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Everything posted by Lou

  1. "You can show me Newcy and then we can rock on to Sunderland" That has to be the first time that's been said in such a cheery way, right?? Ahhhh... the Australians. Gotta love 'em! (yay for one of my aussie comedy boys is coming up for a gig in sunderland on sunday, hence the above...) (coming up from london, that is. not australia. that'd be a LITTLE far just for a gig in sunderland...!!)
  2. Whereabouts in the middle of nowhere?? We're limited by the fact that I have to know where these things actually are.....
  3. OK, in practise for the next time I see Steve, I'm taking an Aussie friend on a tour of Newcastle on Sunday. So far on my list I have: 1. Guy Balancing On His Elbow. It's the closest we have to Upside Down Cow in Tree. Really, we need to try harder. 2. Bridge That's Smaller Than The Sydney One. Because really, when you're in Sydney aren't you always like "nice bridge...... bit big though....." 3. Blind People Death Trip. Now this is pure comedy. I'm not gonna tell you more, because I really really want to take Steve there without him knowing what to expect 4. SJP. If I can persuade him to walk all that way just to see a football stadium. He probably won't appreciate as much as some. 5. Monument. It's the guy that invented tea! Well, ok, so he probably didn't INVENT tea... but still. There must be more than 5 things of interest?? Oh, I suppose the blue carpet, but I forget where that is. And it's not REALLY blue. OR a carpet. Actually, that sounds perfect. Has to go on the list. I bet he's currently sitting in where-ever it is he's currently sitting in, down in London, wondering why he's got a sudden sense of doom drifting over him...... C'mon folks. Ideas
  4. Hurrah for Edinburgh! I really really really can't wait. I forsee me living my life from August to August now... all the useless inbetween uni bit is just a way to pass the time between fringe festivals. I must say, a certain Mr Jamieson really bailed me out when it came to accommodation costs this year. Hurrah I really need to work out what to do next year though... going to try and work during it one way or another I think. So that I can afford to stay in the city (fecking last bus to Peebles was ridiculously early). Tumtetum, I'll get it sorted I'm sure. Only nine months to go...... And I can't be sure about selling their shoes at knock down prices, but the rest of it sounds like it could be about right. See you there* *that was not meant to be a thread, but I see how it could be mistaken as one..........
  5. Lou

    My Dad

    That's really sad to hear, SLP. Nothing much I can say, I can't imagine how it feels, but my thoughts are with you....
  6. Seaside Romance, by Sammy J. It's a very pretty and loving song... "I'll never forget that day, when I picked you up from home And we drove to the bay, and we were all alone And we collected shells And we couldn't stop talking And I buried you up to your neck in the sand.... (haha) And then I kept on walking.... You thought I was joking, till I grew out of sight... And then you started choking as I drove away that night The sea breeze it grew chilly And the night was closing in And the seagulls started pecking at your decomposing skin......" ;) I especially love the harmony on the phrase "decomposing skin".... who knew that phrase could sound so pretty? http://www.sammy-j.com/gallery.htm
  7. So, is it just me who only now realised that quotes are in blue, whereas actually posts are in black? Well... *I* thought it was interesting.........!
  8. It's funny because it's true!
  9. Ohhh, that was FUN! I was The Duke of Cumberland Good times, good times!!
  10. Luke, shoosh you. My cat is as far from evil as possible. I had to sit with him for almost 15 mins when I got home, because he was SO happy that I was home and he just purred and purred and purred and purred. It's nice to know that you're the most important person in someone's life. ..... even if that someone is a silly cat .... Ahh dear. I really am just going to end up an old cat lady aren't i? I should start saving up for a rocking chair now. And a house with a verandah.
  11. One of my street performer/comedian mates in Oz was *SO* convinced that me and Trisi should do a show because we were such a great double act. We told him that he didn't have anything to actually DO... and he didn't seem to think that that mattered (this is a man who gets on stage and does Nothing for the first few minutes... so it's hardly surprising...) We were like 'Our show would consist of us standing there.... clapping our hands together and going "Riiiighhtt....."..... and that'd be it'. And he was CONVINCED we were onto a winner, lol. Then we decided that what we were good at was eating McDonalds without anything to rest the food on.... (so in theory we reckoned we could have a drink balanced on our foot and nuggets on our head etc etc etc) ... and he was like "I'd pay to see that!!!! .... not MUCH.... but I would..." And hey, thinking about it, "shhh, grown ups are talking..." - I'd not be surprised if that was actually Silky who said that. It's a VERY Silky line. Mr Fish... come up to Edinburgh Festival next year. I shall introduce you to some DAMN good comedy, I promise.
  12. I give you much too much credit then.
  13. I think it does that to the rest of us too actually. You just maybe miss out on the freakiness of the green appearing. Sorry for excluding you from my link. I feel bad now. Not VERY bad... I mean... I won't lose sleep over it or anything... but... yeh. (Lou. Shut up and go to bed.) OK, yes, yes I shall. Night!
  14. Well, my brain's a weird thing anyway. Maybe I shouldn't include you all in that. ANYWAYS, that's by the by... http://www.patmedia.net/marklevinson/cool/cool_illusion.html Give it a shot. My Dad sent me that link. Worryingly, he started the email "Dear Louis". That's really just not my name. I've sent him some crap back, teaching him what my name actually is. Poor man. Anyhoos.. it's really weird when the pink dots go and all you can see in the green dot going round.... there isn't even a green dot!! Why do the pink ones go??!! Argh! Head.... hurts..... eyes... falling out........ Enjoy!
  15. \o/ At last someone got the deliberte mistake. *goes to bed, bottle of stella in hand grumbling about pesky kids jumping on every mistake* 55988[/snapback] I just assumed that as it was a deliberate mistake, there was no point in mentioning it.......
  16. Cath, your kitties are cute, but they're not as handsome as my cat.... (oo... it's suddenly like a Cat-Off!)
  17. that just made me laugh out loud. Nope, I don't think I could ever actually be a stand-up myself. I just made friends with about a billion* comedians in Melbourne during the comedy festival (March), and since then just kept going to their gigs in the local area.... ended up going to comedy about 4 nights a week. *this may be an exaggeration I'd love to be able to do it.... it's an amazing feeling making so many people laugh like that. But I could never think of what to say on stage. And I wouldn't be able to do the type of comedy that I wanted to do (I'd love to do surreal/vaudeville/'what the fuck?!' type stuff, with sudden surprisingly dark/morbid jokes thrown in every now and then... but I don't think I could pull it off). And I couldn't cope with bad gigs. Or hecklers. So yeh, I'm quite happy just making people laugh offstage at the mo. And watch others onstage, whilst I laugh so hard that I hurt. Boo, I miss doing that. And I'm 5'11. You actually paid no attention at all when you met me, did you? *sobs*
  18. I'm confused on many levels. Are you saying that all standups in training at 3 feet tall clown-pant wearing folk? Or that I couldn't be a stand up because I'm a 3 feet tall clown-pant wearing person? And you realise that you've met me, right. And I wasn't 3 feet tall. Or, indeed, wearing clown pants. But that could have just been a one off for all you know. And are you saying that I should be a stand up in training?? Or that I should NOT?? *goes and takes off the clown pants* I really don't know what I just typed.... Oh, but wait, the answer is... umm... no.
  19. When we were in Singapore, my dad had a Singaporean secretary..... called Doris. Her real name was Siewkhim, but if you pronounced it wrongly then it meant something rude/insulting or something, so she chose the name Doris instead. Doris. !! Well, there's my story for the night.
  20. I never actually got to see him perform in Melbourne... so it was such a relief when 7 months later I finally saw him on stage and he was ACTUALLY GOOD. It would have been a bit awkward if he'd been crap! I didn't think he'd be bad though... we randomly ended up seeing an impro show with him in Melb, and they asked him to name an object.... and he came up with "really tight hats". And then we were chatting to him a couple of days after the Pope died (bad move by Jean Paul there, dying in the middle of a comedy festival, ahh we're all going to hell!)... and some ppl wheeled the closed, rectangular merchandise box past us, and Silky just went "IT'S THE POPE!!!" He was *SO* relieved when me and Trisi just lost it... Ahhh, Pope jokes. They were the best. I'm definitely going to hell though. We saw my friend Danny's show.. and he was like "I have a pope joke, and he's gonna die soon, so I have to tell it before then or else it won't be funny... so can I tell it now, is that ok?" So we all gave him permission. Afterwards we had to RUN to our next show.... and half way through one of the guys on stage goes "oh, by the way, we just heard that the pope died" and (this is why I'm going to hell...) my reaction was "YES! DANNY GOT HIS JOKE IN!!!" I'm just going to burn and burn and burn, aren't I?
  21. Hmm... I think twat's a little strong for this case......
  22. Oh just rub it in why dontcha?!? Swine.
  23. That is a fantastic emoticon. It makes me giggle. [runs away from the shouty grownups again]
  24. I miss Sonty!! I used to be WelshDragon.... but seeming as my only reasoning for that name was one Mr Bellamy, I figured I might as well let it go (and DAMN it hurt) when I signed up here, seeming as he'd gone too. *sheds a few tears*
  25. Internet connection in your room?? Jesus. I had to go to the Library. Go to University and get free porn! Champion! 55947[/snapback] I like that you pick up on the fact that I have the internet in my room, and yet blatantly ignore the fact that I'm sitting here singing lyrics ABOUT A COW to a song that is very much NOT ABOUT COWS. Obviously you're just so used to my randomness that you don't need to question it. I quite like that.
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