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Everything posted by Lou
Oh yeh, I've got one. I don't think he's a twat, but you guys do. Robbie Williams (Leave him 'lone. He's a nice boy.)
Well I'm disappointed. I thought the act would be kept up for a bit longer than two posts. You're just not even trying now ravtash...
Yeah, it's a mystery to me too. Oh well, not everyone is as enlightened as I at such a young age!
There's a film called Stuff Stephanie in the Incinerator. Apparently that doesn't even happen.
I think they're more playing on the fact that they're from Tyneside.... and incorporating that into the 'Wearside Jack' name. I'm very interested by all of this. I wonder what will happen next... *sits back and waits* .. actually, that's more like *goes off for lunch and a lecture, then will come back and see, and then wait if need be* ... but that's less catchy and really probably more information than you require.
That made me laugh out loud Ahhh... the Americans......!!
A couple of my favourite people in the world are American... .. but as a whole... you really do have to worry about them
Oh.... I thought they were going to be teeny tiny mugs for when you're not at all thirsty, but still fancy that cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate. Colour me disappointed. Welcome back hughesie!
You know my "I like you " of before? I firmly stand by that. Unicycling's just SO FUN. And when you start actually getting somewhere with it (ie: you don't fall off after about an inch of movement without holding onto stuff) it's just an amazing feeling. I can't wait till I can do it *properly*. I can't wait for how proud I'm gonna feel of myself. Maybe that sounds silly, but I'll just be like 'fuckin woo. i wanted to do it... and i practised damn hard, and now I can!' It's fun walking around with a uni and making comments at all the bikes that go by.... I once had a lovely convo with a guy at a train station about his "weird two wheeled contraption" (he played along, he was fantastic). Or if you're out practising (and all falling all over the shop) and a bike goes by.... just watching it go by and go "ooohhhhh...... TWO wheels!! THAT'S why this isn't working!!!" ...or alternatively, "CHEATER!!!"... etc etc. My favourite was when a guy cycled by and I just went "pfft - two wheels??!! Someone's over compensating for something!!" It's probably a good job he didn't hear that. I don't think he'd have been as amused as we were. Unicycling tip of the day: MAKE SURE THE SEAT IS THE RIGHT HEIGHT. I used to struggle loads on Dudley (our uni in Oz) because the seat wasn't the EXACT right height for me. Since I've tried it properly here, the seat's been just right, and I've picked it up so quickly. So, there you go.
A guy walked by me today - WITH A UNICYCLE!! My poor mate... one min I was chatting to him, and the next I was facing the other way going 'OMG YOU HAVE A UNICYCLE!!!' at the uni guy. I also added "I'm getting one for Christmas!!" to prove that I'm a hardcore uni-fan, not just a randomer. And he asked if I could ride, and I explained that not quite yet, but almost. And then I realised that I probably shouldn't ignore my mate just because there was a unicycle around, and I was worried that uni guy would get a look of fear in his eyes if I talked to him longer. Plus my mate was in a hurry to get home, so I bid uni guy farewell. It was nice though Nice uni. Good job I didn't keep the convo going on longer, I was about to ask him what its name was... and I think I need to know a uni owner longer before I do that.
Hiya! Welcome on board.
I thought you liked things shiny 52519[/snapback] Yes but I'm currently scared of being alone in this place with you With apparently only Sima here to save me. I'm doomed. 52524[/snapback] Don't worry Lou, you are literally twice as tall as him. 52527[/snapback] Yes, but I could be mentally scarred for life...
I thought you liked things shiny 52519[/snapback] Yes but I'm currently scared of being alone in this place with you With apparently only Sima here to save me. I'm doomed.
*slowly backs away and runs out the door*
What about this one? Weirdly, these pictures appear to have been photoshopped in the first place?? Or is that just my eyes playing up?
But they are very shiny. 52502[/snapback] That sounds like something I'd say. Except, with me, I'd be 100% serious as to why that made it better. I ended up with about 50 'this item is security marked' stickers, simply because they're really really shiny so i asked if i could have more than the 10 I was given. I might go around leaving them in amusing places. Can't think of any yet. But then I've not even tried thinking about it. But yeh, when you get your new phone, if you want to let people know it's been security marked (i even have a UV pen that'll do just the job!)... and you want to make it even MORE shiny.... just lemme know.
" " is certainly not how I would describe that. And yes, great idea. What can I dress my dog up as? ... hmmmm...... oooh! oooh! ooh! I KNOW!! WHY NOT ANOTHER FCKING DOG?!! I'm having quite some fun getting wound up at this
Jeez I hope that there were meant to be [irony] [/irony] tags added to that last post.
Korean whispers? (I don't get this game.... ??)
There's been fireworks noises here every night for at LEAST the past week. I can't see them though. Bloody students....... *mutter mutter mutter* Incidently, my dog comes from a long line of working gun dogs... he was born in the middle of the moors and most of his siblings have gone to farmers who probably use them as gun dogs... it just so happened that he came to us (non-shooting folk..... unless we're provoked ) instead. And he's bloody TERRIFIED of bangs. Even if you clap your hands loudly he jumps. I find this very amusing. (Yeh, I won't dress him as a pirate... but I'll sneak up to him and go BOO just to watch him cower..... how great am i?) (i don't really do that.) (often)
Mikey, look at those dogs eyes. They're pleading for help. Dogs should in no way be forced to wear hats or booties unless it is somehow for their own good. And as awesomely cool as pirates may be (I mean, they PILLAGE... they PLUNDER!....) - that is just NOT doing that dog any good. In fact, that dog is going to get beaten to a pulp by all it's other non-dressed-up-by-twats doggy friends. If a dog wants to be a pirate, let it live on a ship and get scurvy. Don't force it to wear a goddamn costume. Woooo... guess who's in a good mood today!!!!!
To be fair, mancy was one of the least bad of those who did the 5 a side. *says she who didn't play in the first place because she has less football talent than a bee trapped in a sock* I don't know where that metaphor came from... 52459[/snapback] By 'least bad', I'm assuming you meant 'impossibly-handsome-one-man-team' 52461[/snapback] You've quite a talent for reading between the lines there, Mr Manc
To be fair, mancy was one of the least bad of those who did the 5 a side. *says she who didn't play in the first place because she has less football talent than a bee trapped in a sock* I don't know where that metaphor came from...
Mmhmm. And for good reason too.
FFS someone post something already!!!!!!!!