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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. Dunno if it's a joke at our expense. More likely Griezmann picked a team and was showing off his 'achievements', which is pretty nerdy.
  2. forget convincing Mbappe that it's balmy in Byker, lets just get Griezmann instead.
  3. it's one on one It's one on one you can't be wrong.
  4. No, but seriously. It's plain as day that you support Sunderland, so why try to maintain the charade? People would likely have less of an issue if you were to drop it.
  5. You're a mackem, we know you're a mackem, we've known for fucking ages. Why are you still pretending?
  6. Indiana Jones and the Werther's Originals.
  7. New Indiana Jones movie starts filming in Bamburgh soon.
  8. So nice they named it twice, and all that fucking bollocks. I dunno, get off my back ya massive bellend.
  9. genuinely got them mixed up and had meant Balamory.
  10. When we went down to the Championship it was fair to say that we faced teams where a trip to 90% full St James' Park legitimately had a Cup Final feel for some players. Burton, Rotherham, e.g. Stadium and crowd size aside, the opposition were coming up against Argentinian internationals, recent England internationals etc. Hughton's team was basically a midtable Premier League team and Benitez' was only a little worse than that. Add to that the face that both of those seasons we were in the title race for the entire season, so the opposition were also dealing with one of the best teams in the division. Big ground, big crowd, big players, big stakes. Mackems have a half empty flatpack stadium, with bang average League 1 players, and have not been leading the charge for the title in any of their 3 seasons. Shit ground, no fans, no marks, no stakes. Cup Final my fucking arse
  11. It's on the list of Scottish place names I know without having to think that hard. Along with Edinburgh, Glasgow, Loch Ness and Tobamory.
  12. Me either. 04:00 wake up this morning. I'm not sure about anything.
  13. Can't find a decent Lorne sausage anywhere south of BANNOCKBURN
  14. Followed by an open letter, where you apologise to each and every fan, each team mate, each member of staff and each opponent.
  15. We definitely have £45m, we've got loads of cash. Plus Ashley is one of those Billionaires who made a shit ton thanks to the pandemic. Willock isn't debt, he's an asset, one that's likely to increase in value from £25m as the football world recovers from the pandemic.
  16. To be honest, it should make more sense than saying "Here's £30m, have at it". If we were a remotely well-run club we should look at each player and weigh up if they're worth the outlay or not. Rather than arbitrarily giving a manager £X to spend. e.g. Willock is worth spending £25m on, and if for whatever reason Edouard became available for £20m we should spend that too.
  17. Haven't they said they don't have 'budgets' just treat each transfer on a case by case basis?
  18. On a Friday night. Bad planning. Should have done it on a Saturday so we could really enjoy it.
  19. You clearly haven't played Plague Inc.
  20. That's assuming it's the finished product and was deliberately released.
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