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Definitely Maybe

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Everything posted by Definitely Maybe

  1. You cant appeal over yellow cards. You can only appeal on the basis of mistaken identity, which it wasnt.
  2. Got my ticket. £48, though there were a limited number of tickets for £45...
  3. Its a con man. Yes hes a smackhead, but he knows what hes doing, and he knows how to play the media game. (yes that is basically stolen from an interview with Kasabian about him, but its spot on).
  4. Its a pretty good article to be honest. Particularly "Newcastle should get a kicking." Legend
  5. Definitely System of a Down. To me, they just sound like a bunch of 14 year olds shouting, but I've been told its "dark and meaningful." Err, how?
  6. He was good in the office like.
  7. For the majority of top players, its just going through the motions anyway. Waste of time.
  8. Sarah would have that effect on me anarl like
  9. I looked at the one for us, and it said "by Paul Forrest, editor of A Love Supreme." Whey, Martyn McFadeden is the editor, not Paul Forrest, so they've probbarbly got the names mixed up for all of them.
  10. Sure I don't. 9089[/snapback] Post a pic and prove it.
  11. Playoffs/automatic promotion if lucky. If they finish 6th it'd be good as the past 2 seasons the 6th placed team have gone up (Palace and Wet Sham) Aye but hopefully Oster is over his 'problems'. I'll corner him on the open day if I can be arsed to go and see if he's still mental. And I didnt understand the latter Aw i'm only young. 8561[/snapback] How old are you actually Brock? I thought you were 17/18? Osters never been "mental" - quite the opposite. Hes a gutless, spineless little shit. Has loads of skill, but never applies himself. This is his 4th club in a year. Automatic promotion? Your joking surely?
  12. Nope - lack of investment again - you need a decent striker, a good CB and, most of all, some depth in the squad................... Madjeski has done a lot there but unless he kicks in another £ 10 mill for players you'll be lucky to make the play offs 8111[/snapback] Decent strikers: Kitson and Lita, not sure about Doyle as I havent seen him yet. Reading last season I tihnk conceded the least goals in the league, now they've added Malkin for some experience. Depth in the squad? Well John Oster has just signed and he can play anywhere in midfield, with Sidwell, Harper, Gunnarson, Hunt (crap but he's there), Little and Convey (not given a fair chance, can only improve hopefully) I'd love to see Reading promoted, would see premiership football live as opposed to on telly And I'd be there watching the toon, trying to get an away seat as I wouldnt be able to wear my toon shirt otherwise If Kitson stays fit, I think Reading could be looking at automatic promotion, although the league will be much more competitive this season. 6th place minimum, as I can't see them repeating last season' s slump in form. 8117[/snapback] John Oster CANT play anywhere in midfield, hes a right winger, and your missing the point - HES FUCKING SHITE! Its Makin not Malkin by the way, and although he was superb for us, hes done nowt since. Dave Kitson is alright but not wont get you the goals to go up. Leeroy Lita is completely unproven. 7th place at best Im afraid.
  13. He played 40+ games for the team who finished 4th and in a champions league spot. Canny signing.
  14. Ashley Cole. Dont know why, I just cant bring myself to hate him.
  15. Clubbing is class when your pissed. However, unless Im rat arsed it all seems a bit crap. Theres a couple of places open til 3 in Sunderland, so we usually just stay in the bars til they shut at 1, then go clubbing.
  16. I remember wtdog accusing Blackadder of being t00nraider. I miss those debates 3810[/snapback] He was though wasnt he. Didnt t00nraider ring Wtdog's boss at work and tell him he'd been bullying him on the internet, trying to get him sacked? Bad craic that like.
  17. Ace Lager - Charva raver who hates Pink Floyd
  18. Quality Permission to post elsewhere?
  19. Hes past that. He threatens to kill people before football matches with his Chelsea headhunter mates, before shouting out of car windows to girls in his spare time. Funniest thread ever?
  20. You forgot shouting out of car windows at girls. Its amazing what a business card with ACCOUNTANT on it can do.
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