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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. Read this a few times and have no fucking clue what it means. Are you Ok Gloom? Is this a cry for help? Are they treating you well?
  2. Imagine you'll be finding a speak easy, drinking artisanal gin from a novelty mug made out of a Heinz bean can and a coat hanger.
  3. Ah. Well, I breeze past most of his posts that aren't directed to me, or about FM22.
  4. I'm convinced I'm walking into a trap here but, why cedar?
  5. Tight squeeze, if you ask me.
  6. Aye, a mate lives in Wimborne and speaks often and poorly of the locals. All farmers and sailors.
  7. Thing is, it works. Every time one of these gobshites, shite out of their gob it gets the mob storming to twitter, torches and forks in hand. Talksport's entire business model is based on getting people to click a link, or call their premium number, so the sooner the mob cotton onto that fact, the better for everyone. Mind, other outlets benefit from it as well. For every talksport clip that pisses off the fans, there are pieces in the Athletic, the Chronicle, or wherever that people will click on to see some Journo/pundit speaking in favour of the place.
  8. Just that the process is ongoing, Emenalo still in the frame. Wouldn't be shocked if nowt happened until after the January window.
  9. My board love me and I haven't spent Liberia's deficit to deliver 4th spot.
  10. No, we can loan 100 from other nations, but only 2 from English clubs. And if we took two PL loans in Summer-Winter, we could only take another 2 in Winter-Summer.
  11. Think he means we're only allowed a certain number of loans. We're limited to, I think, 2 domestic loans, but no restrictions on foreign ones.
  12. Wonder how much of that is trying to stop the extra £10m lumped on every transfer fee bcause wee're The Richest Club In The World ™
  13. Die a hero or live long enough to become a villain.
  14. To be fair, we need some quick-fix mercenaries, but a lot of the longer term plans that would require a DoF won't be thought through/come to pass until the summer, surely?
  15. Well he would have crashed the server with statistically spurious claims to show how, in fact, he was a brilliant lad and not at all a tedious arsehole. So, really, you should be thanking me for keeping my powder dry. yakunt
  16. I think once Howe gets used to our squad, once we get some January transfers done, we'll also be a different team.
  17. What a precious little cunt. We say there are flaws in ASM's game and this prick tells us all we're dead wrong and he's NOT absolute shite. Like that was anything like what we were saying. He can fucking do one. There've been plenty of people come on here and been welcomed. Blastronaut sticks in my mind. Just turned up one day, was funny and not a bellend and is now part of the furniture. If this shitbag thinks there won't be a bad reaction to someone that by turning up, telling everyone they're wrong and shitting his bad attitude all over the gaff? Well, then he's a muggy cunt.
  18. I'm about 50/50. But I'm not particularly worried about relegation. I am worried that the new owners seem to be fumbling each appointment. Everything is taking far longer than it should. I hope they're learning quickly and I hope that once the DoF is in place everything else ticks along much more quickly.
  19. Parent's house in the Sluice has lost a fence and some felt from the flat roof on their extension from the 90mph rooms. The same flat roof that leaks every time there's a bit of a storm. The same flat roof I've been on at them to get properly fixed for over a decade. But do they listen? NOoooOOOOOOOoooOOOOooooOooOooOooooooo
  20. Curse of the Chippendales. I know, but it is actually surprisingly good.
  21. Aye, I can't think why... Tories have been in power for over a decade, I think it's reasonable to conclude that the majority of issues this country is facing is due to their management/mismanagement.
  22. Wait, he's 11 and still believes in Santa? Mate, I think you need to have a word. Crush that childhood naivety. CRUSH IT!
  23. Dunno why this is making waves, can't be many socialist billionaires.
  24. Depends if it's a Star Trek utopia, or a Marvel dystopia.
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