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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. enjoys nothing more than a good steak slapped across his lower back while a Voodoo priest rubs his crotch in Sammynb's face muttering the words to "God Save the Queen" in Hindu
  2. He sounds like a dodgy clairvoyant. 37252[/snapback] He's a medium, it says so on the label on his underpants. TAXI! 37254[/snapback] how you can even look people in the eyes after a joke like that is beyond me my sister is well into MH, it's a joke to me like... she keeps trying to convince me it's real... but I keep asking her if it was real why haven't they got someone a little more credible to front the show... Yvette Fielding? Jesus wept FFS tbh
  3. 36825[/snapback] what are you laughing at AF? you're always mistaken for a man. (thankyou Vasquez)
  4. see you deny your illness... and as we all know denial is the first sign of guilt. Gol, is there any chance of a "GINGA" smiley... I've a feeling we might need one.
  5. I'd put Craig Bellamy on a Bus to the Gallowgate and have play alongside Owen, but I guess that's never gonna happen so instead I'll revert to type and call for Freddy's resignation and Souness' sacking.
  6. * "Rooney is from Liverpool and everyone from that city has a chip on their shoulder, so if an injustice is done to him on the pitch, of course he is going to react" - Sir Alex Ferguson.
  7. Male pattern baldness victim tbh. 36636[/snapback] hows the toxic leak son? oh and I'd rather have no hair than your hair tbh
  8. most of the threads seem to be either you defending the thread or people mocking it. guess you're right though and I'm just being a dick cos I've a chip on my shoulder. bliddy bumpkins
  9. never really cared, probably middle class though. it's all relative though also Gemmil is Ginger
  10. over my head? that's a good one, in a thread about chips on shoulders... actually only a very very small section of London can claim to be cockerny, those born within the sounds of the Bow Bells, but I'm sure as a genius and social commentator of talent and poise, you'd know this already. AF, this thread just acts a reminder of differences, which is surely not your intent? if it is a genuine question, then it's a pretty pointless one. You may as well have asked if everyone has a functioning set of lungs. you really are a pointless little man
  11. what the hell is this? this whole "Do you have a chip on your shoulder", does this not simply mean "Do you have prejudice" yes... everyone does... sometimes it's not extreme prejudice, but everybody makes decisions and colors their reactions depending on the perception of aesthetics of the person. it could be the accent, the color, the weight, the baldness whatever... EVERYBODY does this, so I really don't understan the point of this thread.. it seems to be AF wanting people to talk to him and not looking upon this cockerny wanker with the utter contempt all southerners deserve... Steves the worst, he's an uber southerner...
  12. should be trumpeted as the bringer of light, the harbinger of joy and the purveyor of potato chips
  13. if the beer was strong enough to affect Superman, surely it would knocked a mere mortal out with but a whiff, and if this is the case I seriously doubt whether you would get a license to sell it, especially from a Hotel bar.
  14. should be aware that no other human, or eart dwelling creature that I can think of has luminous poo
  15. pooed in a hungarian mollusc foundation's charity box
  16. I only really go to read my articles
  17. cheers one an all, and mancy, the only reason it sounds gay is because it went through a fat gay manc muffler when you read it. you have that affect on things mate
  18. I've been to matches at SJP and have had no trouble with an Australian accent. I've been amazed how welcome I have been made to feel even though I'm not English. All the Geordies I've met have all been great people. It must be because I'm not a cunt I guess. 33462[/snapback] can't be that mate
  19. the really crazy thing is that we reckon he is the landlord that the "League of Gentlemen" boys had when they were at Leeds... I swear he shouted upstairs "Ello Daave" in the same voice... I nearly shat a Ostriche!
  20. had some issues with the landlord, just wanna see if this letter sounds about right? I've removed his name and my address just to make sure there are no legal toes I'm stepping on. Dear ********, We, the tenants from *******, are writing to inform you of concerns we have with the state of the property, concerns that have been raised since the beginning of our tenancy (15th July 2005). We were unhappy with the condition of the property when we first came to move in. Firstly, you did not ask for our permission or notify us of your intent to convert the basement into a separate flat. That was not in the contract that we signed, and we do not feel that we should be paying the same rent for a 7 bedroomed house with no basement, as this is no longer the property which we signed the contract for. Due to the fact that we have one less floor (basement) and do not have the storage that was originally part of the house (and one of the major reasons we agreed tenancy), we think it's reasonable to renegotiate rent from October 2005. The shower on the middle floor has also not been replaced as was promised in the contract; we were assured that this would have been completed by the 15th July 2005. It was not and is still sub-standard. This is also true for the kitchen, even though is has been finished now, it was not finished by the date set in the contract (the 15th July 2005), making the house uninhabitable in accordance to guidelines set out by the Student Advice Centre. This is not acceptable and hence we think it’s justified that we don’t pay full summers rent, (if any for July /August), and as renovation continued until September 11th 2005 we think it is fair to pay a reduced rent for September, representing the inconvenience that those that had moved in suffered because of the ongoing major renovations above and below. We also have the right to be given 24 hours advance notice whether or not your workmen (and painters, plumbers, electricians etc.) would be coming and going through the house at will. We would however, like to thank you for agreeing to pay the bills for electricity, gas, and water until the 11th of September 2005, this was a welcome surprise and a clear sign that you are a reasonable man. We would hope these relatively insignificant concerns do not sour a potentially good relationship between the tenants and a landlord of good reputation, as this is not the aim of this letter. Thoughts?
  21. only public racism I've seen was in Bournemouth at around 5pm ish, a local lad said "Paki bastard" at some random as he walked past him. never seen that in town, or Leeds or Glasgow or, or, or etc. does that mean Bournemouth is the hub of racism? probably not, does it mean that this man waqs a racist, yes, because it was fuelled by hatred and ignorance.
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