ravtash patel
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Everything posted by ravtash patel
of course she is, havent you noticed her tash? and she's getting married to a fellow ethnic !!!
On my pc Cheryl is turning me on as my avatar. 55378[/snapback] gary tweedy (cheryls uncle) is wor lasses fathaz cousin, she was talking to her a while back, wor lass told her that the bairn loves girls aloud & cheryl said "i've got a black merc & a black bmw x5, if you see either of them outside my mothers house call in & i'll have a bit crack with the bairn" we were driving past on sunday & the black bmw was outside so we got out & knocked, there was nobody in.. dont know who was more upset me or the bairn!!! would of loved to get a pic of me & her as my avatar, that would of made you bastards jealous.. i'm still working on it, watch this space..
matt yellow b reg peugeot 205.. pile of shite but i worshiped the fucka !!
there's always lovely blart in the supermarkets, seen a bird pushing a new born today in morrisons.. her tits were buldging oot, must of been full of milk.. sheilds road in byker has some decent flap walking aroond, rough as a badgers like but tidy nontheless !!
would of loved to go myself, but i'm washing the dogs blanket !! bollox !!
since moving to england i've become quickly addapted to the sick minded way of life.. like the old saying goes ... "when in rome.........."
whenever wor lass makes a chilli/spag bol/lasagne using cheep frozen mince from heron's freezer shop on welbeck road (walker) my trouser coughs would kill a german & i can easily read bravo two zero by andy mcnab from front to back whilst sitting on the porcelien potty downloading junk !!
CRANK.. to cry & wank at the same time !! DANGER WANK.. to quickly take 1 off the wrist when you know your lass is due in any minute !! PAPER CHASE.. to run around the house picking used jizz rags up when you see your lass pulling up on the drive !!
lol.. sorry but its my DNA (national dyslexic association)
just been watching "what not to wear".. christ are them 2 gagging for it or what? cant help fantasing about a trinny/suzzie sandwich everytime i see them, fair enough trinny hasn't got much hanging off her infact i sometimes think she's got 2 fuckin backs, but the other 1 makes up for it with her ample bussom!! i'm all frustrated now, think i'll nip to the carzie & put me jazz bands roond me 5 card trick before the missus gets in from weight watchers...
so mr muscle loves the jobs you hate eh ? if thats the case why doesn't he come around to my house and suck my gay lovers big fat cheesy cock after he's been sitting up watching eurotrash til 3am when all i want to do is sleep !!!
i'm totally hetrosexual but a lad i know from byker frequents the gay scene and when he explained about "bell wrapping" i felt i had to share it !!
here's a little tip.. if you ever come across uri gellor and he asks you to draw a picture on a piece of paper while he reads your mind and copies it, draw a picture of a big fat veiny cock...... that'll make the spooky bastard squirm !!!
bell wrap... its when 2 faggots touch helmets & 1 proceeds to pull his foreskin over the others japs eye...!!
i see the mackems changed their goalkeeper against arsenal & they still scored 3 past alnwick.. i heard they are going to put the whole of northumberland in goal for their next game .. lol
i'm watching a canny film at the minute, dunno if it would be to everybody's taste as it is of adult conent but i am loving it.. the title i hear you ask? dead horses
hi jack, i'm new to this myself.. you are no nearer catching me than 4 years ago when i first started..you and your boys are dissapointing me george!!
She sucks off refugees for £2, her special this week is Bekistan blokes with huge mobiles for a quid. 52690[/snapback] sounds to good to be true, where can i find this freaky little inbreed?
thanx smoothy.. i'll send wacky jnr an e-mail to get the exact address 52684[/snapback] Or you could just ask yourself? 52687[/snapback] how could i do that? i dont know the guy? wouldn't it be a good laugh if he took the toaster in the bath with him, i've been told they work better under water!!
thanx smoothy.. i'll send wacky jnr an e-mail to get the exact address 52684[/snapback] Or you could just ask yourself? 52687[/snapback] how could i do that? i dont know the guy? wouldn't it be a good laugh if he took the toaster in the bath with him, i've been told they work better under water!!
thanx smoothy.. i'll send wacky jnr an e-mail to get the exact address
She is a small dwarf from Iraq, does this ring any bells? think i may of got in the lift with her the other day, if its the 1 i'm thinking of she had a burberry cap on, a bmx made of all different parts and a ferret in the poachers pouch of her barbour jacket..
WAS BROWSING THROUGH THE TOPICS AND CAME ACROSS THIS 1 REGARDING A NOKIA 8800, was wondering if anyone knows where the best place around the walker/byker area would be to get a cheap mobile? the council provided me with one but its is the size of a log and a couple of times on the public bus school kids have laughed at it..
thanks guys, really appreciate the welcome.. besikstan is quite a small country that not a lot of people are familiar with, it situated in the middle east not far from afganastan which may be a sore subject with you guys!! but dont worry i'm not the enemy!! hexham house is fantastic thanks, there's a lot of people living there who are in a similar situation as me.. so it hasn't taken me long to settle in really, walker is the best place i've ever lived.. (apart from the weather) do you think i may of seen wacky jnr in hexham house? whats he/she look like?