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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. see a lot of people have gone for emre it'd be interesting to see how well the guy does... I'm hoping he'll take to the league lie Larry and not like Hugo
  2. has confused me and should explain that declaration
  3. feel bad for the guy who died, but you have to hope that this tragedy will stop further accidents happening and hopefully in some way contribute to getting closer to a solution on ground level to this problem before more innocent people are butchered by fanatics.
  4. is like the facial blemish upon Lemmy from Motorhead's cheek. strangely compelling and what should be revolting is actually makes a dull thing interesting and completes it nicely (Told you I was being nice to people)
  5. remembers the old sweeties "Black Jacks"
  6. to be honest I've less and less faith in average joe, coppers have a tough job and the pedestrian folk don't make it any easier
  7. I'm afraid that in reading about all the myriad reasons we have to go insane that I'm finding it harder and harder to cease the inevitable slide into disfunctional existence, rocking back on forth muttering incoherently, repeating the same stock phrase " phpBB : Critical Error Could not connect to the database "
  8. is a grave robber and obviously as such has the "Dead mans hand"
  9. I tried to make some joke about "turning the lights on" but it wasn't funny so instead I thought I'd dance for you
  10. will be clubbed to death if this thinly veiled reference to cards terminates
  11. I swear I'm so close to going postal... trouble is I'm home alone (not a shoddy early 90's slapstick comedy) so I'd just take myself out... I'm waiting for the window cleaners (yes... they're working today.... and I gotta pay em £6 despite the fact that thirty seconds after they clean my windows they'll be hacky again) when they knock on the door they're going to get pent up anger in the form of a surly thankyou and a forced smile... oh aye, they'll not soon forget this day!
  12. obviously didn't read the "I'm poorly" conversation with Southern Geordie... but I apologise for my poor showing and will endeavour to fill the day with mindless ramblings in this thread.
  13. Psychology Fifth Edition- Henry Gleitman,Alan J Fridlund and Daniel Reisburg ...
  14. should never mock a lady about her age remember... they hold all the cards!
  15. should hear tale of my poorly-ness, should also give sympathy and perhaps a manful pat on the back
  16. has missed my input into this thread.
  17. and no-onecan think of one for geodie fish? that's ok. I'm a bit drunk. night all.
  18. 's name does not stand for Killer Hallibut Are Yellow and mores the pity
  19. either applauded my contribution or contritbuted to my contribution
  20. should know a starling just flew into my window because it thought it could fly all the way through.... should also know I'm off to change the pants I just shat in..
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