ravtash patel
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Everything posted by ravtash patel
nee doubt the toon will be after him, its been far to long since we've had a prick on the front pages..
he's got some bloody neck IMO.. trying his arm (sorry) back on our screens, everybody knows he's as guilty as sin!! imagine how poor stuart lublocks parents are going to feel sitting down to enjoy a nights veiwing only to see that scrawny mincer playfully splashing around in the tub with some other has-been z-list old queen.. it wouldnt suprise me if channel 4 send in someone like andy peters to help bazza reconstruct the "zebrugge" event for the enjoyment of the nation & to help boost ratings, i dare say the show will be an hour old before bazza dons his speedo's submerges andy peters head under the water, works his fist up inside him as if he's the new rod hull then allows him up for a breath before asking if he's "awwight" i can see the "points of veiw" offices working overtime in the coming weeks!!
seen todays sun? micheal barrymore is to enter the big brother house on thursday night.. what i find hillarious is that they have an indoor swimming pool this year, surely this is a piss take, i mean who can forget wen barrymore zebruggered* that poor lad a few years back.. i think this is a disaster waiting to happen!! *zebruggered to have your backdoors forced open and then be left helpless to fill up with water.!
aye wacky told me your fond of a "bell wrap" & the odd "cacky push-back"
What's so 'exciting' about them like? I like them but they're just your standard 4-piece rock band playing pop aren't they? some clever Lyrics. It seems to me people are believing the hype. I'd say to be exciting you need to do something new, like Lightning Bolt or Antony and the Johnsons. 73356[/snapback] I fail to see any excitment in Antony and the Johnsons personally. 73365[/snapback] Probably because they aren't in The Sun's Bizarre column often enough. Their record company should really pay off a few more journalists. As I said I really like The Arctic Monkeys, but The Rakes are just as good and their album wasn't pushed half as much. The hypefest that's gone on around them for over a year since I bet that you look good on the dancefloor has irked me. That's all. 73373[/snapback] Well I don't read the Sun but having seen them on Jonathan Ross's show I've no need to ever see them again. 73388[/snapback] still into marc almond & jimmy somerville like smooth? 73389[/snapback] I'm more of a Right Said Fred fan myself, I like it a bit rougher you see! 73393[/snapback] bet you wouldnt mind getting a bit deeply dippy off the pair of them you filthy bastard
What's so 'exciting' about them like? I like them but they're just your standard 4-piece rock band playing pop aren't they? some clever Lyrics. It seems to me people are believing the hype. I'd say to be exciting you need to do something new, like Lightning Bolt or Antony and the Johnsons. 73356[/snapback] I fail to see any excitment in Antony and the Johnsons personally. 73365[/snapback] Probably because they aren't in The Sun's Bizarre column often enough. Their record company should really pay off a few more journalists. As I said I really like The Arctic Monkeys, but The Rakes are just as good and their album wasn't pushed half as much. The hypefest that's gone on around them for over a year since I bet that you look good on the dancefloor has irked me. That's all. 73373[/snapback] Well I don't read the Sun but having seen them on Jonathan Ross's show I've no need to ever see them again. 73388[/snapback] still into marc almond & jimmy somerville like smooth?
was that mate me by any chance? remember you downloaded me a song when i brought you up that "special stuff" you right they are fuckin quality, sent wor lass owa the toon to get me the album for xmas but apparently its not out til later this month... its the most eagerly awaited listen since kasabian!!
can anybody explain why it is that over the christmas period my bottom takes on a whole new aroma? i'm not really eating differently to what i normally consume but for some reason when i go for a shit i come out leaving the netty smelling like an african village.!! wor lass is starting to get on my case about it but there's very little i can do other than a few blasts of glade when i've finished wiping.. another thing that wor lass used to have a go at me for was leaving the bog seat up, so i got into the habit of leaving it down.. now she goes mental because its always covered in piss !! fuckin women, you just cant win !!!
just logged on for the 1st time in a while as i've been busy due to the festivities etc... had 10 unread e-mails regarding "penis enlargement", i'm bloody sick to death of these things.. and the fact that 8 of them were from wor lass & the other 2 from my mother makes me even more fuckin pissed-off !!
liverpool think i was with you in the old a-wing paddock wacky...
i've witnessed some utter fuckin garbage in my time i.e. stimpson, cunningham, rambo reily, dillon, guivarch, serrant to name but a few.. but the biggest tosser to ever grace the hallowed turf of st. james has got to be marcelino.. i was always t brought up with the understanding your not to hate anybody as it is a really strong word, you only dislike people.. well i'm sorry mam but i "fucking hate marcelino !!!!" . . . . imo lord luque could be heading in the same direction!!!!
of course they are fuckin staged, 1 bloke sets off in a car while the other uses a plane & they get to the destination about 5 seconds apart.. give me fuckin strength !!! enjoyed it tho...
I thought asylum seekers weren't allowed to work while their cases were being processed. 63349[/snapback] DIVVENT SAY you GANI GRASS IZ UP WOR KID...
its all blokes where i work so the xmas party tends to be a big piss up owa the toon, copius amounts of alcohol consumption, maybe a fight then a kebab on the way home.. i've managed to get lucky the last 2 years running, granted they've been big fat bastards but "hey".. every holes a goal !!
ever been caught in a sticky situation? i have... once took a bird into the disabled bogs in buffalo joes doon the quayside & was just about to enter her from behind when she lent forward & grabbed onto the red spacka cord setting the alarm off, next thing we knew 3 big bouncers kicked the door doon & slung us oot.. wasn't very funny at the time but its a good job i can laugh aboot it noo..
i fuckin love owen but he has a habit of bottling big games, check the record books at liverpool if u think i'm talking shite..
funny as fuck IMO http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30000-13470103,00.html
great that'll mean i can have them back .. i'll get my wanking spanners warmed up !!
i think george best has died.. just passed the butchers & a sign read.. "best liver for sale"
i see the white ogar has been getting his tatties boiled of some young bird in a nightclub kitchen, the fuckin lucky bastard!! if i was a young superstar there's no way i'd have a steady girlfriend, i mean he's not excactlly david essex but with the standing he has got in the public eye they'd be hoying themselves at him!! its also a fantasy of mine to have sex in a kitchen, that way i could combine my 2 favourite pastimes of eating & humping.. i once done this really heavy lass from low fell & i asked her if she wanted me to rub food on her then lick it off? she was mad for it.. it started with a bit chocolate spread, then we moved onto ice-cream & at the finish i had a full english breakfast.. bacon sausage beans tomatoes mushrooms fried egg toast . well like i said she was a big lass !! . . . . . might give her a ring actually, i'm fuckin starving!!! . .
one word wacky..... COIN
aye wacky we've got it, i know what u mean about soaps.. the lezza has got friggin eastenders on all nite.. its pretty shite at the minute & the best thing on there is probably booze britain but i phoned up last week to pay the bill on my debit card & had a bit crack with the kid on the blower, he reckons they are just finding their feet with it at the minute but by xmas there should be shit loads on & not just the bbc/bravo/living channels that are on there now..
need some help from you lot if poss. just bought a new motorola rozr e1 like the 1 on the telly advert with madonna, got it off some shady looking bloke in a pub & you guessed it.. it didn't come with a users manual.. its a brill fone & i think i've got it sussed but the only thing i need help with is the storage memory.. i've got 2 pics,2 videos & 3 songs on and the memory is now full !! it wont allow me to download anything else until i remove something thats already on. it only has a total of 5697kb.. its probably summik easy but i'm shit with technology.. any idea's? cheers