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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. You must have been already going a fair lick to get flashed. Don't the cameras have a +/- of about 10%?
  2. It has been proven, countless times in countless ways. It's just a small proportion of the population are so arrogant in their delusion they don't think that's good enough. You believe in magnetism, right? I've no idea if there is one out there, but it seems reasonable to me that were someone to fashion a spherical magnet, with 1 pole towards the centre and the other towards the surface, then dip it in ferrous liquid, the liquid would surround the sphere, much as water is pulled to the surface of the globe. Edit- Hey, whaddya know, they did. And it does. in addition, were someone to pass another magnet near to the ferrous-liquid dipped sphere, some of that ferrous-liquid would be attracted to the new magnet. Just as the moon affects the planet's bodies of water to create tides.
  3. The Fish

    SQL summarising

    Lads, I'm trying to run the following query, but it's taking ages. Any idea how I can summarise it to speed it up any? Select Td.Branch, Td.Cust_Code, td.prod_dept, td.supplier_code,s.supplier_name, REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(MONEY,cast(sum(case when record_type in (7,16) and *****.dbo.ftnGetGoLocalTopScheme(td.branch,td.cust_code) like 'g%' then total_value *-1 when record_type not in (7,16) and *****.dbo.ftnGetGoLocalTopScheme(td.branch,td.cust_code) like 'g%' then total_value else 0.00 end)as decimal(10,2))),1),'.00','.00') as [GL Spend] From Transaction_Details as Td left outer join dbo.supplier as s on td.supplier_code=s.supplier_code Where Td.Branch >0 and Td.Date_Transaction Between '2015-06-24' AND '2016-04-29 23:59' Group By Td.Branch, Td.Cust_Code, td.prod_dept, td.supplier_code, s.supplier_name Cheers
  4. Cool, cool, cool, but you shoulder the burden of proof. You're the one making a claim, you need to prove it.
  5. It's often disappointing when real teams sign FM legends. Kim Kallstrom was an anticlimax
  6. Cool cool cool, but you shoulder the burden of proof.
  7. You dismissing proof isn't the same as proof not existing. You. Shoulder. The. Burden. Of. Proof.
  8. Oh aye, I forgot he believes there are people paid to pretend to be grieving victims. Abhorrent bh.
  9. You shoulder the burden of proof. Far greater minds than I have proven beyond reasonable doubt that gravity exists, that the moon exists, that the Sun exists, that the stars exist that satellites exist, and so on. I know the ISS exists because I've seen it with my own eyes. You don't "know" anything that your theories propose exist. Not one thing, yet you put it forward as an alternative to scientific status quo, even going so far as to mock the conventional wisdom. You then ask people to prove you wrong. For goodness sake, you asked people to prove satellites existed without using empirical or anecdotal evidence.
  10. So, regardless of whichever person sits you down and takes you, step by step, through your theory, explaining it's flaws and providing evidence that the scientific status quo is reliable... regardless of which poor schmuck actually does this, you won't accept it because you don't believe they know the "truth"? Wolfy man, can't you see how circular your logic is?
  11. Well, that sentence deserves scrutiny. Not by a physicist, just a GCSE English Grammar student. I think you're saying that you won't accept any testing that uses the current scientific status quo as a base? If that's the case, what you're asking is for someone to use your "logic" to disprove your own theory. If not, then I've misunderstood what that sentence is trying to say.
  12. Ridiculous how nervous I get when this thread is bumped.
  13. Aye, but they're all (bar Sels) all right. Not a priority, is all I'm saying. CB, LB, LW, #10, CF are more of an issue imo
  14. don't throw a tantrum Wolfy. I'm honestly saying that if your mind went straight to calling yourself those things, then there's shit going on that maybe you should talk to someone about. fwiw, you're demanding I disprove your theory? Well, two things, 1) Parky is doing that better than I could, 2) I don't see an end point, it's your theory that you refuse to provide evidence for, or even show your working out. Without evidence or process to interrogate, how can I refute it? As it stands it's all in your head (or written upon the internet). And, perhaps most importantly, you wouldn't accept any scrutiny of it. Were I to fly you to the edge of the atmosphere you'd claim the curvature of the Earth is an optical illusion, should you go further you would dismiss the sudden apparent weightlessness as the work of inverted denpressure within our tin can, were you to set foot on the moon you'd dismiss it as an island within the dome.
  15. No, I'm being serious. Being a little askew is one thing, but "I'm just a retarded pissant who sits in his mothers basement with egg yolk and gravy down my top, with a big mat of greasy hair." suggests to me there's something else going on. Nobody has accused you of any of that, just that you're an arrogant man with an insufficient grasp of science, insufficient for one who is comfortable dismissing it.
  16. Well, there's a lot to unpack there, most of it speaks to an insecurity that perhaps you should talk to someone about and I'm being absolutely serious.
  17. Yes, you're the arrogant one for claiming the rest of the planet (and all the great minds that have had their work dismissed by you) are wrong and at best blindly following what they've been taught at worst complicit in a massive conspiracy. I'm not the arrogant one (in this case) as I would happily accept your new reality, if you proved it.
  18. That's the problem though Wolfy, you're the bloke in the white smock and you don't realise it. Men of science were murdered for daring to present evidence that countered the status quo, murdered by those who didn't have any counter-evidence, or understanding, but didn't believe the new evidence and had the arrogance to declare their fantasy as Gospel.
  19. Classic. Backed into a corner, you'd rather "agree to disagree" than actually provide anything more substantial than "It's just my opinion". Parky is manfully picking your theory apart, and you've no answer for that, so you'll shrug your shoulders and say "Well, that's your opinion" and prance off into the Wolfy wonderland where gravity isn't real, the stars aren't real, the moon isn't real, satellites aren't real, but totally improbable, entirely unprovable and ludicrously flimsy your Denpressure theory is. If this were a different time in history, you'd be dangerous.
  20. One of those transfers that I can't get excited about, but I'm not disappointed either. Quick, sensible business... it's not sexy, is it?
  21. Well, of course you would, anything to distract, delay or diffuse scrutiny of your claims. Tell you what, How about you prove your claim first, then I'll get round to bothering everyone else?
  22. They're not my wild theories Wolfy me old mucker, you shoulder the burden of proof.
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