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Everything posted by Lou
Nope, she wasn't southern. Her name's Sarah Millican. She wasn't the best... but she was alright. (My use of the word 'hilarious' was perhaps a little strong last night... "funny" would have done I think.) Was kinda annoying last night because the MC and headliner guys just spent the majority of their time talking to the audience and trying (and generally failing) to whip up some good banter, instead of just telling their jokes and doing their stuff. I mean, I'm all up for a bit of *good* banter... but asking 7 different people what course they study, and not having a decent line of reply to any of them, was really just a little bit shite. It's also a stupid, stupid idea to have a comedy night at the union on one of the main student partying nights. And even THEN the height of their advertising of it is about 3 posters, hiding in the union somewhere, so that no one knows about it. Dumbasses.
I love that you're as bad as me sometimes. After my class this morning I headed out to buy a couple of things for la weekend.... luckily I realised that I didn't have any money with me at all before I got to the till. Oops. That'll teach me to chop and change between bags! [editted to point out that I've just realised what an entirely dull and uninteresting story that was. I should have added some dragons in. that'd make it better. sorry.]
That's some good procrastinating there, Fish. I don't REALLY know why I'm not in bed at the moment. Asleep. It would be nice to be that. But no, instead here I am. In the Fishing hour, it seems. I'm REALLY babbling crazy bloody stuff at the moment...... so i'm gonna go sleep for a few hours. before my exciting 10am workshop. woooooooooooooo can't wait. And look, here is some sarcasm to add into that last sentence too. Yay! *forcibly stops herself from typing more*
I saw one of these lady comedian types today.... she was actually not that bad *shock horror* Very quiet... not much life to her.... very little and very sensible looking.... and most of her stuff was faaaiiirrlllyyy safe stuff... then she'd come out with something surprisingly dirty, and it was hilarious, mainly because of her personality on stage and you just didn't expect it. Best line of the night came after rambling over how wanting a diamond ring kills children in the 3rd world (switched off during that bit so I missed the link, but got the jist).... and then the guy went "but if we guys just put ONE KITTEN.......... in the microwave....... and oooooo, you're a bad person!!!! And it doesn't matter how many times we tell you that after 3 months in the freezer it's not going to defrost by itself...!" I have quite a dark sense of humour at the time. However, I laughed hardest a text message my friend (the comedy boy from yesterday's Toon Tour of Truth) sent me towards the end of the night. He wasn't even there and he was still the comedian with the loudest laugh of the night. Now THAT is talent....
Hey I wasn't even in the country when you wrote that... gimme a break... it takes a long time to catch up!! ... and plus I hadn't noticed when it was posted... Shoosh you!
Mmkay. So the story that started this thread isn't exactly a bolt out of the blue. Fair enough.
Oooo... I'm so unknowledgeable... Why's he such a bad man?? This can't all be music-related hatred, surely???
That's the second time Brock's made me laugh out loud in one evening. Good work, sir! (don't let it go to your head though.... i'm *very* easily amused...!!)
It's a family trait. Nothing I can do, apparently. It's kinda fun though.
Oh good, so it's not JUST me. However, you people appear to have warped my sweet and innocent mind. Swines.
.....as I spent about a week trying to explain to my best friend in Oz. She couldn't get her head around it, because they don't have proper castle-style spiral staircases in the middle of Melbourne. However, I found the closest type of spiral staircase that I could, and armed myself with some form of stick, and gave a demonstration. After that, she got it. Passing strangers trying to walk up the staircase were a tad confused though.
Sometimes I do wonder.......... Somehow I feel that would make my life make a lot more sense. I'm talking absolute crap right now *no change there, then*
Elf is a GREAT film!! My fave bit is when they tell him that Santa's going to be in the store, and he just yells "SAAANNNNTTAAA!!!!!!!!!" with such excitement. I do stuff like that too I don't even have the excuse of knowing him, like Elf did.
I'm listening to a lovely little song called "Underwater" by a random american band Intercept. www.myspace.com/intercept (it's on there)
In general... yeh, I'd pretty much go with that. Of course, let's not forget that there's some fucking TERRIBLE male comedians out there to....... *shudders at the memory* "I'm a lawyer. There's a law that says *insert relevant Act of Parliament*. Haha, that's funny, because if you take it extremely literally, then it almost sounds like it's saying something that might be vaguely amusing if I had any kind of character or life on stage, or even just changed the tone of my voice as I spoke..." Or those lovely fat and ugly old men who think it's funny to wear as little clothes as possible when onstage. Then again, I suppose the difference between 'funny' and 'mind-scarringly repulsive' is only a fine line....
Hey Eddie Guerrero's in that. Did anyone hear that he died recently??!! (i'll stop doing this one day......)
I decided that the word portcullis is not used enough in modern day conversation. There's probably a good reason for that, but I don't care. However, when I told my mate this yesterday, we got into a 10 minute debate (with actions, of course) about lowering the portcullis, raising the drawbridge, and closing the gates*. Umm... what the??.... But that, my friend, is why comedy boys are bloody brilliant. I love the random crap I can chat to them about. And they actually enjoy it... they don't just put up with it. [edit: * why do I feel like this bit could be twisted to sound dirty??? maybe i've just got a twisted mind. but it was a few hours after we'd left the castle, so yeh... it was just general castley talk. Honest! (... I bet that's what they alllll say, right?.....)]
"FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING THEIVING CUNTS" That's what scrolls across the screensaver of the Castle Keep Warden's laptop computer!!!! I don't think I'll ever stop laughing at that. It was the most unexpected onslaught of profanities I've come across in a long time...... he was HORRIFIED that we'd seen it. We just laughed and laughed... and laughed and laughed..... and laughed some more. Scariest moment of the day was that self same warden asking a ghostly spirit who the next person to die would be, and his little metal sticky thingys moving and pointing at me (so I carefully sidled out of the direction that they were pointing!) Hey Fishster, welcome home. How was your trip * *we're not *ALL* bastards here..............
Maybe you're right... in proportion, maybe there are about as many funny ladies as there are men (in proportion to the numbers of that sex that aren't funny...) ... but because there are more men... there are therefore more funny male comedians.... and because there are less women, you have more chance of seeing a shite one?? Had it again today. The guys on were great (well, I would say that about my mate, but he did kick ass...) but the girl wasn't anything special at all. Multitasking (or lack of it). Dating tales (or lack of them). Diet stories. Meanwhile Danny took to the stage with an impression of him on drugs doing a pikachu impression, and jumping around getting worked up at stars wars not answering the one question he's always had: what do the buttons on the front of Darth Vader's chest ACTUALLY do???. (haha, he's such a nerd) SO. Much. Better. I got called a comedy nerd again tonight..... Oh well, deservedly so!!
Silly boy Mikey!! Oh... I was about to say 'you should've given me a ring and I'd have told you where it was'... but I'm just realising a slight flaw in that plan.........
The patented "Toon Tour of Truth" took place this afternoon and was an absolute hit. It involved, of course, the castle (LOVE IT!!!!), the blue carpet, and the Angry Bears of Eldon Square, amoungst others. Had a bloody awesome day!! If anyone's up for a tour, just let me know (Oh Stttteeeeeevvvveeeee!!!!!...... )
The first night sold out WEEKS ago... because I rang up as soon as I found out... and was very disappointed not to get tickets, but hey, life went on.... ... until I died of excitement at finding out about the second gig!! *Pathetic but Proud*
Annoying, isn't it?! As a female with a comedy addiction, who likes to believe that she can be funny at times (I suppose some of you might find that hard to believe ), it pisses me off that I can do very little but agree to this thread. Bah. Oh well... I suppose it just makes comedy boys even greater!!! *seeing an aussie comedy boy in two hours, yay!*
Rob Mills - That's All You Are. Awww.... I miss sleeping in carparks and on benches so that we could be front row for the all-ages gigs, or staying up all night after overages gigs because they were late and we missed the last train home and had to just wonder around going slowly more and more insane as the hours ticked by until the first train of the morning. And the looks Rob used to give me from stage, because at first I knew none of the words because I'd only been in the country for a week, but then soon enough I knew all the words and sang along all the time... Haha, it was fun pretending to be all teenyboppy at times