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Everything posted by Lou

  1. As if by magic... That'll be £4.20 please.
  2. Sounds like you've had a good time! Which is nice to hear. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Enjoy those last 59 mins.....
  3. I think Jesus would if offended if you said that to his face, Brock. And it wouldnt' be nice to make Jesus cry. Incidently, thought I should share, I used to be Jesus myself once, don't you know? See, now you think I'm talking crap (if you weren't before)... but I can assure you it's true. As my accounting lecturer once said..... "you don't have to UNDERSTAND... just BELIEVE....." Wise man indeed.
  4. Jesus is EVERYONE's Jesus. If only you are willing to accept him into your life. You should, he's fairly cool. Very friendly. And down to earth. Considering that, y'know, he's Jesus and all. The Leader didn't go clubbing after the meet because he reckoned that at 29, he's a bit old for these things. Jesus is 2005 years old and HE still went. The Leader's just not a hard-core icon like our Jesus, now, is he? Not yet anyways. Give him time though....
  5. i dont know you, i've never met you, but you are indeed a LEGEND 64416[/snapback] Thanks! Yesterday was a fun day..... I never expected to end up dancing the night away with Jesus, that's for sure. But hey, strange things do happen.
  6. Sorry to have missed you both, Toplass and mr hips... Next week, perhaps? Oooo... I might even have the old man with me too. Not sure what time he's coming up. Why oh why did I let him get a ticket for the arsenal match?? He'd better behave!
  7. Charlton Hill - Deep. He's some Aussie guy... this song was on Neighbours, playing in a scene where Blair was looking sad and very pretty, and so therefore I liked the song. I'm easily swayed like that. So one of my Aussie friends had the single and the album, therefore no longer needed the single, so she sent it to me. Marvellous. Oh... and that took me so long to type that now I have the Cheers themetune on.
  8. One of my favouritest jokes ever..... What's the difference between 100 dead babies and a ferrari?? I don't have a ferrari in my garage!!!
  9. The infamous and ever-funny Silky is back up here this weekend I believe..... must a- persuade friend to go, b- get him to put my name on the door. *so cool* Hurrah I went to a BIG meet with my cult yesterday. I got a hug off the Leader. And I made a friend in Jesus.
  10. Bloody hell, that IS nice Hmmmm..... excellent.... let me settle my millions amoungst the racists. Wonderful! (obviously that bit has to be read with heavy irony or "biting satire" or whatever it is...) I'm currently confused as to how much money I've spent.... I seem to remember just throwing in a house for my parents, and perhaps one for my brother... I need to do some recalculation..... later. once I've done my work.
  11. I just got an email going "HI! Are you Blair McDonough???? I'm your BIGGEST fan!!" Ummmmmmm.......... what?? It's not quite as random as the time I was emailed "Hi. Is it true that Blair McDonough is dead? I hope not." That made me laugh (because I knew he definitely WASN'T dead, so I didn't have any moments of panic). *wonders what the hell google is throwing up at people*
  12. Unfortunately your NY link doesn't work. I'd still say go with that one. Although, you're right about the SF place AND a place in NY.... seems sensible..... No where near as damn cool as my Idaho castle though. *needs to discover exactly whereabouts Idaho is in the US of A....*
  13. Maybe I'm just tired, and likely to be amused by ANYTHING after an evening of doing accounting, but jeez is that making me giggle. It's a happy thought... I can imagine that cabby being somewhat like me and being like "awww... that's nice.... that boy's waving at me...." and waving back, and it taking AT LEAST 5 minutes before I realise why. Except I'd probably to do it to everyone, and go back to the taxi HQ and be like 'well it wasn't a good day for people wanting rides - but EVERYONE is SO FRIENDLY.....'
  14. Yeah Fish.... you owe me 10% of my accounting module! *runs away before it distracts her more*
  15. My unicycle leg measurement is 34inches. This does not mean that I have surgically implanted a unicycle as an extra leg. Or replaced one of my legs with a unicycle. I simply mean that to get the right height uni, you have to measure your leg. So, yes. There you go. Thought you might be interested
  16. precisely. *wonders how much a rocket would cost her*
  17. Right then. I think what my eldest big brother wants most of all is to go back to NZ. If he wants me to help out with that - ie: money down for a house or flights or something, then that's cool. I'll discuss that with him. My other brother wants most of all to be Someone. Namely a film director. However, living in York and working in a bar is not going to get him there. Although rumours are that Johnny Depp (mmm) went for a drink there one time, but that was before Rich worked there, so it's not even like he could have got chatting and become mates and been like 'hey Johnny, I have this cool script that I want to direct... what do u think?' and Johnny would have been like 'good god, that's brilliant! i'm in!' and it would have become a major hollywood success. Oh no. SO (back on track)... what my brother needs is no more fuckin' debt for one. Although I don't think he'd accept my money to clear that. Who knows, maybe if I had 10m then he would, because it'd be a drop in the ocean, as they say. I might be able to persuade him round. He then needs his ass kicking so that he actually DOES something, like, oh I dunno, follow his dream. Especially with this knowledge that his little sister can bail him out if he ends up in Hollywood living in a box. Then again, this happens to the best of them... it's probably best if he gets bailed out by some superstar rather than me. That's how it always seems to happen. It's never USUALLY me that bails them out. Anyways, I could always give Rich his plane fare to LA, or NY, or Canada, or wherever. Or buy him a bouncy castle like mine. He'd probably prefer that to be honest. Good job I don't overanalyse these things or get at all caught up in them and start to think they're real......
  18. I might get something like this http://www.groupepastor.mc/eng/parc.htm (flat in Monaco) for E14,000 a year. But, to be honest... I'm not sure I see the point... if I'm travelling to all the races, I'd be paying for a lot of time that I'm not actually there. I might as well just stay in a nice place *cough*Jeeennnssooonn... lend me a luxury boat......*cough* for the times I do want to be there. I know that having £10m, and whinging about paying for a year's worth of time in Monaco when I'm only there for say, the equivalent of 8 months, may seem a bit petty. But just because you have lots of money doesn't mean you should throw it away. That's just dumb. Use it nicely, or give it to someone else who will, or save it. Oh yeh, I'd also get Mum n Dad a nice place at Runswick Bay because that's where mum wants to live. And maybe get dad a nice new little rowing boat to go out on or something... see what he wants. I'd have to do something with dad's mum too... but fuck knows what. I don't think even £10m would make that woman have everything she needs to be happy. She's 89 and I think she either wants a time travelling device, or death. (I don't mean that heartlessly... I mean that's ACTUALLY what she wants....) Mum's mum would probaby be happy just with a nice coat or something. I'd ask and see though... Maybe I'd just pay her rent for her instead... I don't think she'd want to move. I'd probably also just quit uni and give the bank back it's £1000 or so that it's given me so far. Screw 'em. I'm not doing my work when I only have a hypothetical £10m to spend.... imagine if it was real!! *wonders how her bank account is looking now after all this expenditure* I'm worried that I'll get carried away and end up having no money and having to work in McDonalds... inbetween Grand Prixs and visiting my castle in Idaho and Jenson's boat in Monaco..... Then again, if Jens is lending me a boat... I like to think I'd be getting a bit more than that too I also need to set some aside so that I can earn some nice interest on it to keep me going. Just incase it doesn't work out with Jens....! I like this happy world I've created here. *in happy place*
  19. I am, quite simply, marvellous. The computer nerds suck with their lack of helpyness. www.abc.net.au/triplej/todaytoday/listen/mp3s/timin.mp3 - Right click and 'save as target' everyone. That's an ORDER. And, if you must skip straight to the exciting bit, skip to 4m15secs. Good boys.
  20. I didn't ignore it... I actually went and looked at the thread and observed that I could be of no help at all. I did think of posting a 'hey, look at me, I looked!' kinda thing... but didn't want zico to have the "someone posted! my prayers are answered!" feeling followed by "oh no, no, Lou's just saying hi" thing. Bah. I hate my mind sometimes. I keep being all happy and then I start thinking about different stuff, or taking a diff view to things, and I start to feel all miserable, and only some very stern thinking about Sunday can cheer me up again. Or random buskers, of course. But then before I know it, I'm feeling miserable again before I have to remind myself that really, I have no need to. Not *really*. Bah. It's exhausting. Meanwhile, back to accounting....
  21. See. I'm just full of public service announcements today
  22. I bet they made you smile though Talking of wankers..... Rick Parfitt's son is a bit of a tosser. I can't stand that boy. He's so bloody full of himself, and for no good reason at all. Just thought I'd warn you all to stay clear. Or punch his pointy little face. Either works. Sorry... just sometimes I have to get this stuff off my chest. Unfortunately for you, this is where I choose to do that.
  23. Well it's certainly kinder than just ignoring them, like 99% of everyone else around at the time. And they provide the randomness themselves. He's playing a DOUBLE BASS! I love it. And plus, on Friday I also bought an extra cookie at Millie's Cookies so that the next person to stop there would have a FREE COOKIE OF THEIR CHOICE. Which, personally, I think would be quite tremendous. That'd make my day for sure. Unless that day was the Sunday just gone. That day was better than a million free cookies. because a million free cookies would make u sick if u tried to eat them all at once. And if u succeeded, you'd probably die. Can someone ask Jeeves for me - "would eating a million free cookies kill you?" I'm a tad busy.....
  24. Have any of you guys seen the happy buskers on Northumberland St? One plays the double bass, and the other plays the guitar and the harmonica. They're absolutely wonderful, simply because they're so cheery. On Friday I RAOKed* them by giving them all the change in my pocket. Although, to be honest, they deserved it because they were playing the happiest version of Don't Look Back in Anger I've ever heard. Today I was wandering along the street suddenly feeling a bit sad and crappy (talk about mood swings... ) and I spotted them there again and I just started to giggle. And giggle. And giggle. So I gave them some change again. I can see those guys are gonna bleed me dry of loose change soon enough... but I can't help it.... they make me happy. *RAOKed = To perform a Random Act Of Kindness towards someone
  25. I don't think I know "Little Green Bag". I feel so uncultured. When I was in, umm, y'know, just some country, we went to the big place that has the casino and stuff. And it's all spangly and grand and whatnot, and my friend and I were heading up the escalator... up into the spangly grandness... and there was really loud, really triumphant "LOOK WHO'S HERE!" type instrumental music playing. We felt special.
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