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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. Boasting? You don't know the half of it
  2. He's had to hang up the Comedy Cape, the Bravado Balaclava, and the Football Fez.
  3. Should be plain(er) sailing for us, no chain, flexible move-date, etc.
  4. You're thinking about this wrong mate, all the things that are happening are good things and things that I want to happen. It's just that I don't handle change very well, unfortunately circumstances dictate that things happen within this timeframe.
  5. I won't be travelling that much to be honest, it just so happened that the project I'm working on needed me to go to Bath and Edinburgh. She'll be going from Manchester to Nottingham or up to Sunderland, but only 2 days a week max and even then it'll be journeys she'll do in a day. It's not like she'll need to be away for weeks on end. Also, the company I now work for is moving offices and will have a doggy-daycare company on site.
  6. Nah, they're very good for anxiety and depression and stuff. Or did you mean don't buy a dog because that gif shows a dog wearing a hat (never make a dog wear clothes, it's lame and stupid), drinking coffee (pretty sure that's poisonous for dogs), and the house is on fire?
  7. Edgy? I don't handle change very well, I like routines and gradual, manageable progress. Just bought a car, getting married soon, put offers in for a couple of houses, only been at this job for 3 1/2months, part of this new job involved travelling, which isn't something I've done a lot of... we'll be trying for kids in 2018, buying a dog, moving house again, she'll likely be changing the role of her job which might mean a lot of travel... I need the opposite of this gif;
  8. The Fish


    Jesus christ. Eight years of soreballs? Remember a lad at school crumpled after a heavy challenge (or maybe a ball to the nads), anyway it turns out he suffered a testicular torsion. Needed surgery to put it back the right way, but that was asap.
  9. MURCA I actually apologised to that video, because I have no change to spare.
  10. What's the point of making announcements about wanting to sell? I could understand if it wasn't during the season, to get attention when there's no football on.
  11. The Fish


    Sounds like a kick in the balls mate, hope it goes well and your nurse is more Animaniacs than Cuckoo's Nest.
  12. and nerdy conversations that can only happen between white men in the throes of a mid-life crises. Anybody talking about that kind of stuff sounds ridiculous, not even Kid Rock would sound cool talking about active pick-ups.
  13. tbh, if we win another couple of games you'll think Ashley won't want to sell any more. You big negative nancy
  14. Well, you're a cunt. Has that spiced it up enough for you? p.s. read the guitar thread, they'll be on about jah wobble pick ups with bright switches, or some shit.
  15. Where are you from then? Sorry, "Wheere you fwom ven, innit, peng?
  16. Wait, wait, wait, Rayvin is from Essex?! The picture is getting worse for the Nazi sex tourist.
  17. As they're sorting out which package goes in which truck in which order, why can't they just load that package in that truck in that order?
  18. There are sat navs (or rather apps for phones, tablets and handheld devices) that plan routes taking into account load, MpG, traffic, etc. In "sorting which vehicle they're going into", why can't they just load them in order?
  19. Aye but would Staveley's reasonable insistence on indemnity clauses put the kibosh on the deal? and would Ashley be so brazen as to insist that SD signs stay up?
  20. Start out from the depot at 7am, satnavs have route planners that take into account MpG, traffic etc. Do the delivery drivers you've met blow you away with their nous and route knowledge like? Other than loading and unloading parcels from vans and trucks, what else are the night shift doing? Genuine question.
  21. No Little Finger, he played Jojen Reed on Game of Thrones.
  22. What a pack of cunts they are then. Day shift should unload the vans, night shift load them up, so that day shift can start delivering immediately.
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