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Everything posted by Lou
Seeming as one of you asked, yes, female loos have been known to have that crappy tracing paper stuff too.
Quite funny at Melbourne airport where the signage is very bad for the loos, and the number of guys that walking into the female ones was rather amusing. Some came out straight away, others look longer to realise... Kept us entertained as we sat opposite, waiting for the SkyBus (not as exciting as it sounds. it's just a bus. it does not fly.)
Although I do like the little bit that goes: "whatever happened to the life that we once knew can we really live without each other? something something something touch something something something so much that always made me feeeellll sooooooo freeeeeee...." .... AS A RIIVVVAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! It's sad that I just phoned home to play Free As A River at the parents, and then giggle and go "I just found it!!!!! ... umm... that's really all I called to say... I have no other news...."
"Rejection is the sincerest form of flattery" . I think plagerism is about fourth. Not sure what goes between the two. Basically, because I just made this all up. Watch out folks, Gol's about. With some searing putdown I'm sure
I just found Free as a River on Karl's site!! (I love how I can't bring myself to call him anything but Karl.... like, y'know, call him by his real name or anything) It really really REALLY is bad. LOVE IT!!! *ridiculously excited*
I'M LISTENING TO FREE AS A RIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *can't... stop... laughing.....!* It's just as wonderfully bad as I'd remembered!!!!!! http://www.alanfletcher.net/music/index.html (because I'm sure you ALL want to listen!!!)
What did you do in Oz? Well, I saw Uluru at sunset, swam off the Great Barrier Reef, visited Sydney Harbour but I never got to see a Karl Kennedy gig 59608[/snapback] Just because my priorities are different, doesn't mean they're wrong. However, they MAY say something about my mental health......!!
Well then I shall go and make my t-shirt and let alex get on with the mocking And after I got you tea, too HF - maybe Karl was being ironic??? I dunno. Maybe I should discuss it with him.......
In Neighbours FOREVER ago Karl got all back into his uni band-ness (The Right Prescription) and started forever singing their old song, Free As A River. It's so bad it's ABSOLUTELY FAN-bloody-TASTIC. The only bit I can remember goes "You've got to be free! .. free as a riivvvaaahhhhh....." Anyways, then when Susan had her amnesia, she found a tape of the song and decided it was the BEST THING EVER and so they played it lots then. One of my plans for Oz was to go to a Karl gig and request this song until either A- he played it, or B- I got thrown out. I didn't get to do that in Oz. Tonight is my night And yes, I'm fully aware of how ridiculously sad and pathetic this all is!!
Hello boys. Can we play nice for a bit now I'm back? Or I'll leave you* so that I can go and make my Free As A River t-shirt for tonight...... * this was meant to be seen as A Bad Thing... but I think my plan will probably backfire.....
Don't push your luck, dearest. Thought I'd be nice though... if lazy.... Night night y'all.
Don't say I never do stuff for you, Fishy.... http://svt.se/hogafflahage/hogafflaHage_si...or/hestekor.swf Click 'em on and off. That could waste some time for sure!!
I'll second that 'un.
I'd never even heard of the CAB until this thread.... I seriously do live in my own little dream world of pixies and dancing daffodils. Or something.
can do randomness pretty well and may soon be challenging me for the title of Queen of Random???!!!
Peasepud, shoosh you. Shouldn't you be be easy stealing Emre for me?? And yes, the solution WAS very simple in the end.... but only once you had it so that it actually LISTENED to you... the number of times I'd change it, then preview the next address and it was back the same way.... grr. But sorted - my next question may or may not concern the printing of labels. I've not got onto that bit yet....
LOVE snow so much.... ... but it had better not bugger up my weekend in London in any way at all!!!
oh good GOD I've been scarred for life now.... *goes and hides in a dark corner*
Well you can, but I might be compelled to point out how obvious that is. In this case though there's a question over who it offends. The term "Pakki" might be deemed offensive to people from Pakistan, but personally I was offended* at the insinuation that as an Englismen I'm inherrantly racist. A pakistani or Englisman could tell the joke with a degree of self deprication, a person of any other nationality could be construed as racist. But that in itself is racist I suppose. *I wasn't really offended. 59030[/snapback] So is it ok to comment then? 59036[/snapback] No, it's probably best if you just pipe down. 59039[/snapback] I just thought that moment needed to be relived....
Typical which of those details you've got right, eh? Died whilst driving en route to her honeymoon - car went off a cliff into the sea and they never found her. Harold-esque*, tbh. * except for the "blonde, big tits" bit....
You're right there, tbh Lecture time!!! *shudder*
Oops.. I tell you to talk to me, and then I bugger off. Oops. *distracted by My Space* Hmmm... does it have to be one that you've heard of?? Because I'm not very knowledgeable on FAMOUS comediennes.... Apparently Dee off Neighbours is BLOODY funny. She used to be in the Impro group that I went to see on Sundays... and yeh, I've never even met her, but apparently she was a very funny woman. I remember I first read she was a comedienne AGES ago and was like 'tsk, I can't picture that...' .. never thought I'd then become friends with the folks that she did her comedy with! (story of my life, weirdly enough). Rachel Berger and Mel Sargent. They are both very funny. YAY because I just got an email from one of my comedy boys confirming that we'll be catching up on Saturday *excited* How is it 2:25pm already?? Boo.. must print out lecture notes and head off to said lecture. Bah.
Allllleeexxxx......... Hello over there! If you don't talk to me... I'm going to have to start reading my economics text book. Surely you're not THAT CRUEL??!!
[insert glaswegian accent] It's fuckin' BALTIC! [/glaswegian] Why oh why is suddenly my room freeezzzziing cold??? Normally it's warm. Boo. Baltic indeed.