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About Zathras

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    Da Bold Norf

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  1. I an always impressed by how we can fuck up cup finals before the match even kicks off. JFC
  2. I somehow forget between matches against Liverpool how many of their players I specifically detest.
  3. I was going to comment that it being above 0° F (-18°C) felt positively balmy this morning. But it was actually still -1° (-17° C). Still.
  4. Anybody got a spare room?
  5. JFC how am I supposed to take a walk for my mental health with the country collapsing around me in this weather? Mind you, this is Celsius, thank fuck. Though the overnight low last night was -25 Fahrenheit (-32 C)
  6. Bright side is that they’re actually under 0.75 xG despite having three. of course our xG is 0.04…
  7. What was the point of Kelly? He hasn't made a single overlap since coming on and deprived us of any width on the left.
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