hurt again!! I'm sure this hurt has NOTHING AT ALL to do with the fact that it tends to correspond to me leaning on it for lengthy time periods, right? Oh oh oh... *scared*... my little toe hurts too now. IT'S SPREADING!!
  8. Eddie Perfect - I Want To Go Home A surprisingly touching song about............. Ikea. No, seriously
  9. Fishy, am win doesn't return... in some ways it never died. It's quite surprising when and where it crops up at times. (curse you!) On the plus side... my elbow doesn't hurt any more..... am i miraculously cured??!!!???!! Or am I just being lulled into a false sense of security???? *hides under the duvet*
  10. Oh dear. I laughed. Not just smiled. Laughed. Not raucously, it must be said. But still. I think it's bed time for me!
  11. I meant ruined in that well known "now it makes me giggle and i feel bad but it's still a great song" way. By the way. I realise I didn't at all make that clear in my last post. *rues lack of emoticons*
  12. I like how the high scores are now scrolling, as opposed to being in a long list. it was getting a bit ridiculous how long peoples' posts were becoming just because of all their "achievements" !
  13. This song has been ruined for me since it has been pointed out to me how inappropriate it is nowadays. (see the bad taste jokes thread...) i'm listening to songs available from www.myspace.com/churchills
  14. "my thighs are hurty" is making me giggle almost as much as alex saying "winky" earlier. and if themags's shoulder is hurting too. cyber-contagious bird flu must be am win!! eep!
  15. sorted. see you folks then. *promises no tours of doom*
  16. The site has been broked for a few hours. Evidently that caused some pandemonium. Or else I just like the word pandemonium and leapt on any excuse to use it. The site's back now though. Can you tell?
  17. Ohhh yeah, I forgot about that!! And yeh, I've got back into the habit of not doing RAOKS again.... oops. *ashamed* I do make an effort to click on the free mammogram thingy on here - http://www.thebreastcancersite.com - every day. So that's *something* I suppose......
  18. No. That *would* have been funny though. I'm not going to bother going into the details, because well, let's face it, you don't care, but the whole crowd LOVED it, and so did Tim (the comedian on stage at the time). He just GRINNED at me and spent the next few minutes ad-libbing about it..... and at the end when he crossed the stage, he shot me another little grin, a thumbs up, and whispered thanks. The whole thing still gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. It was so fantastic. Hurrah. I also love doing improvised comedy.... it's so much fun being on stage and saying something that comes into your head, and everyone finding it funny. Especially when it's when you're at an impro workshop, and the people you're performing to are people who've been going to the workshop for way longer than you and most of whom are actually comedians anyways. I miss impro
  19. Yes, and then I think "oh good gracious god I'd be awful at that!!!!" Me?! Deal with hecklers?! Think of funny things to say on stage to start with?! Plus, I'd love to be the more bizarre comedian, just not plain stand-up. I'd love to be able to get on stage and do stuff that has the audience in unstoppable hysterics, whilst they're also thinking "what on earth made them think that THIS was a good idea to do on stage?!" I love those comedians. They make me laugh so much I hurt. And they have so much fun (when it goes right). I made a room of 350 people laugh at Edinburgh Festival this year....... I suddenly truly saw the joy of being a comedian. But as I said, I could never hack it. I just like watching instead.
  20. Surely if I had that then I would be able to get away? I don't know. And I don't know either. Ahh.... comedy...... *can't be bothered to find suitably unimpressed looking smiley*
  21. *dusts hands and stands back to admire her work well done* Incidently, why does this forum leave lots of space below the end of each post... as if there's secret white writing there....?? I often look for secret white writing there, and there isn't any. When I say often... I think I mean 'twice'.
  22. You'd be surprised actually Well, in Melbourne at least, where there's tonnes of musical comedians around. Oh, and, an aussie musical comedian won the best newcomer award at edinburgh fest.... so..., again, " " (I love how I was just gonna leave this at the snappy-for-me "you'd be surprised"... but couldn't help myself but ramble on... haha, oh well!)
  23. Haaaannnnggg oonnnnn........... .... I think I'm on the verge of having my feelings hurt......
  24. I think Eddie Perfect does! *laughs until she falls off her chair*
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