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Well it is a recognised phobia ever since the stalking incident of 2002 49527[/snapback] You stalk people? Not surprising.
I answered that . The quality issue is a problem. I appreciate your persistance in chatting me up but I'm married and heterosexual. Sorry. 49499[/snapback] ahahahahahaaa What kind of answer is that? 49505[/snapback] A stereotypically prejudiced homophobic one, to be honest. I think I'll kick up a stink with the admins. 49517[/snapback] You didnt see the PM he sent. 49521[/snapback] I'm sure Dotbum's solicitor will be glad to see that 49526[/snapback] Libel and unrequited love are different. Don't get bitter just cos I binned you Sima.
Well, unfortunately, I have simply had to take screen shots of you calling me a member of the KKK. That is inaccurate and such libellous. Some never learn. Some can't. The admin have been informed. In due course you will be too. 49509[/snapback] I love this guy 49516[/snapback] You aswell? Heavens. I feel flattered. However, the answer is no.
I answered that . The quality issue is a problem. I appreciate your persistance in chatting me up but I'm married and heterosexual. Sorry. 49499[/snapback] ahahahahahaaa What kind of answer is that? 49505[/snapback] A stereotypically prejudiced homophobic one, to be honest. I think I'll kick up a stink with the admins. 49517[/snapback] You didnt see the PM he sent.
Cheers. Coming from you, its a compliment. See thats the difference with intelligence. You 'believe' I havent got a clue. I know you haven't. Have a lovely evening.
To be fair Parker is another who dives in too often. the fat bloke has a point in that he may be wise to play the second ball a little moer often when he has sod all chance of getting the first. Get the point though. The other is...how the fuck could people leave early? There were still loads doing it.
Fair enough like. Taylor right back. He needs to learn to stop diving in and he has done ok at right back. No Stephen Carr, so seems a decent option. Grimsby(Cleethorpes) is as good a place as any for Boumsong to regain some confidence. Havent been since promotion season. looking forward to it. Great day out last time. Babayaro could do a half. He's played well this season. Charlie has been poor without him. Dyer is ready? I know he is the squad but? His pace has been missed but where to play him? I can see him being played on the right away from home. tomorrow night may be too soon.
That you don't like the answer doesn't mean it hasn't been answered. Good luck with the next boy. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
Well, unfortunately, I have simply had to take screen shots of you calling me a member of the KKK. That is inaccurate and such libellous. Some never learn. Some can't. The admin have been informed. In due course you will be too.
I answered that . The quality issue is a problem. I appreciate your persistance in chatting me up but I'm married and heterosexual. Sorry. 49499[/snapback] Touche professor, by the way, anyone who actually knew what I was talking about would have twigged why I said it and what it was in relation to straight away. You haven't answered my question, you gave me a rather paltry book synopsis. Why are you so reticent to admit you weren't familiar with what I was saying, I freely admitted I hadn't heard of your Jerome Bruner(?), but then that would be because I'm an idiot wouldn't it? 49503[/snapback] Really? I had to (it wasnt interesting) look at persig years ago. Bruner was a suggestion when I thought you had some credibility. Now? I doubt you have the faculty for his work. Shame, some of what you say is decent. Other stuff is childish and dim. You are brighter than the other one mind.
Libel, the last bastion of a feeble mind. 49500[/snapback] You have been shunned son. Rejection is hard to take but don't get bitter.
I answered that . The quality issue is a problem. I appreciate your persistance in chatting me up but I'm married and heterosexual. Sorry.
Libel carries hefty penalties son. Remove it or I am calling my solicitor and the board goes down. Screen shots have been taken and forwarded..
Liar? You show half a post then concoct some daft story? Youre an idiot son. As it says in the last post. If you want to argue, take it to PM. Go on then sonny. what questions this time. I am trying to buy an amplifier so be quick.
That's it in full, don't know how I managed that, although why you would think I did it on purpose, how do you come off any better off with the rest added? EDIT: That's why, when you first get a PM you get the first line on a pink background at the top, I thought that was the whole message, no intention to mislead anyone there. 49489[/snapback] Bless.