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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. Dunno, perhaps. End of the day he was innocent until proven guilty so you can't really have a go at sunderland for treating him as an innocent man. If they knew he was going to plead guilty to the charges, then they're scum.
  2. To be honest, that looks to me like they suspended him while they made their minds up what to do with him, then he's insisted his innocence and they've given him the benefit of the doubt.
  3. Is this a round the houses way of you asking to be big spoon?
  4. That's going to have any browsing mackems in a fucking fizz and no mistake.
  5. "guest room"? fuck that, we're gonna be struggle-cuddle buddies.
  6. To be fair, if he's denied all charges to them initially, they're likely to take him at his word. Either way they'll most likely terminate his contract, it's only until the summer anyway. To be honest I think most people outside of Tyne and Wear will want Johnson to be castrated, but won't really give a shit what happens to sunderland AFC.
  7. I've been on here how long? You must have picked up by now that I'm fairly self-obsessed? I wouldn't be moving to Manchester if it wasn't what I wanted to do. Mortgage isn't an issue, got friends there, and if the relationship goes tits up I'll move into Gemmill's bachelor pad
  8. suppose it's easier to delete the entire thread than trawl through all the racist shit to find the few legally-dubious posts...
  9. Think the football has, on the whole, improved. Away games have generally been shit, but some of the football at home has been lovely to watch.
  10. I'd get a stomach ulcer, which would eventually show enough sentience that I could argue with it... like a pessimistic Kuato.
  11. It's the mention of inside knowledge from someone involved. I just wouldn't want you the victim of some Making a Murderer style documentary in years to come. you mean so much to me...
  12. I'm no lawyer, but might be worth deleting this, for fear of legal bullshittery.
  13. I'd not be surprised if some of the worst of human detritus will blame her if sunderland get relegated. Every club has a minority that are total arseholes. Mind you there's quite a number of Newcastle fans crowing about this. smh
  14. If he's pleading guilty to one count of "grooming" and one count of "sexual activity with a minor" doesn't that mean he knew he was having sex with an underage girl? Where's the Grey Man when you need his legal counsel?! SAFC surely have to terminate his contract?
  15. Aye, just saw that. Doesn't say what the other two charges were though. One count of owning a windowless van and one count of lying about the ownership of puppies?
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