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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. Just looking, we didn't really spend a lot the last time we came up, we had a less capable manager and I'd say the league wasn't as shit.
  2. I can't think why he's afraid to admit it now, I'm sure I've seen him do so before?
  3. I think one of my frustrations with talking to Wolfy is that he'll speak of things like the radiation belt, and the need to cool equipment in space, but when someone explains it to him he dismisses it out of hand. He also talks in broad strokes "It's obvious if you think about it", "It's clearly nonsense", and stuff like that, but when pressed on those topics cannot clarify his position. All the while demanding concrete, physical evidence from others. A little bit of knowledge and all that. Oh and I too find his views on catastrophes hugely offensive.
  4. Then why is he bothering to proselytise on what is ostensibly a football message board? If not to have an open discussion and allow others to question his worldview, why share it? Also doesn't help that he insults people's intelligence on this board in particular.
  5. You prefer his page long diatribes?
  6. Better organised, motivated and more balanced too.
  7. Again it would have taken you fewer words to explain the Scientific MEthod in your own words. One wonders why you're not able or willing to do it? No, I've not accepted nonsense. I'm not accepting any of your Ice Dome horseshit for a start You have no authority to state what I'm doing or why I'm doing it. I'm happy to provide you reams of evidence, but I know that it would be fruitless as you dismiss it out of hand. Not because you understand it, have pored over it, have rigorously tested it, but simply because you have decided you are the arbiter of what is nonsense or not. My life is tickety boo. I'm open minded too. Why are you reticent to share the most basic details of your life? Your career? Try me.
  8. Explain the scientific method in your own words. The point is that it's an incredibly complex and fragile construct, others would be easier and more robust. Why choose this one? You. Have. No. Proof. All you're doing is repeating "It's nonsense" without anything to back up that outlandish claim. You have no authority to dismiss this evidence. Simply declaring "It's nonsense" without backing that claim up is pointless and should be put in the same drawer as the men who declare "The End is Nigh" on sandwich boards in 90s action movies. It's not about making it easier, it's about humanising you. Then explain the scientific method in your own words.
  9. The point I'm making is that you don't understand the scientific method. It would have taken fewer words to explain it than it did for you to write the above. Yes, you do claim a truth and you dismiss other people as authority. You claim there is a global conspiracy to dupe the masses. You claim hundreds of thousands of people are living a lie. You claim we who challenge you are gullible, ignorant and so on. You claim a lot as "truth". Why lie? You cannot replicate the kind of force that exists on a planetary scale. This is another of your claims, Gravity is nonsense. Despite it standing up to rigorous scrutiny and interrogation by brilliant minds. You declare it as nonsense because you don't understand it. It is easier and cheaper to actually go into space than it is to fake it. Certainly it was when Gagarin did it, when Armstrong did it and so on. Well, if you were a 14yr old school child we would encourage your inquisitive, sceptical mind. If you were an educated sceptic who had a solid understanding of the sciences you dismiss out of hand we may be curious as to how you came to your findings. If you are a security guard we may be less critical of your curiosity as it's likely born of boredom. Your career may provide an explanation for your position. Debate needs structure to progress, otherwise it's the Mail Online comments section. Well, you don't seem to know the scientific method, you certainly didn't know Rikko's insight, Parky has told you things you didn't know. This board has a variety of men who could provide real and genuine insight if only you were open minded enough to accept that they know what they're talking about.
  10. Give us your explanation of the scientific method please. No it isn't, not even close. Otherwise I'd have been duped into believing your fabrication. Larger objects can behave differently to small objects. Can you understand this simple idea? ... there are easier carrots to dangle, and easier sticks. The effort to fabricate it is greater than actually doing it. Why are you so reticent to let us know what you do? I'm interested in progressing the conversation. You don't seem to be as interested. You are Wolfy, you're the ignorant one. You're also the arrogant one.
  11. Do you know what the scientific method is? Not arrogant, confident based on evidence. Yeah, you're literally proving my point about you failing to understand that larger objects can behave differently to smaller ones. So, thanks for that. Yes there are easier methods, if you don't see that, you lack imagination. No, they don't If they have this ability to pull the wool over the eyes of everyone, why bother with a monetary system at all? If they have this absolute power why not foster a societal model that elevates them and keeps the rest afraid, ill-informed and cowed? A far less Herculean task than fabricating a multitude of industries, catastrophic events and faux-science. They were joking, I'm asking a serious question. You seem happy to share your theories, but steadfastly refuse to allow us an insight into the rest of your life. Insight that might better help us engage with you maturely. If you humanise yourself, you may find people more willing to treat you as a human, rather than a faceless "conspiracy nut". You Wolfy. It's you. You're the ignorant one.
  12. Not really, I have the entire weight of the scientific method behind me. You have nothing behind you but disappointed parents. I don't claim someone else's life's work is a sham. I don't claim to fully understand anything. I just understand more than you. That's not arrogance, it's a confidence based on the evidence I have to hand. I've shown you liquid forming around a sphere. You ignore it because it doesn't work within your myopic worldview. I also believe in gravity and a body of water adhering to a globe makes total natural sense in that framework. You just seem to have a failure to understand that large objects can behave differently to smaller ones. There are much, much easier ways to keep the populous down trodden, compliant and afraid. There are much, much easier ways to make money. And given this would need to be a global conspiracy, what would the point in having money? If this is truly a worldwide conspiracy and money is essentially worthless in a closed system what's the point in these machiavellian manipulations of the world? These shrouded figures who can dupe the entire world (apart from you) can do what they want when they want how they want, why do they need money? They have absolute power. What job do you have? So that's a "I don't know" and therefore further evidence of your ignorance.
  13. No, that's not basically what it is, it's not even what it is if you take a more rigorous look at what I mean. I question, evaluate, reject or accept based on logic, reason and so on. You are claiming something that has been proven by centuries of study, is 100% not true, without proof. You state categorically that the earth is not a globe and you have nothing to back that up. Nothing whatsoever. You then state anyone who does accept the consensus is gullible at best. So explain why. Why would there be an industry which is essentially a charade? Why would Rikko have studied for years in a sham science, been employed by a sham industry. What benefit is there to the lie? Surely if none of this existed there'd be easier, cheaper, more simplistic ways to keep him in employ? Why fabricate this complex lie when a simpler one would provide just as much use? Oh, and if your answer is a variation on "I don't know" I'd suggest the reason you don't know is because the answer doesn't fall in line with your world view and as such you cannot accept it, what with you being closed minded and all.
  14. Photos, videos, launch sites, testimonies, and so on and so on and so on. They don't all tell the truth, but neither do they all lie. Also, there are often reasons for someone to lie under oath, you still haven't given a reason for a centuries old, global conspiracy. You have no proof of anything whatsoever, and as you're making the claim (the Ice Dome and Denpressure) the burden of proof lies with you. No it doesn't, yes they actually do, you condescending bellend. Right, so you've done literally nothing to move your position forward. You state the globe is a lie, but can't prove it. Then you insult people who agree with the consensus because you can't prove anything. Yes there are, why are you lying? I've met him once or twice and he has no reason to lie. And, unlike you , he's able to provide satisfactory explanations of his work, of some of the methods and the science behind his career.
  15. If Rafa goes, we could well get a well known manager, but there are plenty of well known managers who aren't worth a damn. Ashley has to know Benitez is the best chance of staying up and growing the Newcastle "brand"? Surely?
  16. But I have recieved proof that satisfies my standard. I've seen photographs, I've heard testimony, I've understood enough of the science behind it, and it makes sense. You cannot prove a mote of what you claim. Not a speck, not a jot. Everything you suggest is the logical alternative to the consensus is the fanciest of flights. It isn't replicated anywhere in the natural world, it requires total suspension of every law of nature we understand and it relies on nothing but you insulting people who mock it. I know this might toss you down a rabbit hole, but the only thing you know is that you exist. Your eyes, your ears, even your mind can lie to you. You might think you're replying to a message board, but for all you know, you're a brain in a jar on a shelf in a Pratchettian existence. You exist, everything else is up for debate. The trouble is, debate has to move forward otherwise it's pointless. There are industries, livelihoods, technologies, etc. all dovetailing perfectly with a globe earth reality. And not a single scrap of evidence for your flight of fancy. It would work as a thought experiment if it stood up to the modest scrutiny we've applied, but it doesn't. Oh and the expert was Rikko, who you informed that his years of study and subsequent career was a lie.
  17. The problem Wolfy, it's possible to question what you're told and then still agree with the consensus. You appear to suggest that it's not. If you agree with the consensus, you have accepted it without question. Which is both wrong headed and offensive. You claim an open mind, but there are examples of an expert in their field walking you through their knowledge, and after all that you've flatly refused to accept their testimony. We have all asked you to provide evidence of your Ice Dome, to provide a reason for the centuries old, global conspiracy you claim exists, to provide anything to support your claim because we are open minded enough (at first) to entertain a view alternate to the consensus. And then there's your "jokes".
  18. Couple of things; I'm not worried, I'm wondering. You say your fine, have you any evidence of that? Because, as it stands, all evidence is pointing to the contrary.
  19. So Tyrion was on the beach with Dany, but then wasn't there for Theon?
  20. Dovetails with his quotes asking for the crowd to get behind the team.
  21. Wolfy's responses when someone tears his position apart is so predictable. blah blah I'm just asking questions blah blah some people are happy to believe whatever they're told without questioning blah blah no reliable evidence blah blah ask yourself blah blah I'm not trying to convince anybody of anything, but all your theories are stupid and wrong I do wonder what his friends and family think of his world view. Does it take up a lot of his time, as it seems to on here? Does his family roll their eyes and avoid the subject or do they beseech him to seek help?
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