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Everything posted by Delscottio1

  1. I think the fact that "where's the arcade?" has been posted and answered 200 times was the thing that hit the nerve, followed by "oh look, it's still shit". Soz like That wink at the end sums it all up to me - a bit too zany, this aint a personal attack btw more a culture thats built up. But looking through a lot of posts any "abuse" is more an in joke or tamed down with a wink. Thats the problem when most people know each other, the banter gets a to a level of in jokes and niceties. Perhaps everyone should re-register under a new username for a week or so Could be fun I honestly see a melt down soon, with the use of these fucking smilies. My absolute pet hate of message boards. Rany over, going for a tab!
  2. I think the fact that "where's the arcade?" has been posted and answered 200 times was the thing that hit the nerve, followed by "oh look, it's still shit". Soz like That wink at the end sums it all up to me - a bit too zany, this aint a personal attack btw more a culture thats built up. But looking through a lot of posts any "abuse" is more an in joke or tamed down with a wink. Thats the problem when most people know each other, the banter gets a to a level of in jokes and niceties.
  3. Sure those two are on Punternet, well according to my source.
  4. Think you may have a point there, the bloke played with World class stars at Man U and the best he can come up with is Balde? You couldn't make it up. Bet his wages up Glasgow weren't cheap either. Imagine him and Nosworthy at centre half, a disaster waiting to happen.
  5. Please let this happen, Bramble mark 2 http://www.sunderlandecho.com/sport?articleid=3040971 Pityful if true.
  6. From Skunkers - absolute classic prank. Don't know if been posted before , couldn't see it. What a career oppurtunity for a dwarf!!!!
  7. I was more getting at the trundle along bit. The big problem at the moment is the growth of the underclass system - the benefit claimants that have never seen anyone leave for work in the morning. Frightening how many 3rd generation benefit claimants there are now. You see, I even agree with someone who admits to right wing tendencies. Right wing tendancies are normal human reactions - don't be woried about it The problem with a lot of right wing mongs is they don't actually think about things, they become sheep and go along with the crowd - similar to happy clapper liberals in that respect. p.s I only have "some" right wing tendancies - only on certain matters - others I am very to the left.
  8. Fill ya boots big fella - I'am far far too lazy to consider such a step.
  9. I was more getting at the trundle along bit. The big problem at the moment is the growth of the underclass system - the benefit claimants that have never seen anyone leave for work in the morning. Frightening how many 3rd generation benefit claimants there are now.
  10. Middle class to me is more the attitude not the actual employment status. If someone wants to better themselves and go on and make a decent living they're middle class, someone working in a factory just trundling along to retirement, getting lashed every other night etc is working class. My opinion obviously
  11. Whats everyones politics? happy clapping liberal? I sense an argument. I must admit to lean towards the right on certain matters - and if any of you fuckers defend the McCanns actions in Portugal this board will melt down. Vic did on N-O, unsurprisingly. I find the condemnation of their actions a bit crass under the circumstances though. This probably isn't the thread for that discussion, start another one and I'll voice my opinions. Could never vote tory, from a long line of miners - just wouldn't sit right.
  12. Whats everyones politics? happy clapping liberal? Dyed in the wool Tory. You? Not at all, but hate the way this country is going, no sensible debate can be achieved on anything important, as shit "buzz lines" are spewed up by happy clappers to scared to voice an opinion. i.e any debate on immigration and you're racist etc.
  13. Whats everyones politics? happy clapping liberal? I sense an argument. I must admit to lean towards the right on certain matters - and if any of you fuckers defend the McCanns actions in Portugal this board will melt down.
  14. Why talk about that in public? No reason to unless to "shift blame" for lack of signings.
  15. Whats everyones politics? happy clapping liberal?
  16. Nah Derby have that one all stitched up.
  17. Really didn't like the jist of what BSA was saying. Came over as a bit of back peddling and making excuses, the next couple of weeks will be interesting.
  18. So will we see the spending begin? Anyone for a sweepstake for how much we will spend from now until the end of the transfer window? I am going for a paltry £7.5 million.
  19. West Ham now holding the transfer up - would love to know what the craic actually is with his contract. http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=4...p+Tevez+medical Sounds as though his owner was just bluffing last week about releasing papers - would have come out by now.
  20. What, optimistic in that he'll fuck off from the club or optimistic in that he'll do ok?
  21. What are we supposed to do? Randomly donate resources to clubs we have nothing to do with? We're not fucking Oxfam. Thats not the point though, he made him and the club look like right pricks nationwide.
  22. Does this place have many fans from other teams? Haven't seen one as yet. Just ask everyone who posts on other message boards to have a link to here in their sigs. yeah we have fans from other teams, but they don't post on here often Not just Mags then!! Also hate the split between general chat and the football board.
  23. Heard any "witty" chants from the crowd yet? Got to be one about FFS by now.
  24. Does this place have many fans from other teams? Haven't seen one as yet. Just ask everyone who posts on other message boards to have a link to here in their sigs.
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