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Everything posted by Lou
I'm already skiving my 12o'clock (tsk, students, eh?) But the 2o'clock one is accounting... and i think i'll get all confused if i miss it See how it goes though....!
Watch out turrets, here we come!! Thanks alex. *must not get distracted by castle and remember my 2o'clock lecture.....*
Big thanks to Sammy! I now have approximately a bazillion Cure songs to listen to. Thanks matey!
That does indeed sound good!! When my grandma was in hospital last year, all she had was a tiny tv up in the corner, and there was about 6 of them all watching it, so she had to put up with stuff like Eastenders or Corrie (which really aren't her type of shows at all) and she was very unhappy. I mean, she was unhappy in general, but that didn't really help. So I take it you get your own screen and earphones and whatnot? When my friend was in hospital in Melbourne, she was able to use her mobile phone in there. I don't get how that works. I don't even like taking my phone into hospitals in the first place. In Michael J Fox's book, when he's saying about his brain surgery, he comments that any slight mobile phone signals could have messed with the info that the surgeon was getting, and so he could have made a teeny tiny mistake due to that, and that could have been the end of Mr MJF. That freaked me out so much that I'll never ever take a mobile into a hospital again. So I don't get how she was allowed to use hers??
You know me surprisingly well! Well... according to Matt, you go down Grey St (and I just found a very useful map on the uni website that told me which one this is)... and then you go up the dog leap stairs (which sound marvellous just from the name) which are on the right when you've gone down it loads and a road bridge thing goes over you, and that leads to the Castle. Sound about right? The map I found was pretty good at showing me where it was though.. so I have a vague idea... We'll probably still get lost though!
So what exactly IS patientline??
I know... it took typing in the words "Camden Place Bath" into Google, and clicking on the first link. Oh well, killed a few minutes of my day. YAY - I'm going to the Castle Keep with my brother later!! I think he's up here doing some modelling work, and so we're meeting up in an hour or so when he's done.. and I just text him to see where we're meeting, and to say that I wanna find the castle... and he replied "would be nice to see your uni... but let's go find this castle!" Yay. Knew he'd be up for it! Thanks for the idea, alex!
Brock m'dear..... http://faculty.rmwc.edu/janeausten/bath.htm Seems like our Italian-based friend was right.
http://www.telephone.co.uk/other-c/Lace_Mnfrs - claims there's a Chipping Campden Lace Manufacturers.... but there's not. So it looks like you're right there, good call. You are obviously knowledgeable in the world of lace.
Jeepers it's cold today!!!!! Nice day to wonder around the city aimlessly with my brother. *prepares to put on approximately 17 layers of clothing*
Completely agreed. Melbourne rules supreme I liked Sydney, it was cool, and you can't argue (though I'm sure someone will..) that the Harbour is awesome. I loved just hanging out there. But it wasn't as good as Melbourne at all. Melby's friendlier, I reckon. I suppose because Sydney's bigger and more touristy, so, umm, yeh. Also, traffic lights in Sydney piss me off. The green man doesn't give you time to cross before he disappears!!! Bah. And I was cursed with the fact that everytime we walked past Liverpool St, I had to say "Liverpoooool Street" in a vague attempt at a scouse accent.... BUT - it does have a 24hr pancake parlour AND ice cream places that have SELF SERVE SAUCE AND SPRINKLES. That does help it a lot.
That was great, ever thought about teaming up with Lou in her stand-up career? 57610[/snapback] Very slack Gemmill. Well done.
Er, I think it's in Bath. Is that any help? 57598[/snapback] Also, I once read that it was the place where the Elliots and Mrs Clay stay when they go to Bath. Hope that helps!
We did better than we thought, talked to about 10 or so people, they were all interested, not just randomly inquisitive. They were going to go without free stuff until I said you NEED free stuff to entice the student types. 57523[/snapback] They were going to GO.. WITHOUT... FREE STUFF??? They sound like crazy people. When I got home, I put my bag on my bed, and it slipped off and I ended up with Deloitte free goodies all over my floor. Which wasn't anywhere near as annoying as it sounds.
My mate used to do gymnastics when he was younger (now he's matured onto doing circus... haha). And he was telling us one time about how he had a Chinese trainer. And one time he was on the bar thingy (where you hold on and swing around it and stuff... y'know what i mean...) and he didn't point his toes. So the guy held out a stick so that it was just about where his shins were when he swung down, and made him swing round another 10 times. :shock: On the plus side, he's never forgotten to point his toes again. And it worked... he won EVERY competition he took part in. And why do you think it's always the little chinese kids that are fuckin amazing at stuff? (eg. diablo in Cirque du Soleil....)
HF, you're such a Joinee through and through aintcha, you little Post Count Monkey you! (PCMing became a habit with some on the old Join Me forum.. but it stopped when it both annoyed and confused everyone else. And incidently, no I never was a PCM...) And I'm listening to The Churchills' album You Are Here. Their first one I ever got. It's my Ultimate Be Happy because Life Is Good Album.
I almost added "like a lion in the jungle" but then thought 'no, don't be so silly'. So I'm a stand-up comedian, 3-foot tall shrew, wearing clown pants?? Cool. I've had a very nice day so far. Matt gave me free things, such as pens, pencils and mints. I liked that. That wasn't the height of my nice day, but it certainly contributed. (Thanks Mattski! )
Has finished WHAT?!!!!!?!??!??!?! *mind runs wild*
This way is much better. Queenie should take note. Now THAT would make her Christmas speech worth listening to.
I'd love it if the Queen went around describing people as "useless fuckers"
This is why I've never ever played the arcade games yet. I have an extremely addictive personality, and I know that if I start, I will NOT be able to stop. I once started playing one of those games with the ball that bounces off the paddle that you move at the bottom, and it knocks out all of the blocks up in the air.... (I forget what these games are called)... and I found myself unable to do anything else for several days until I completed all of the levels. I didn't know how many levels there were. There were 50. I lost about a week of my life to this game But I learnt a valuable lesson....!
Whenever I come back to this thread, I get that Paranoid song back in my head! Currently listening to a song entitled "John Howard's Bitches"... "He's gentle, he's caring, he's old but he's wise He's one of those trustworthy elderly guys, He makes our decisions and speaks for us which is Why I am one of John Howard's Bitches..." Oooo..... ironic punches in a silky sweet singing voice... love it! No one can sing lines like this as sweetly as Mr Eddie Perfect: "He's a man of integrity, honour and class, He'll lie in your ear while he's fucking your arse..."
He's an Aussie. So he just HAS to be "Hillsy" doesn't he? The same as my mate whose name is Damian HAS to be Damo. It's so Aussie, I love it. In a hostel in Sydney, we were watching the comedy channel, and for about two hours straight we knew basically EVERYONE on screen. We spent the whole time giggling. Luckily the random guy that was watching TV with us at the time didn't mind.... he could have got seriously pissed off with us if he'd been that way inclined. He also found it very amusing that we ran off to email one of the guys to tell him that his hair looked funny on his new advert I live a strange little life.....
OOOOOOOooooooooo... well well well... OK, Minchin's not on THIS Sunday. But at 11pm on Sunday, they've got the World Comedy Tour 2004 - and Adam Hills is on. Yay! We made Hillsy just laugh *SO* hard. Legend. He has a fake foot. Oh and then next week is the Umbilical Brothers!!! Haha, I'm mates with one of them too. But this is COOL, because if they're showing last year's World Comedy Tour, then that implies that they'll show THIS year's too, and my mate hosted that. Yay. But boo, then I won't be able to give him crap about not *actually* being on TV anymore. Boo... I can only see 3 weeks programming for Edinburgh and Beyond, and Tim's not on any of them. I hope I've not missed him! [edit: I realise that you people don't. actually. care. but since when has that ever stopped me typing and pressing the 'submit' button?... Sorry!]
"Edinburgh and Beyond" - Sundays at 10pm. I'm not sure if he'll be on THIS Sunday.... but I'm guessing so... I'm just going to phone mum and tell her to record them all for me [edit - it's hosted by Al Murray. Dammit. I've never yet found him funny. Hurrah for the fast forward button...]