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Everything posted by Lou
Fish. You nicht replied. I therefore bed go. And learn syntax structure dans la matin. Gesundheit. Night night. and au revoir.
Hello hello Fishy. I'm HUNGRY. (esp after all that talk of Fish Hut......) I had 3 chewits earlier to quench my hunger, but it didn't work. Which is a bit crappy. Today is Friday. In just over 5 hours I'll get up (if I go to bed first. which i will. at some point). And then I have seminar, packing, bit of work, lecture, then TRAIN HOME! Then it's THE weekend. Yes, *THE* weekend. OH I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! Today I booked my tickets to see Blair in panto. NOT TONY BLAIR. That would be weird. Though probably entertaining, in a bizarre way. No, I mean Blair McDonough of Neighbours fame. He's DAMN HOT. I look forward to chatting to him again in a month. VERY excited about that too!! How many drawings of Nelson Mandela on a Jetski do u think I'll have by Monday then?? Place your bets now. Personally, I reckon I could push it to 3. MAYBE 4 if I'm very brave and don't scare everyone off. I think if I get 5 then I deserve a prize. Like an actual jetski. That'd be cool. Then my by-then husband Jenson would be able to teach me how to jetski. Because Jenson jetskis. Jetskiing Jenson, that's what they call him. Sorry... just getting in practise.... his ex used to say NOTHING but the word 'Jenson' when she was in the Fame Academy house, so just thought I'd get my practise in!! How are you this early morn, Fishy?
Ahhh if only there were a Fish Hut nearby. I don't know why the existance of a takeaway place called Fish Hut amused me so much.... I think it was just that the town evidently wasn't good enough for a Pizza Hut, so that was all they could muster. I miss buying tubs of icecream and then eating half whilst watching films. (My friend would eat the other half... there would be no leaving of icecream...) Very unhealthy, but VERY making of happiness. I should really go bed and go sleep. But... meh.... can't be bothered.
They're both bridges, but surely thats where the similarities end? 59998[/snapback] *shrug* SYDNEY: SUNDERLAND: NEWCASTLE: Tsk. Sydney and Sunderland are such wannabes....
I love it too. Because it means that while I'm working and not wanting to be distracted, I can be appearing offline.... but then if someone interesting/unexpected signs in, I can sign in and chat to them. So if any of you are surprised at the frequency with which I sign it straight after you do, then be flattered!
Got a text from him a few days ago, saying he'd changed phone numbers. Was one of the few Toontastic-ers I met, and he seemed canny enough. 60337[/snapback] And I got a text from him a few weeks ago from his old number, complaining that the "Accrington Stanley? Oo're they?" advert hadn't been included in some Best TV Ads Ever show. Legend. 60447[/snapback] Does he write REALLY REALLY long texts? 60448[/snapback] Exachhhhly! Actually, it was quite concise really. I miss not having JJ around on MSN when I'm still up at 5am bashing out some financial translation rubbish and I fancy a natter about Lithuanian Euro qualifiers. 60487[/snapback] JJ was on top form (and crutches! a cricketing injury, i'm afraid.) back at the end of August. However, I'm slowly realising that that was a few months ago now......... Dan, can u PM me his new number puhlease? Ta.
We've had those URLs 3 times in as many weeks!! However, the signs are great! I love silly foreign signs. Though some of them look very easily photoshopped to me..... maybe I'm just being cynical.
Jessica Simpson and Nick Whatshisface. Durr. I don't know when this was announced, so maybe it's not breaking news at all. I just found out, and don't really care, but thought I'd post it anyways. "Is tuna chicken or fish?" ... ahh dear...
In other breaking news, Nick and Jessica have broken up.
Oh yes!!! Good point! Well Meenz? .......
Mum wants me to end up as Mrs Button (as in wife of Jenson) She reckons that he'd be able to keep me in a manner to which I was suited, what with all his monies. Personally, I think she's being a little bit optimistic that he shall fall for moi on Sunday. But y'know. See, it's not just me and dad... my WHOLE family is a little bit nuts.
Sounds like he suffers from the same affliction, the FREAK! 60179[/snapback] Aye, speaking of which Lou, who did he sign your autograph to-Hannah Martin or Summer Hoyland? That'd clear that one up for all of us! 60193[/snapback] And you can piss off as well!
Always assumed, it should be.
Well fuck me a lampshade, I thought you were being entirely serious!! And actually, my repeatedly quoted post is not in chronological order... so he signed my shirt first... then I made him sign the book... umm... yeh... just thought I'd clear that up, as you seem to care so much. Oh, wait no, you said it was all a joke. Damn. Had me fooled for sure.
Hope that helps, Alex.
I can play this game as long as you can* *until I leave at 2:30 for my marketing lecture.......
Fishy, that made me laugh out loud. On Sunday, my mate was ridiculously excited that I had a cordless mouse, and ran out into the corridor with it, walking down the corridor yelling 'IS IT STILL WORKING??' while I had to sit and watch the curser move around the screen until it stopped. It really has quite a range
Alan Fletcher's album. If you know who Alan Fletcher is, then you'll know why I'm It's actually surprisingly good... seeming as I bought it only for the novelty value....
Well, Dr Karl Kennedy is a bloody LEGEND. And felt rather honoured to be the first person to sign my autograph book. (ooooo i can't wait to fill it up a bit on sunday!!) And he loved my Free As A River t-shirt, and when I went up to him to say hi, he pointed and grinned at it and immediately signed it. And it's like 'umm.. no Karl, that's not what I had in mind for you to sign...!' Cool though. I can't stop calling him Karl. Believing Neighbours is real, despite everything, must be some kind of disease. Hehe, he has a song about Susan. It's so obvious he's still in love with her. They'd bloody BETTER get back together!!!!!
Incidentally, I went to Sunderland for the first time ever on Sunday. Why do they have a bridge exactly like ours? But slightly more Lego-y? Confused the hell outta me and Danny.... we'd gone past one big green bridge, and then 30 mins later, went past another almost identical big green bridge. For a moment we thought we'd just gone round in a big circle. because we're a bit stupid like that. Good ole Sunderland though. Damn it made me laugh.
Is the metro behaving tonight, does anyone know???? Because I have a train to catch and if I decide to be an EXCEEDINGLY lazy bum (well, it's COLD) and metro it to the train station... I don't want it to bugger up. I can't afford to miss that train. Feeling paranoid at the moment... might just walk... and freeze.....!
ARGH I think I'm breaking!! Y'know when everything's going PERFECTLY and you're VERY EXCITED and happy... and then suddenly something goes TERRIBLY TERRIBLY WRONG and you get brain fade and your world crashes down and you don't know what to do to sort it out and it's all terrible.... and then after a few minutes of UTTER PANIC, you find out that it's all ok again afterall, and you're back to being VERY EXCITED again?? I just had that. And now I'm fairly exhausted. And typing RANDOM WORDS in capitals, it seems. Sorry.
Dippymeters sound the best way to go. No one could argue with a dippymeter. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP - the gig's getting closer!!! I can hardly sit still!! *trying to work to pass the time*. It's not working so well though...
Maybe it's because if a guy said such a dumb thing, then he'd get punched by his mates for his stupidity, and he'd learn not to say it again. Girls do not get punched by their mates, and therefore this learning habit does not kick in. Or maybe it's just because your male mind is on the same level as the other male minds, so when they say a stupid thing, you don't think "what an idiot" instead you think "what a GENIUS!" instead. And therefore you only notice the girlies saying stupid things. Maybe. I don't know. But I thought it'd be rude to ignore.