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Everything posted by Lou
Spiraling - Grow Up Like it for several reasons: the idea of not wanting to grow up, but realising that sometime soon you'll realise that time's not going to stop and you'll have to. and also the bitter edge to the end of this little bit: "I have always been here, waiting on the sidelines while you take the field and show us how to win, You have always been there - a glowing bright reminder of all that we could be...."
Are you not familiar with the way this thread works yet?? btw, loving the line in your siggy, "he's got a baldy heed" - that still makes me laugh out loud. I really don't know why, but it does. so much.
Marshmallows do not seem to take kindly to being roasted by a cigarette lighter though. They just tend to burst into flames. Or so I've found. Whilst sitting in my room prentending I'm camping (I swear the imaginary possums were after me....). After that, we tried holding them out the window as we held the flame underneath.... this didn't help much. It just meant we dropped em out the window when they caught on fire. Oops. Umm... anyways... as you were saying.....!!
The Beatles - Revolution.
Gareth of How 2's self portrait... Then he pulled the face that he reckons look like that pic, and it was uncanny!! He loved that I made him draw
OK, stupid question time again!!!! I need to print out my letter showing the mail merge fields. Whilst I can get the mail merge fields to show by doing the 'toggle' thing.... it doesn't want to print it like that, it just prints the actual names/addresses that have been mail merged in. Do you get what I mean?? So: how do I make it print off the actual fields instead?? Ta! [EDIT - sorted. Joinees reply quicker than football fans. Tsk at you all!]
A girl has to be talented at SOMETHING! Now, if only I could mention Jenson Button in here, and my work would be complete.........
Seven Nation Army - White Stripes I always sing "I'm gonna fight a moth" to start with.... I think that's just because of the time my mate tried to protect himself from a moth by waving his guitar around at it... while he was on stage. And the other band members had no idea what he was doing, because they couldn't see the moth. Umm.. so... yes.
"You can take the man out of Tasmania........ but then it's only 'Tasia'........."
I know. I surprise myself too.
He was obviously highly respected in the racing world - at the charity karting event I was at yesterday, the drivers requested a minute's silence for him. I never really knew much about him - but I knew who he was and that he was ill - but hearing the stories about him yesterday made it clear that he was a really, really nice bloke. It was so moving to have a minutes silence surrounded by so many people who were genuinely very upset at losing him. RIP
No. this way it would be easier for me to win.
Sammy, dear, in this thread I frequently find that I don't care about what you have to say. In this case, I'm happy to report that that sentence still stands strong. Incidently, yes, I'm aware that the feeling is often mutual. PS - I still think Craig Bellamy is gods gift. I don't think you're gonna persuade me off Jenson *that* easily......
Fish. you could ask for a unicycle too. and then we could have races.
I meant the third one, when I said the second one. I didn't count the first one as being the first one, as she's old news. And that really is a marvellously terrible picture of her too. So the second one (using the Fish technique of counting the first one as being the first one, which I didn't) doesn't seem fantastic.... but yeh, as I said, that last one.... what the hell is that???!!! And anyways, he didn't bring anyone with him. He brought the ex back when she wasn't his ex. He's just a 24(ish?) damned hot multimillionaire racing driver....... it'd be kinda weird if he didnt' have a string of girls, surely?? Of course, I'm sure I'm the one that can make him settle down. OH HEY!!!! I just kinda understood the phrase "tie the knot"........ that tends to (or should do!) stop the "string of girls"........ ROPE METAPHORS!!! Fantastic. It all makes sense. Anyways, I love JB. Have I mentioned that yet??
My dad emailed me that first one a couple of weeks back. I'd only JUST got over how much it messed with my head. Thanks for putting my therapy back a couple more weeks.
What the hell is that second one?? Are you stalking my dear Jenson???? Pfft. That was BEFORE he met me, and my wonderful mocking ways...... It's ok. It's all under control. But he almost got himself in trouble to start with when he shunted my dad off the track!!!!! However, I had words with him afterwards (literally went up, tapped him on the shoulder and went "oi! Jenson! I saw what you did!!" and told him off, haha) and it was all ok. I guess every relationship has its ups and downs..... Booooo. I miss him already. haha. I'm so marvellously pathetic
PS - MEENZER!!!!!! You're SO IN TROUBLE for not being online RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!
Top of my Christmas List is a unicycle
OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... Y'know how I said mum wanted to marry me off to Jenson Button, but I wasn't much bothered either way?? Scratch that. I'm now very muchly in love with him. Oh yes. I spent the day randomly just going up to chat to him, generally mocking him about stuff and giving him shit - which was lots of fun, and he loved it - and ended up getting a BIG bear hug and a kiss. I'm so in!!! Except it'll be at least a year until I see him again.... booooooooo. I miss him already. He's absolutely lovely, so laid back and fun and friendly and just a really, really, really nice guy. Even if he had only a penny to his name and wasn't SO GOD DAMN HOT, I'd still love him to bits right now. I also had a good laugh with Gareth from How 2, which was cool. What a legend that guy is! Ahhhh... I'm such a happy camper right now.
OOoooo... sounds exciting!! Your own little pryo show! Cool. Sounds also a bit scary. Didn't singe your hair did you? That would be nicht so good.
You replied two whole minutes late Fish! Tsk. Poor effort. However, I slept through my alarm enough as it is this morning, so it's probably good that I went to bed when I did. Hmm... so, because the majority of Australians don't watch something, I'm not allowed to watch it? Yes. Good logic there. .... oh hey, look, what's this?..... *peers closer*..... ahhhhh yes, I recognise it now...... it's a healthy dose of sarcasm One more lecture and then IT'S THE WEEKEND. Which means you lot get rid of me till Monday. Oh yes, it's good news for all of us!!
I like the people that write this website That would be really cool, actually. I'll get Jenson to pay for me