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Everything posted by Lou

  1. The CORRECT terminology is "FUCKIN WOO"..... but you went all out with the red colouring and all, so I'll let you off. But, c'mon guys, it'll only be one song or so... it's not like it'll be the whole of his show on TV.... so don't get TOO excited......
  2. Lou

    The Cure

    Are you trying to like them to impress a bloke or something? That's what this sounds like to me. 56816[/snapback] It's close, but it's not the one. No, in true Lou style, I'll be meeting a couple of them (Perry and Roger, apparently) in about 10 days time, and so I want to at least have some idea of who the hell they are.
  3. There we go. I knew I could make you all understand a little bit. You just need to work on the adding of exclamation marks and CAPS LOCK next.... but hey, baby steps!
  4. YAY!! TIM MINCHIN'S GOING TO BE ON THE PARAMOUNT COMEDY CHANNEL!!! OK, and now to explain to you why this is a 'yay', '!!' and CAPS LOCK moment..... Tim's one of my aussie comedy boys.... won Best Newcomer at Edinburgh Fest this year.... so he's gonna be on a show (I presume only for one song) called "Edinburgh and Beyond"... and therefore, that's exciting. because then I'll have a Tim song to watch!! Hurrah! Until he gets his lazy butt in gear and actually lets us all have that DVD of his show that he's been promising...
  5. Lou

    The Cure

    Thanks Guys I didn't even really know what era they were... So are they still going now??
  6. Lou

    The Cure

    ;) :razz: "The Lovecats" is originally their song! Ohhhh... funny!! because I had a thing for the blonde guy outta oh-so-crappy teenypop 'band' the allSTARS (he who is now darren in hollyoaks... oh he's gone so downhill since his teenybop days!) ... and anyways, they did a cover of that. And it was SO bad that I actually had to mute it (and only continued to watch the vid because Des was on it.... lol... ahhh what am I like?!) ANYways.......
  7. Lou

    The Cure

    (I think the way I placed that originally made me sound like I meant the songs, rather than the band. Umm.. but... yeh...) Thanks for the link.
  8. Lou

    The Cure

    Hello. Who here has a couple of songs by The Cure that I can listen to? Please. I dunno how you propose to send them to me... over MSN perhaps?? Anyways, I'd really like to listen to a couple of their songs sometime in the next 2 weeks. What are their most famous songs? I've heard of them, but I don't know anything about them. Thanks for any help you care to give me on this..... And so concludes my part of my random (to you, but it makes perfect sense to me) thread of the night.
  9. WOAH, way to switch between moods here, but... Damn it's hard to delete a number off your phone of a friend who's died I hadn't been able to bring myself to do it before... it hadn't really sunk in yet... but it was her funeral today (in Melbourne, so evidently I didn't go)... so I figured today was a good day to come to terms with the fact that I don't need that number any more. Just deleted it. And it stung a bit. "Deleted: Cazz" From my phone, yes. From my memory, and my heart, not a chance. Didn't really know her ALL that well... but the world's a suckier place without her ....... [goes back to read the post above in order to start giggling about dad's stolen apples* again, because that's what cazz'd want...] * this is not some sick and twisted euphemism!!!!
  10. She doesn't. I think she's complaining about people who do get pissed before they go out and wake up with no memory of the night before... Can you imagine her drunk?! 56587[/snapback] I'm never quite sure how to take this comment... but I usually tend to take it as a good thing. I don't know why. I also have a very good habit of being able to just switch part of my mind off* so I don't even notice how bad it all is. *it can be argued that I do this 99% of the time...
  11. "York and Pork". I wish that was a REAL book. I also want to write a book of random anecdotes called "We couldn't find a road map of the Maldives". Actually, I may call it "York and Pork: We couldn't find a road map of the Maldives". I'm think it will include tales such as "The First Time My Mother Almost Went to York". With the follow up story: The First Time My Brother Almost Went to Mongolia. (It goes like this: yesterday he thought "I'm going to go to Mongolia!"... but then he realised "oh. I cannot afford that". So he didn't.) And of course will go into detail on the felony of apple stealing in my own back garden. It made my dad so upset that he lost sleep over it. For the first time in his life, he still couldn't sleep by 2am. Best part: it was his 89-yr-old mother and her friend who are the apple theives! And he phoned her friend to demand the apples back... but she'd already eaten them! Maybe you just had to be at dinner in the restaurant with us today for any of this to make any sense. But oh well. I laughed so hard that I hurt for practically the whole meal, so it's all good. Brother: He's obviously been sent over to work in a church in spain so that the british church can slowly take over the world!!! Mum: No, no, he's not like that.... I think he's.. Dad: ...gay? :razz: On a scale of one to ten of things that I would not expect my dad to say, that would be at about 9.9 .... [shuts up and goes to bed giggling still]
  12. He's Aussie. He doesn't know any better, yet. And alex... do you hear that sound.... that's the sound of my little heart breaking
  13. PEERING FROM TURRETS!!!!???!!!! I'm so there!! *hopes Danny likes turrets* And his show at Melb Comedy Festival was called KAPOW! because it was all about superheroes and stuff... and he walked by holding leaflets... and without any consultation or anything, Trisi and I both just found ourselves yelling 'KAPOW!!!' at him, at exactly the same time, and at exactly the same volume (ie: really quite loud). So he stopped and came over to chat, which was his vital mistake, as we've been friends ever since.
  14. Mmhmm, that's for sure. I was worried it had ruined our friendship forever!
  15. To be honest, I think the done thing is to get so drunk before you get there that you don't notice what it's like at all, and even if you do notice, you won't remember the next morning....
  16. Alex. I didn't. The person I was quoting did.
  17. Now that's definitely something that I can agree with Hobbes is a legend.
  18. That dancefloor is so jerky it's ridiculous. It's like it's TRYING to get as many people to fall over as possible.
  19. "Sultan of Spin" I like it. Today is my mother's birthday. Dad's taking her out for a meal in York with my brother this evening. What she doesn't know is that I'm turning up too. To further put her off the scent, I phoned her this morning to wish her a happy birthday, and feigned surprise when she told me that Dad was taking her out. She'll be all happy when I turn up. Hurrah! By the way, what's with the angry singing bears in Eldon Square? Oh how I laughed!
  20. Oh, I like that song..... ... and now I can't get it out of my head!! (sings) I'm paranoid, I'm paranoid, everybody's coming to get me..... dumdumdumdumdee..... somethingy something.... and I don't even own a TV! ("yes you do!")
  21. Where's the Castle Keep? And there WAS a reason as to why I yelled 'KAPOW' at him.... it doesn't make me seem less mentally challenged... but at least there's a REASON.....
  22. When you say shithole, do you mean what I said with vomit all over and piss all over? Or is that a total exaggeration? 56507[/snapback] Last time I went was a long time ago but going from memeory I would say it's a slight rather than total exaggeration. 56510[/snapback] I'd go with both things that alex said. He's a wise possum sometimes. It's far from the greatest place in the world, but if you know a load of people there, then it's alright. Do you have a gold card? I've found the gold card areas are indeed better than the non-gold card areas. I don't have a gold card myself, but if you send a few friends up with them, and then one of them comes back down with a handful of cards to distribute to those without them, it works a charm.
  23. Eddie Perfect - September 10. A satirical rant of a song about how people think they're helping, but they're just fannying about and not worrying about what's actually the problem at the moment (ie: us not using plastic bags, while meanwhile the terrorits are plotting to get us). And being "so damn September 10". It's not neccessarily what he believes... it just makes a good song, that gives you stuff to think about. My fave line - "your sponsoring of third world children - save one child: reject one million.." Way to shine a bad light on a good thing, Edmund!
  24. Awww... Tom's my new favourite person. Haha... ice skating....mmhmm... let's just give him comedy material for free why don't we?! Man I suck at skating. It IS fun though....! Thanks for all those ideas. I may give him a choice of things to do, as opposed to dragging him around TOO much... Could turn out to be quite fun though. I love that I'm friends with this guy simply because I yelled the word KAPOW! at him when he walked by me one day
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