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Everything posted by Lou
Agree to sentence one. Disagree strongly to sentence two. Oh well. I doubt I'll be able to change your mind. I'll just sit here happy in the knowledge that you're wrong on this one.
Haha, yeh when I was re-reading my post I was like 'hmmmmm........ i don't think that looks right.....' Thought I might get away with it though. Damn you!
Incidently, it's times like this (ie: when I'm sitting singing along to Robbie's "Better Man", but with the words "I have a cow, ohohohoh, she's a lovely cow, ohohohoh. She doesn't have a name (doodoooo), she wants to be fame-famoouuusss....") that I really hope that my room at university is just a LITTLE bit sound proof.....
For as much crap and some people will give me for this.... I'm having a little Robbie Williams moment. Awwwww....... *heart* Robbie. I love how a three minute conversation three years ago has totally affected my view on him. *wonders if he's in the UK in 2 weeks time...........*
I never meant it like that, Lou! Just meant make sure you're discriminating in who you interract with. It probably applies more to the lads in your group actually but I just meant keep your wits about you. That's just the point though. I think it sucks that because there's a few crazies out there, we have to watch what we're doing. Why can't you stand out on the streets with a sign saying "FREE HUGS" and not worry about nutjobs?? And it works the other way round too, in that because there ARE some really dodgy people out there.... when you're just trying to do a nice thing, you can be seen as being one of the aforementioned dodgy people. And that sucks when you're genuinely trying to spread happiness, just for the sake of wanting to make someone smile, and they're looking for alterior motives/wondering at what point you murder them or nick their wallet. There's a big meet in London in a few weeks. Last year everyone handed out wrapped presents (Christmas stylee) to folks in the street. This year we're not gonna do that in fear that the papers have to run the headlines: "KINDNESS CULT CAUSES BOMB SCARE" As I think I said before.... I think it's possible that WE are the nutjobs in this case... so maybe we don't have to worry after all. I was pretty pleased with how many people we made smile today, how many hugs we got, and how many people were genuinely interested in Join Me and stuff. Nah, Pud's OK.... I thought you were more thinking of Wacky......!
They're so cute they brought rikko back from the forum-dead!! Oh oh oh.. they look so LITTLE!!..... aww... I miss kittens.
There was quite a group of us today, so it was ok. Actually, we didn't encounter any nutters today, which was nice. Wait a minute.... I think WE were the nutters today.... so instead I'll rephrase that to "we didn't encounter any OTHER nutters today" And I don't see why nutters should spoil our happiness-spreading fun
OOOOOOOOOooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... They're adorable. *goes all typically soft*
I had my first go at The Poundland Challenge today. It was very fun. Basically, you go into Poundland and pick out 3 completely random, and often useless, junky items. You then go out onto the streets and try to give these objects away free to the passing strangers. Not only do you have to compete against the fact that you look like a lunatic, trying to just GIVE stuff to people who walk by, you have to struggle with the fact that NO ONE in their right minds would *really* want the stuff you're trying to give away. It was very successful, and very fun. I gave away Rice Crispies-themed place mats, nourishing (!!) furniture wipes, and a petrol cap. My friend gave away a pack of empty video cases, wallpaper paste, and a light switch. Seriously, if it's free, people will just take it. Although one guy did regard me with disdain and say "you havin' a laff???" to which I replied "yes, yes I am, actually." I don't think he liked that much. *sits back and waits for the unimpressed "oh yes, very 'zany'..", "Colin Hunt", "tsk, students", etc, type of comments*
Oh phew, I thought I was being extremely uneducated by having never heard that name before. Ever.
You should've been there at the first 'un I went to.... I hardly said a word.
I like them, and am fairly addicted to them when I have internet access. However, take the internet access away and I can very happily live without them. (As proven from my time in Australia). Give me the internet back... and I'm back on them again though. It's just a nice way to pass the time and talk random crap. My quieter side doesn't tend to come through so well on the forum. Because people don't notice when I DON'T post.. only when I do. So, umm.. yeh.
Yep, I am indeed friends with Mr Silky himself. Met him during Melbourne Comedy Festival in March and kept in touch ever since. He's good at tearing shreds into people, isn't he? They do tend to deserve it though Absolutely lovely guy, had a bloody awful month or two, but he's pulling through. Glad you liked him And yes, his website IS killforaseat.com. Him getting people to repeat that really does indeed work. Did he do his magic carpet joke? I love that one. And the line "ROCK BEATS ALL!!!!!!...... except paper..." HURRAH because next Sunday one of my Aussie mates (who's currently in London) has a gig in Sunderland. It shall be my first forray over to mackemland! I hope he goes well there. I'll feel guilty if it's crap, seeming as it's purely because of me that he's got the gig up here.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I miss TV I love Top Gear. I also love Hammond.
Errrmmm.. annnnnnyway.... is it just the Doc that's adopted a lurker, then?? I guess so. That's not much fun.
That is a good one. My mate Silky is the best I've seen so far with coping with hecklers. He just goes all out making them feel like an idiot straight away so that they hardly even breathe for the rest of the gig, because they're gonna get picked on any way and they don't wanna encourage it. And the audience is always 100% behind him in this, and his put downs are hilarious. It's all good stuff. He also has a lovely little bit about drunken pilots...... "hello and welcome to flight ZX32.. 4.. umm.. something, i don't know, i can't even remember my own name. do YOU have a plane?? no??? well *I* DO!!!!!!! Ooo - clouds!! ROW HARDER!!!" Maybe you have to be there, but damn it's good. OK, breakfast time for me. Woo. Food. Yum.
Anyone got any happy random stories for the day?? Actually, I do. Come to think of it. I went to a lighting/sound workshop with theatre soc... and not only did we learn about lighting/sound, we also got donuts, a goodie bag, a PYRO DISPLAY and (.... wait for it.... waaaiiitt for iiittt......) free jeans. JEANS. They brought out a box of jeans and said "there you go, help yourself" Fcking JEANS!!! WTF?!? Love it. Crappy, smell-weirdly-of-petrol jeans... but still! But then I came back and read some rather unhappy news So other people's random tales of happiness would be good ta.
I remember in the past we had that "adopt a lurker" time where we decided to PM lurkers to try and make them post. I also remember that it was fairly unsuccessful. Maybe we should give it another go. Way to waste time
I've never ever got into the whole Darkness thing. The highpitched thing just never did it for me
*shrug* I dunno. Did he??
I have a decision making dice. Or "die" if you want to be proper. It gives the answers yes, no, or maybe. I asked it if you should move. It said "no". It does have a tendency towards negativity sometimes. However, I find that if it says 'no' and I start arguing with it, then I know that I'm just going to go ahead and do it anyways regardless. So, when I told you the die said no.... how did you feel? Oh I'm so marvellously unhelpful sometimes.
It's not just in the gym that shouldn't be allowed. Anywhere.
befuddled, too and discombobulated.
Is it just me that was originally scared of this thread because of the fact that in it, apparently, Jamie is fucking Callum.....?!?
Anyone interested in some Joinee tomfoolery on Sunday???? Let me know. I'm too scared to make an actual post about this because there's always someone out there who doesn't think that me being part of a cult is a good thing. Tsk.