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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. Pre-ordered this today. Reckon I'll play as Newcastle Manager until I make them a behemoth. Might do a true career though. Start at some non-league side and see if I can get a top flight job on merit. Y'know, like Tim Sherwood and Paul Ince did.
  2. Had to google them and fell down a google image hole I know what'll make all the girls hot, if my lower half looks like a denim teepee.
  3. Is this a ruse to get my address so you can set up your Home Invasion fantasy?
  4. Have you tried Spliffy? They're a lovely pair.
  5. Lass I know doesn't need any medication to get her active. Genuinely goes for a run with two dogs until the poor beasts are knackered, hoovers then mops the house on her return, before going to work from 7ish through until about 8/9 and does that all at least 5 days a week. She's an events manager for a posh restaurant, doing weddings and whatnot so sometimes she's not getting back to hers until 2-3 in the one or two days that she's actually "off", but she never seems fazed and has an unbelievable amount of energy. Feel for her husband mind.
  6. I suppose deforestation and mining could have an impact on the stability of the plates, but earthquakes weren't something where I considered man made climate change a contributory factor.
  7. I think his effort on the pitch in comparison to other players won him a few fans, but objectively he's pretty fucking terrible.
  8. I'm happy to read owt, but I'm not paying that! https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/1508995702/ref=tmm_pap_new_olp_sr?ie=UTF8&condition=new&qid=&sr=
  9. That resonates. Not just in work situations though.
  10. Not sure it's about time spent, I'm as likely to duck out of something that would take 30min as I will something that will take weeks, should I deem the likelihood of failure to be high. There's definitely a guilt about spending your time playing a game, or doing nothing. Even though there is worth for the individual in finishing a season, or literally doing nothing.
  11. He doesn't for normal life, but he needs unrealistic praise/encouragement to actually complete a difficult/challenging task. That's another facet to me. I am versions of myself depending on the situation. Only really my whole self when I'm alone, and I hate being alone. Hence the amount of time I spend on message boards.
  12. Perhaps it's a fear of "what's next". Maybe my successes aren't going to be successful "enough". Sure you wrote a blog, but nobody reads it, only 100 people read it, only a thousand people read it. It's not earning you any money, it earns you fuck all etc. Dunno, just a thought that came to me over my breakfast.
  13. I enjoy the awkwardness of a shit story. As Janine from reception is droning on about the conversation she had with the postman "So I turns to him and says", all I'm doing is watching the faces of the other people in the audience. Watching to see if their mask is dropping, if they're off doing something else in their head or if they're genuinely still listening.
  14. I was billy big bollocks before and during University on here, the older members will attest to this. Came on here telling older, wiser heads that they were talking unmitigated horseshit, but over the years I've mellowed and realised by comparison, I know fuck all about politics, say. This came about because as we were talking, their breadth and depth of insight eclipsed mine, which was based more on gut feel and opinions cobbled together from various surface level sources, rather than from an in depth reading around a subject. Too often I'd state an opinion as fact and within 2-3 posts I was made to look the arsehole I was being. By group approval I guess I do want to be a valuable member of a group, but I don't really care if my opinions are at odds with others. I don't bow to people's opinions on subjects upon which I consider myself well-versed. Football, for example, it's rare that I'll brook any bullshit from you lot about that and I'll happily write reams of text opining on the subject. But I won't put that to a blog, nor submit it to a fanzine. I'm far more likely to be criticised (or at least be aware of it) on here than I am if the same opinions were in The Mag or some betting-supported blogsite. The only reason I can think I don't do that is because I'm worried about it being unsuccessful. fwiw I might seem hard on myself, but I've a very healthy sense of self worth. I'm a fucking top bloke and we all know it. Ask the few on here who've spent any real time with me offline and they'll attest to my abiding self confidence. It's just more acceptable to speak of your own faults, rather than your strengths, it's also a more common topic. If you started a thread on "What are you fucking mint at?" Any legit self-praise would be drowned in a sea of braggadocio and bravado, and self deprecating humour. I'm more diplomatic in real life, because offline life is built on more important relationships. I can't imagine you behaving more diplomatically than you do here. Not only in your own interactions, but you do try to act as a mediator between the more demonstrative members. When compromising offline, do you do it to such an extent you come away from an encounter feeling angry or frustrated at yourself? That if you had been more assertive, combative, you both would have come away with a better outcome?
  15. They're a teacher's shoe. Not PE or ICT, maybe History? definitely one of the humanities subjects. Wears a tank top
  16. Don't you have a pair of winkle pickers that could get into your brogue's treads?
  17. Partly, and yes other people's opinions of me do colour my own self-image, as is true with all but the most self-confident/psychopathic of people. Putting myself out there isn't an issue, I share more on here than most(with people who outstrip me intellectually) and take part in discussions where my own limitations are laid bare. When starting in a new environment I don't hold off with my contribution. Nor do I avoid new experiences where my inexperience could be significant in comparison to others. I wouldn't have joined the pod, or tried stand-up, or whatever. It's where additional effort or commitment could lead to people thinking I've overreached, I think. I probably write a thousand or so words about football every week, but I wouldn't commit to a blog because I don't think it would be a "success". I've started and given up a couple of stories, because it's more comfortable to give up than it is to actually see it through (and it not be a success). Wolfy is just upset that I think he's an idiot, who's transgressed the intellectual exercise of discussing alternatives to the consensus, into areas that are genuinely offensive and does so with an arrogance that he uses to try and mask his own limitations. when his limitations are challenged, laid bare, he lashes out and discards the very thing he claimed to be looking for; an exchange of ideas.
  18. Well, re-read what you typed and you'll see that it's a criticism, rather than an evaluation. That stems from your own ego and not me. You haven't hurt or upset me, you're an irrelevance on the internet. You have taken umbrage with my prior interactions with you and chose to have a dig, rather than a discussion. That's your choice, but don't be surprised if someone calls you out for it.
  19. See, this was a nice conversation, then you acted the cunt.
  20. Pretty sure it will be the fear of getting found out. The curse of parents and teachers convincing you that you're the cleverest little boy in the room. Better to be thought clever and lazy, than stupid. University was a big wake up call, met people there whose intellect (and their application of it) blew me away.
  21. Reminds me of old Iron Mike Williamson.
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