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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. Have they spelled it "Cristal" Palace in the background on the tv? What's going on there?
  2. "And remember, just because he's buying you dinner, doesn't mean you owe him anything"
  3. Underestimating the Incel market there.
  4. My Dad reckons he lost his license because he was drinking the profits. Over the 40 years he's lived in that village I reckon the old fella's only set foot in 2 of the 5 pubs. "I like what I like". Feel bad for him now like, his two best mates died this year (non-COVID) so he's got no one to go to the pub with.
  5. I have two black ones, and one brown. And people say Cheshire isn't diverse.
  6. I don't know man. I'm not his fucking biographer. I just know he used to run the Melton, and lost his license in the 80s. Jesus Christ.
  7. Green for Garden waste Black for household Blue for paper/card Brown for glass/metal
  8. Who Macdonald? Nah, I think he's in the retirement home in Old Hartley.
  9. why's that like? Is it not just a bog standard, 4 road roundabout?
  10. Aye he did. Melton Constable (I think) lost his license in the 80s. Super Mac had a bungalow a stones throw away, dunno if they were there at the same time though. Macdonald still lives in the village. Well, Old Hartley, but still.
  11. Bullshit. You want us all reciting from Karl and Freddy's little red book. re: the second bit, you're out of line, but you're right.
  12. No, I'm fucking not. I'm from The Sluice. And Rayvin is a commie, pinko, manga loving, apologist. He's a hipster. I'm just class in a glass.
  13. Does it? I mean... they're both horrific. I wouldn't say China's atrocities make Saudi Arabia look better.
  14. Aye, a thin squad lucky in terms of injuries the season before and who do we sign in the summer? Vurnon Anita and Gael Bigirimana... If we'd stumped up the extra dollarbucks to sign Sissoko, et al in the summer we'd have had something to be excited about.
  15. I never begrudged Ba going. It was a shortsighted release clause, and one we could easily have omitted from another contract, which he 100% deserved. Best striker we've had since Shearer. Fact toe tum
  16. You would rather I tried 'em out on you? Crane kick your bollocks clean over St Mary's Lighthouse..
  17. Seems mental to me that the Sunderland fans deify their new manager, then quickly turn on him if you're not smashing the league around. Regardless of the circumstances. You need automatic promotion, to be honest. Play Offs are surely too much of a gamble?
  18. As serial apologist Rayvin has said, you'll get some shit, but much the same as anyone who supports any other club, wade through the initial wave and don't act the cunt ( I'm looking at you @t00nraider2 ) it'll calm down. Will the fans stay behind Johnson?
  19. It's when, not if. They get rid of managers quicker than their hard-drives.
  20. I would of excepted that apology but you're grammar is awefull.
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