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  1. Turning it round on other people? No. I have accepted responsibility for how i dealt with the situation. Badly. I made the point that the last year people had given me alot of shit and when i'd seen people slaggin me about the bet i lost it a bit. No passing the buck at all. I feel guilty for the whole episode, probably learned a lesson from it too.
  2. Aye, I think that much is fair, but I would add this: just fuck off in general too. Deano: YOUR A CUNT See. I've said what i needed to say. Do what ya like with it. I'll post again once i've donated. Please stop dragging my name through the shit though...being personal isnt fair. Take care lads....ENJOY supporting the toon. Dean
  3. Bunch of "childesh" wanks on here like. The fact is if he'd have said things were tight on here, not one person would've criticised him. Cowardly actions. Cowardly? No. I left because i was absolutely fed up of the clique on here. Of the morons who only come on here to take the piss. People arent objective, they are offensive. For all i understand how this whole thing has played out and how people "choose" to percieve it i dont actually give a shit about peoples opinions of me. What i am pissed off about, although its more pitty for the sat little tools who did it is people getting a picture of me, editing it and posting on NO. Where i am posting now. Also people calling me out on SBR Foundation website, they sheer wankfest people have had on here and so on. Its quite sad actually. Anyway. I am going to donate. I'll probably end up donating more than £50 when i can. I have a heart and i have a concience but i also have feelings too. Im just a normal guy who enjoys supporting my team. The last year or so this board has went tits up and the abuse i got for having an opinion was ridiculous, THAT was my reason reason leaving...it was NOT the reason for not donating. I fully intended to donate on the monday, things happen. Bad weeks happen. My work is seasonal and its slowing down now. Admittedly i handled the whole situation wrong and made myself look a tit but at the end of the day at least i know im a good lad with good intentions and i will donate WHEN i can. It was cowardly, and all it looks like is you flounced off joined a new forum with a different name and got rumbled because of your posting style, otherwise why not sign up as Deano? See that bit in bold, thats what you should've done at the time, the "i earn 500 a week you peasants" shot you in the foot, and you put the picture up yourself, you've been a member long enough to know what happens when you do that, it's all a bit of craic, ya don't see deadman flouncing because @yourservice turned him into a terrorist. take it on the chin, pay the original tenner when you've got it and dry your eyes, no one on here will give ya abuse about doing that (your formations however will be fair game as always ) Like i said i didnt react well. My bad. But i dont think some people exactly shone in a good light either. I joined NO. I knew people off here posted on their. I wasnt hiding otherwise i'd of changed mt style. Im not stupid. Like i said i will dontate when i can. And had people not been total cunts i would of acted in a more rational manner. As it turns out i made a tit out of myself....so did a few others. True colours and all that.
  4. Stevie do you not think i would of just said that if people had given me the chance to do so? Before i even realised the usual wanks had jumped all over it, slagged me off and got my back up. Clique or no clique this board is still full of obnoxious, condesending and pretencious pricks who i feel gave me a hard time for ages just for having an opinion on my club. I've said my piece. I will donate when i can. Im not a heartless bastard, i care for what the foundation does. Thumbs up to everyone who donated on here though.
  5. Bunch of "childesh" wanks on here like. The fact is if he'd have said things were tight on here, not one person would've criticised him. Cowardly actions. Cowardly? No. I left because i was absolutely fed up of the clique on here. Of the morons who only come on here to take the piss. People arent objective, they are offensive. For all i understand how this whole thing has played out and how people "choose" to percieve it i dont actually give a shit about peoples opinions of me. What i am pissed off about, although its more pitty for the sat little tools who did it is people getting a picture of me, editing it and posting on NO. Where i am posting now. Also people calling me out on SBR Foundation website, they sheer wankfest people have had on here and so on. Its quite sad actually. Anyway. I am going to donate. I'll probably end up donating more than £50 when i can. I have a heart and i have a concience but i also have feelings too. Im just a normal guy who enjoys supporting my team. The last year or so this board has went tits up and the abuse i got for having an opinion was ridiculous, THAT was my reason reason leaving...it was NOT the reason for not donating. I fully intended to donate on the monday, things happen. Bad weeks happen. My work is seasonal and its slowing down now. Admittedly i handled the whole situation wrong and made myself look a tit but at the end of the day at least i know im a good lad with good intentions and i will donate WHEN i can.
  6. Thats me. But what gives you the fuckin right to put my name up on here.......thats gotta be against the rules? How do i upload a screenshot? tbf the fact that its splashed across your website makes it fairly public. And I expect the declaration on your SA to be at least £45k based on you paying yourself £25k pa, working on the logic that you need tools, petrol, phone, premises, vehicle, petty cash etc etc then thats a fair enough valuation. I was going to offer a helping hand on your site once you'd paid up but frankly business is booming so my fees a grand. Its tax deductible of course. My work is seasonal, i only work 8-9 months a year and travel the rest so it wont be as high as that. I appreciate the offer, any advice is welcome.
  7. Too all the mongs on here. Leazes, Alex, Tom, Fish, Besty, Gemmill, Dr Gloom, Dr Noisewater, KSA, Kevin and all the other dicks on here. To Chez, OzToonFan, Toonpack and CT.....you guys are good guys. I've enjoyed reading your stuff. Im going to take my opinions elsewhere, to the sad joy of some on here. This board has become an absolute joke full of mongs and negative fucks. Over and out!
  8. I'l be removing my website details then. Cant trust people on here. Sad state of affairs. Check the SBR website on monday people. Im deleting my account.
  9. Good stuff. I will do that on monday. Can you do summit with the cock who has posted my name and location please. Bang out of order. You know you have WB as your profile location? Aye but how the fuck can someone get my name?
  10. Good stuff. I will do that on monday. Can you do summit with the cock who has posted my name and location please. Bang out of order.
  11. Thats me. But what gives you the fuckin right to put my name up on here.......thats gotta be against the rules? How do i upload a screenshot?
  12. Kevin you clueless, lonely, autistic, attention seeking, curbchomping little fool. I said £500 a week was pretty shit at the moment. Thats not what my business makes, thats what i pay myself. Business is only 4 months old. Get a proper job.......then again your probably happy with minimum wage and the tenna your dad gives you for suckin his cock.
  13. Why did you have to add that bit in? It just makes you look the twat Why? Because of all the stick...4 pages long on here because i didnt jump like a little bitch. £50 is nowt and i'll pay it as and when i see fit. I'l be transfering money from my business account and donating monday mornin. Why you doing that like? Not just use your own current a/c? Or you getting the business to pay it? You could get a tax deduction if the business pays out as a donation, or if you pay personally the value of the donation is increased assuming you pay tax, which you will. I pay myself cash mate. Only use current account for DD's and standing orders. How would i get a tax deduction? Tbh Gemmill i've had enough of the shit people give me on here. The fact that people got all excited and slagged me off for 4 pages is enough to piss a bloke off. Quite sad really.
  14. What? You jealous Kevin? How much is McDonalds paying you? £500 a week is shite for me at the moment fella. New business wages really. Im not posting a bank statement on here you mug. Deano's having a melt down Finally realised you're an absolute fucking mug and everything you've ever aspired to in life has been a crock of shit? You are an absolute tool arent you kevin? What have you amounted to eh? Food technician? Well, Deano, when i grow up i hope to start up a gardening business... Your right kevin...i really wish i was a food technician with 5 gold stars. Having your own business is well beyond your mental capacity like. Gardening and Landscape design are two very different things. I design gardens and pay people to do the "gardening".
  15. If he is big enough to give it he is big enough to take it. Man if the little runt said something like that to me in the street i'd backhand him across the face. The BOY thinks he is more than he is.
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