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Everything posted by Lou
Fucksponge IS a great word. And "fuckspongery" still makes me laugh out loud. Often at inappropriate times. Like in the middle of my marketing lecture yesterday when it crept into my head.
Yes, it was much too far out for little old me. The only time we were anywhere near it in the middle of the night, we were still WAY too far out. The one in Syd is city centre and happy walking distance from "home" (god bless city central backpackers and its rooms of random semi-naked hot dutch men and TV Guy who liked watching all the same shows as us and thought it very amusing that we knew every other person on the comedy channel). The people at supermarkets in Sydney don't talk to you though. The girl I had serving me didn't even tell me the price. She just sat there, scanned stuff in, and then sat there waiting for me to give her the money. Then she gave me my change and sat there waiting for me to leave. Whereas in Melbourne I had a guy serve me who decided to say "SCAN!!" everytime he scanned stuff in... and then told me the price without the decimal point, so that it was like "$1567" or something. To be honest... I'm not entirely sure he worked there.... he might just've been a random who decided to join in the supermarket fun. Much like the 15yr old boy who stole a tram and then KEPT PICKING UP/DROPPING OFF PASSENGERS until he was caught. Fan bloody tastic. Things like that just don't happen in Sydney* *and if they do, I don't want to hear about them.
But Stephen, it has a 24hour pancake parlour (for those of us much too lazy to make our own)... AND... SELF. SERVE. SAUCE. AND. (if you go to Manly) SPRINKLES. This place is not all bad [EDIT - Melbourne is a gazillion times better though.]
I believe she's currently in Perth...
Whether it works out or not, at least now you'll be able to go out for pancakes at 3am And if that's not a positive, then I don't know what is. Oh, wait, Self-Serve Sauce at ice cream shops. Again, Sydney's the place for that Or, even better, Manly. Hope it works out for you *feels slightly less bad for her own stalkerish tendendies now*
"If In Doubt, Choose B" It's the only way It's my theory and I'm sticking to it. Because if I start to doubt it then I'm buggered. Why do I feel like I got this pearl of wisdom off the Simpsons?? But anyways, in that case, it HAS to be true. Ja? Night!!
Well with some of the last questions it wasn't the economics that was hard, it was the English of the questions! I think in the end you basically had to read the answers and go 'well it seems like one of those is wrong and the rest are right'... and then go back to the question and go, 'oh, but there's another "not" in there, so that flips it all and so the one that looks like it's wrong is actually right' Which probably doesn't seem all that confusing to you all right now... but try being me.... and having nothing much but "tralalalalalalala i'm sitting next to stalkee tralalalalalalala" in your head... and it all gets a little bit more complicated.
Talk about being put off my cornflakes, Cath!!!! Isegrim - you're coming out with some corking lines at the moment - I currently have your comment about me on the Bellamy thread as my MSN name. As if you called me "it" And as if it still makes me chuckle out loud.
The cows in "the cow field" have been gone for about 2 weeks now.... I think this may well mean two things. 1. It's just "the field" now. 2. That's why there was the choice of beef, beef or more beef lately....
Good, because that could well put me off my cornflakes. OHH - in relation to.... ... I walked down to my economics test with some of the lads, and at one point of them suddenly announced "FUCK ME WITH A FISH FORK!!!" At which point I think my laughter could be perhaps referred to as "raucous". I maybe even guffawed. Anyways, OH MY GOD I LAUGHED. I then introduced him to "fuck me a lampshade" and, thanks to Isegrim yesterday, "fuck me with a lamp post". It then struck me that I didn't know what it was he was expostulating about in the first place, so about 5 mins on from the original outburst, I had to be like "umm.... why did you yell that??" Apparently it's because there was a HUGE puddle in the road. Hmm.... story started off well... tailed off in the middle.... ending was poor. Needs more dragons.
I like how mags comes back and immediately the talk turns to in depth discussion about someone's privates What are you like, woman?!
well he's 'done' a few good songs i guess but he is a complete cock. And a gay one at that (allegedly). I saw him on Jonathan Ross the other week and thought I may have been a little harsh on him as he came across as being an ok guy. That was until he started singing what was imho a half decent song and he returned to being a cock again. anyway everyone knows that the stuff that tops these charts is just the most commercial safe rubbish anyway. 54025[/snapback] I don't like any of his tunes tbh. He might be on ok lad though for all I know. 54033[/snapback] :D He is.
Welcome back Mags!! Woo, economics test now out of the way. Hmmm... bit of a silly silly idea to sit next to the boy I like during the test.... made it harder to concentrate! haha. oh well. Bloody trick questions as well. One was like a triple negative!! wtf?! because they were all multiple choice (if in doubt, choose B, right?) and it was like 'which of these is NOT something that doesn't relate to this' and then some of the answers were like 'something is not whatever'...... and you could see the smoke coming out of people's ears as their brains exploded with trying to work out whether it was a negative or positive sentence.
Thanks Isegrim!! I may be offended once I stop laughing........ Matt and Laz almost had to literally hold me down on my chair when he popped up on the TV in the pub on saturday..... It's not me that's crazy... it's the rest of the world (That's what I keep telling myself anyway)
I've been working on the assumption that she's been consuming the adrenalin glands of rabid monkeys for some time now... 53946[/snapback] At first, people wonder why I don't drink. When they get to know me, they realise. I just simply do not need to. Ahh dear, my brain is fatigued.
You're actually very right there. I love that phrase. And oi, stop insulting me while I'm busy working and unable to defend myself. I have now extensively revised 2 chapters of the 8 that we've done. Since I last posted. Oh yes, ask me ANYTHING on supply and demand... ANYTHING!* *a reply is not guaranteed.
I came across the best quote ever yesterday.... upon someone being told that eating vegetables and stuff is good for them, they balked at the thought and announced "I don't want to be catching health now!" OK.. so.. it was funny at the time..! Dagnammit.... ECONOMICS, girl, ECONOMICS. You guys are bad influences. Fuck me a lampshade it's raining somewhat all of a sudden!!
Oh, damn, hang on, I forgot something....... There we go. That's better.
Wor lass is lovely like 53909[/snapback] You don't have to rub it in, alright!!
The taxi rank just outside it, yep That's some good eyesight you've got there. Aww... don't you hate it when hot people's boy/girlfriends are lovely (in this instance, his g/f is lovely... but you folks would probably understand it better from the perspective of a hot girl having a decent lad as a b/f...) Tsk. That's just unfair. **must.... learn..... economics....**
Maybe this'll help...
If only for how hard security'll have to work to keep me away.... *sigh*
Oooo, with scintillating posts like THAT do you have a newsletter that I can sign up to??
Damn right alex. Poison them all!! Tiz the only way. Fishy..... damn you.... now I'm scared of my bed. Oh I'm so, so tired today. woe is me.