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Everything posted by not_a_racist

  1. So, you know for a fact that the people praising Bowyer in this thread are the ones who previously hated him? Or are you saying everyone hated him, but now everyone likes him? Or are you just talking shite? 47571[/snapback] No I'm just saying most people dislike him but he showed some real quality against Wigan, nearly scored and got injured giving his all. And as for your pic mate. No comment needed. 47709[/snapback] So, you were talking shite then. 47869[/snapback] "Giving his all" isnt enough. He isnt good enough. He was better against Wigan but he should have scored, he didnt. He still leaves bloody great gaps he is incapable of filling. His 'performance' against Fulham was the most unprofessional since Mirandihna kicked Dave Beasant up the arse against Wimbledon in 1988. Needs selling. There are enough racists on Tyneside without keeping another.
  2. I would love to hit him in the face with a hammer. Harsh, but in fairness, true. 48031[/snapback] To be fair I don't see anything harsh in that at all. 48039[/snapback] Neanderthal man wouldnt though would he? At least UM knows it wrong! He has a brain though. 48098[/snapback] you am good boy, I tell from way you talk 48110[/snapback] You might love players who dont deserve it NE5/Nikos' Heed/Leazes but at least you have a brain and a sense of humour occasionally. That comment isnt your best. Not your worst, but not your best. No need to align yourself to brainless racist mongs.
  3. I would love to hit him in the face with a hammer. Harsh, but in fairness, true. 48031[/snapback] To be fair I don't see anything harsh in that at all. 48039[/snapback] Neanderthal man wouldnt though would he? At least UM knows it wrong! He has a brain though.
  4. I suspect he will lose his job if we dont win in the next two games. He isnt good enough but he has done the job Freddie wanted. Now we need better and I suspect FS knows that too. Maybe he is going to do something fucking stupid like put Alan Shearer into the job in the summer and for that reason Souness stays but I hope not.
  5. Remember what happened to the last manager who thought it would be a good idea to drop Shearer in favour of a younger striker for the mackem game! Seriously though, whilst i think Shearer is on his way out the idea of facing the mackems with Shola up front on his own carrying the goal scoring responsibility is enough to drive fans to insanity. This is Big Al's last crack at the mackems at St. James and who knows may end up as his last ever derby, he will be s fired up and read to give it everything for the las chance he has against them. I can't believe people would rather go into battle against the mackems with Shola on his own! 48093[/snapback] Too true. Souness will go soon enough and the next manager will have a better squad od better professionals to choose from. His dirty work is done. The mackems game needs people who understand the area involved and nobody will be up for it more than Alan Shearer. He needs support and Owen is our best bet there obviously. Without Owen, Dyer and Luque we lack pace. Solano is a bonus simply because the dead ball expertise has improved with him and Emre back. shearer thrives on that. Bowyer has been awful his season but he isnt a dead ball specialist and his corner taking has been poor (why he cant find a man n black and white in open play is beyond most though), as has Zogbias. With those two we increase the service to Shearer. He needs it and he needs pace. He has regularly had neither lately. If Owen is fit we have good pros who can provide all of those things.
  6. Making snap assessments isn't something I do, mate. I'm sure you believe that, however, in lieu of having something intelligent to contribute you try a bit of fishing. As you've admitted before, it's just the way you are, eh. Obviously some of us care more about the club and the topic at hand than others do. I suppose that's inevitable these days. I don't think anybody has ever claimed Robert is good at the bits of my post you highlighted, which is exactly why I posted it, as well you know. The question is, will Lucky do those things and will he better than Robert at the things Robert does well, or even just as good as Robert at the positive things? What I've seen of Lucky doesn't fill me with confidence that he will do the defensive work. ( I do own a TV, so while I admit my view of Lucky is somewhat limited, I can confirm that my exposure to football isn't just sitting in a stand at St James. I have seen him before ) But as I say, £9.5m of the clubs money gone on a player we didn't need. Assuming players are fit, we could be sitting here now looking ahead to Sunday with a strike pairing of Bellamy/Owen and Robert on the left. Instead, we have a 35 year old whose legs have gone and a kid on the left who looks out of his depth a large part of the time, and the club is £25m down. I know which option the mackems would prefer facing. You can bury your head in the sand all you like and be happy with that, but some of us aren't. Some of us regard this as poor management and a waste of the clubs money. 47684[/snapback] Yeah but you make ignorant racist remarks you half witted turd. Nice to see you have maintained the tabloid outlook (the very humerous "Lucky") Robert loves the club doesnt he? So does Bellamy? thats why they pissed about in the press/media and with the previous manager did you go to the Norwich game (or any other for that matter?) and return home/pub like the rest of us to hear our Craig saying "Craig Bellamy will do what is best for Craig Bellamy" when we tried to buy someone better! Heyho. At least now we have Parker, Emre, Solano, Owen, Luque you can manage a story to tell people you were right all along that we would sign Dickov! Somehow you will believe it. Youre a brainless, racist Brian. I'm sure your dad is proud of you.
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