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Everything posted by Lou

  1. I've never watched Peep Show, but I do like the theme tune.
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4450958.stm There's also a book of condolences that's well worth a read (well, the English ones, anyways...) http://www.dodemus.nl/index.php?action=cond
  3. I think I'm a snob. The word "you's" sends actual shivers down my spine. There's really just no need for the 's', is there? It just makes me think of really "Aussie" Aussies... all barby's and cork hats and stuff and not knowing any better/disregarding that fact that "you" itself can be used to describe more than one person. It does not need to be pluralised. [/pet peeve] N-O confuses me how it has my name and avatar and details and whatever at the top of the page. Whenever someone posts a link to there, I'm always like 'why are they linking to something about me? what have i done?? i don't even post on there!!'
  4. We could always just force him to change his name by deed poll to Bramage. That works Now that's a foolproof plan if ever I've seen one.
  5. I heard thats where they got their keeper from, he was sacked for keep dropping things 57504[/snapback] I hear the goalkeeper was so upset at being slagged off by a mackem that he held his head in his hands and dropped it. I see your :razz: and raise you a
  6. I think you might be onto something there TR, as the first example is someone who used to be on Emmerdale. Woohoo, A-listers!!!!!!!! I have no TV. And for once, in this case, I'm almost glad.
  7. Lou

    Is it just me?

    -4?? Positively tropical!!!
  8. I think my brain is giving up the ghost. It's been threatening it for a long time, but today it's really being WEIRD. First off I found that I just BURST out laughing in my accounting lecture because I could've SWORN that the lecturer said something about "making sure my pants balance". Turns out he actually said ACCOUNTS balance. To be honest, that does make more sense. And then he said something about how a change in something (profit, maybe?) would affect the stakeholders.... but I just confidently expected him to say "steak knives". Fuckin'WHAT?? And THEN, my friend's boyfriend on MSN told me that she was sitting next to him, making pretty things with beads. Then she took over the keyboad and said that her "eyes hurt from all the beading". And I read it as "bleeding". Which rather changes the sentence ENTIRELY!!! So, yes, I think I should retire to bed for several days until my brain recovers. Because it's not doing a good job at the moment. I mean, before you know it it's going to be telling me "yes, click the 'submit' button.. people DO care about what you just wrote..." As I said. I think I've lost it. *submit*
  9. Lou

    Is it just me?

    HOLY CACTUS - max temperature of TWO DEGREES tomorrow (cue Zath... ) But seriously, that's just a LITTLE ridiculous. Back up to a max of 7 on Sunday though... that's alright... a tad warmer for my mate's visit.
  10. The sun website used the term "pegged it"? Dear me, even the standard of tabloid trash is going downhill nowadays! Edit: Bollocks, beaten by a girl! 57857[/snapback]
  11. What, including the fact that "eddie guerrero has just pegged it" ? Classy, that paper, that's for sure.
  12. Lou

    Is it just me?

    What am I being included in now??? *sigh* I saw those people. They scared me. The funniest was "Smiley The Clown". He was about 40 and the most pissed off clown I've seen in my life. If my big brother hadn't have been there to protect me, I think he'd have probably made me weep with fear. "Smiley"..... ha!
  13. eddie guerrero's dead??!! Why didn't someone make a thread about it to let us all know!!!???!!
  14. Lou

    Is it just me?

    Whey someone should take that badge away from under your Ava. Standards are slipping round here, the N-O Admin squad would have been onto that immediately. 57816[/snapback] If I walked up to someone and said "Hello! I'm a Geordie!" they would laugh in my face. Or walk away from the crazy girl very very quickly indeed and hope I don't follow.
  15. A pony used to top my christmas list for years and years. Then we moved to somewhere that actually had stables and a field, so I got one. You know, you have to actually LOOK AFTER THEM when you have one?!?! What's with THAT?? I mean, I don't actually mind the looking after them bit... but every single day?? That was like an hour of my precious lazing time just GONE. Tsk. Even I can't tell if I'm being ironic or not. Anyways, over that now (actually, over that several years ago) and now my "I want one but I probably won't get one" item on my Christmas List is an I-pod. If I wasn't getting a unicycle, then I probs would get one. But I'm not gonna be getting both. I forget where I was going with any of this so........ .
  16. Lou

    Is it just me?

    I don't call myself a Geordie, nope. I don't know what I am. I'm just Lou.
  17. I LOVE turrets!! And twisty stairs leading to little passageways which lead to little rooms. And the little passageways themselves. And the random rooms. And the TURRETS!! No dungeons though. Disappointed by that... but the magnificence of the turrets and stairs made up for it I guess. I mean, they did have a prison (and an ice basement - wtf?) ... but we wanted tortune equipment and stuff. Haha, the pair of us were running around like little kids. I knew I could rely on my big brother to have fun at the castle! I'm so taking Danny there on Sunday!! (it IS open on Sundays, right?! damn, i shoulda checked...) I'm sure he'll love it, he's such a boy. And the views ARE really cool too. From the turrets! Hurrah! Thank you SO much for telling me about this, Alex. Have a gold star: Incidently, whilst looking for that gold star, I found this.... how cute!!!
  18. Lou

    The Cure

    No. Instead I'll just be like *throws arms in air* "IT'S GARETH!!!" and then tell him off for not appearing in Edinburgh when my friend and I spent an hour or so "strategically placed" in order to see him. We figured that after his show, he'd have to come out a certain door... so we sat where we could see the door so that we could go over and chat, but nooooooooo, he never came out!! The fiendish rogue!!!! Ooooo I'm all excited about next Sunday! Haha, mum's sending me out with strict instructions to woo a certain Mr J Button. She was all "make sure you dress up nice....." Yes mother. I'm sure I'm just his type....! I'm really really going to need permission for name dropping on Monday 28th November. Then after that I'll be quiet again. You all just need to put up with my uber-excitement for that one day... and then i'll calm down to normal Lou Mode. Which probably is quite uber-excited to start with.
  19. I want an old mini and a smart roadster, please. thank you. (i know that's only two.. but tsk, why be greedy?)
  20. Lou

    The Cure

    Yep, that's him. He's exactly the same in real life as he is on TV. SO happy and bouncy and excitable and friendly. It's soooo cool. *sits and waits for the insults to roll in about him* He's an absolute legend though (but not as much as Fred from How 2). I've always been a bit too shy to speak to him before... although I did last time, but only because my mate introduced us.... but this time i'm well up for a chat!
  21. Yeh, hospital doesn't seem to be the best. My grandma also refused to eat while she was in hospital. Which obviously didn't do her any good, but she can be a right madam and just flat out REFUSED to eat any of the stuff that the hospital gave her but it was too cold/too hot, too sweet/too sour, etc etc etc. Argh, stressful times. In the end I think they only let her out because she was being such a bitch. So we got to cope with her at home instead. Fan-bloody-tastic. *still not over the time i took her a banana to eat and she didn't eat it because it was TOO. COLD.* TOO COLD!!! IT WAS A ROOM-TEMPERATURE BANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Ahh... happy times!
  22. Lou

    The Cure

    Incidently, YAY because it's only a week on Sunday that I meet the guys. And some other exciting people too. Ohhh... must remember to buy a non-black permanent marker pen. And proper old school style crayons. And a notebook. How many folks do you think I could get to draw me a picture in crayon?? I reckon Gareth from How 2 would be well up for that. Haha I wish I hadn't had this idea put in my head...!!
  23. OK, cool. Duly noted. *will still be extremely cautious about it, because it's in my head now.*
  24. Lou

    The Cure

    Are you still implying that I wanted to know in order to impress a boy?? I thought I cleared that up...? I'm not neccessarily saying I wouldn't do that, I'm just saying that in that case, that wasn't it....!
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