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Everything posted by Lou
Glad to be of inspiration to you, Mr Star!
I'm putting an address block into a letter... and all is going perfectly (using the mail merge wizard.... all going well...) Except, it's insisting on putting the Post Code onto the same line as the Town and County. Which is very annoying, because I *NEED* it on a separate line. And I've clicked all sorts of stuff, but nothing is giving me the option to put it on a separate line. Any ideas?? Thanks! [Edit: DON'T WORRY! Sorted it now!!]
Yeh, while the other 50% are going, 'we understand. but that's still not funny. tell us a JOKE, woman...' Not too good at all Plus, I think guys are probably more likely to be willing to look a bit silly on stage... which means that they'll be more active and get more into it... and for me, a big part of enjoying a stand up is being entertained, not just amused. And there IS a difference between the two. I remember I went to one gig, and there were two ladies on that night, as well as the guys I'd gone to see... and they were both SO funny. Both of them rocked. And so afterwards I just HAD to go and chat to them, and actually told them that I didn't tend to find female comedians funny but they were hilarious. They seemed to like that!
I feel like I've single-handedly killed this thread by being the only female around.... and agreeing with you. Sorry 'bout that. I wish I could disagree... but it's just how it is... and it sucks.
It sucks to say it, but it's definitely the guys that I've seen on stage who are funnier than the girls. One woman I can think of was pretty good the first time I saw her, but her jokes didn't last and whenever I saw her again, I'd be bored. However, the guys had material that I could see time and time again and still find funny. But, as I said, there were a couple that were really good. But that's because they basically did "male" type standup jokes... in that they talked about random crap, not just their ex-boyfriend, and threw in the occasional really dark joke (and you gotta love that stuff). [/comedy nerd]
A lot of women tend to go for the "aren't men stupid, women are so much better" or "periods make me moody, haha" line of comedy. Which gets dull EXCEEDINGLY quickly, in my view. However, there are of course some who manage to break free of this, and do some DAMN GOOD random stuff. Also, it's harder for women to break into comedy (because of people thinking that they won't be as funny as guys), so I guess you'd think that it's only the best ones that do actually make it. But it's probably just the stronger characters that do.... someone could be fecking hilarious but not have the self confidence to actually give it a shot incase people don't laugh.... I reckon guys are more likely to go "I think I'm funny. Hand me a microphone."
KCG, yep, that's the one. (aka Danny Wallace). Jonny, he's on at Durham. Doing a tour of Walkabouts throughout the country. 0191 375 4630 - that's the number to call for tickets, if anyone's interested!
Joinee = Someone who has Joined "Join Me" - www.join-me.co.uk It's the cult I'm in (But I'd suggest you perhaps look into it a bit more before you judge me on the fact that I just told you I'm in a cult. Ta.)
No thank you. It's much more fun being excited! But thanks for the advice anyways. I know you meant well.
I'm also unable to stop grinning. And almost cried with joy when I found out I had tickets. But oh well, I've waited a few years for this. Have I mentioned yet - I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to make a Free As A River t-shirt for it
If by "interesting" you mean "GOD DAMN AMAZING - IT *IS* DR KARL, AFTER ALL!!!" then yep, I agree. I'm not in ANY way MUCH MUCH too excited by this. He's not on stage until 11pm.... but last train back to Newcastle is 1:15am. That should be ok. If not, I know Joinees in Newcastle... and what are Joinees for, if not for giving other Joinees a bed for the night? Or at least a peice of floor. (see people, cults are GOOD.) **YOU'VE GOT TO BE FREE.... FREE AS A RIIIVVAAHHHHHHHH....**
I JUST GOT TICKETS TO SEE DR KARL KENNEDY* AND HIS BAND PLAYING!!! ON WEDNESDAY!!!!!! CAN YOU TELL I'M EXCITED???!!!! *yes, THE Dr Karl Kennedy... of Neighbours!... Go on, mock away, you know you want to.....
One Good Reason from the Neighbours Soundtrack CD! Because a) I'm sad like that. and I'm celebrating getting tickets to see Dr Karl and his band!!
Don't give clowns a bad name.
Sounds like Parker's having a blinder and going all out to show what they're missing out on. Good on you Scotty!
Thanks for the links Bloody hell Bramble...!! fuck up straight away, why dont you?!
Bugger. Is there any online radio commentary or something?
Dr Karl Kennedy and his band apparently still have tickets left..... and I just phoned up about it (had been told to call at 2pm)... and they said to call back at 5pm because the lady to speak to wasn't there. ARGH. I CAN'T STAND THE SUSPENSE!!!!!!!!! I've already called once a few weeks back and been told they were sold out, but now it turns out he's doing an extra night... and there should still be tickets..... I think I'm going to die of nerves before 5pm. I also think I need psychiatric help.
I have no idea who catherine tate is..... Should I be offended?? I dunno.. I'll look it up tomorrow.
You can turn it off by clicking on the black arrow next to the avatar. 57951[/snapback] That's almost as life changing as when I discovered that "TB" in text speak is "text back". Who knew?! Actually, it's NOT that life changing.. but it's still useful. Except I use that board so little that I've still not changed my avatar from Mr Bellamy, so I like that if I ever do go there, I'm confronted with a pic of him I'm so hopeless....!
Actually, it was bastard freezing this morning, when I was out and about for my Pointless 9am Seminar of Death. But by midday it was actually alright, because the sun was out and the sun was warm. So it was cold but nice.
www.jcbsong.co.uk Worth going to the site just to play around with it, to be honest. Could keep you entertained for ages. http://www.jcbsong.co.uk/jcbvideo.asp - That's the song itself, indeed complete with music video. At the moment - I think it's great. It's so cute and happy! However, I'm sure that the minute I know it's become popular or whatever, I'll be sick of it. But, in the meantime, I'm enjoying it.