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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. though he made proper and justified reference to Family Guy, he did so outside of the rules and as such forgoes any benefits from this turn, he should relinquish control of the giffle and pass the Sham to the player on his left.... of course this puts me in Jiffy and I guess I'll have the batting average set to 0 because of the pos that preceded Sima's... Ok... I got this one... I Force the issue and make it so that the poster above must start the Mornington Crescent Thread by my dropping Jiffy, pushing Don Juan to catholicism (small 'c') and tipping my cap to..... oh, lets say... Mo
  2. well I got dfrunk then follwoing this post I realised that toonraider was a woman. it was the red wine and batht hing that tipped the scales if I'm honest
  3. can't touch this na na na nana na-na na-na can't touch this
  4. Kiera is jaw droppingly beautiful in real life. mate of mine was an extra on Pirates, played random squealy running away girl from the town, I was her guest at a "reunion" thing and the big stars made a passing visist before buggering to someonewhere far more impressive, but my lordy dear, she is stunning
  5. can't abide the clues that point to the reality that I'm far the better poster than he... for while Sima might post frequently and follow guidelines and strictures that place him within the boundaries of contemporary contributors to this board, he lacks the originality and focus of frak that would truly raise him above the drivel that I have to endure day to day.... if he were to succesfully defeat me in Dr Seuss I may cede ground...
  6. you should all think about what kind of example you set younger members
  7. cried just like jesus wept tbh imo sic
  8. to while away the hours conversing with folk about absolutely nothing of consequence, while taming a shrew witht he careful conditioning methods made famous by Hungary's most famous son; Edwina Curry
  9. should pay for my company like oh so many American Senators
  10. it's about this time of day I like to join in with threads that I'm not sure of the relevance or worth of my contribution
  11. is just being gay and not in the 1950's bright and colorful way.
  12. needs to meet me outside the school gates and be prepared for a dust up
  13. my only problem with that is that he seems to be using statistics... which is insane. how can you possibly have reliable statistics on illegal immigration. I doubt many people would be bothered about Legal and legitimate immigration, it's the illegal migrants that have become flavour for the year with the tabloids. So saying that it's actually bankers and Germans legally entering the country, not prostitues from poland doing so illegally... is easy journalism. just as easy as a big red banner headline "Millions of Migrants wash up on south east coasts" end of the day legal migrants who integrate themselves into British society are not the issue, it's the illegal immigrants. And you cannot count them because they have a tendancy to avoid the eye of the authorities.... oddly enough
  14. needs to tell me of any good films that I can watch today?
  15. looks both way when they cross the road
  16. should now be aware the aim of the thread is to simply type about whomever posts before you do. So I am to post about you and you about me, if khay were to be the last person to post in thread the following post should be about him.
  17. The Fish


    I haven't had my hands down my pants
  18. should tell zico the rules to this game instead of deciding which hands gets the knuckle love tonight
  19. alex isn't really t00nraider tbh he's blatantly just Craigol's other other pseudonym
  20. "simmer down Sima"... lol I see what you did there... very good Alex... oh by the way this thread is funny
  21. not offensive unless you're offended by bad jokes bu here goes anyway guy in a restaurant gets the waiters attention "Excuse me, this chicken is rubbery" The chinese waiter smiles "ahhh thank yo ver much" bows and walks off.
  22. is insinuating I'm on a bandwagon? erm... tbh.. etc....btw
  23. Pre-match tension? 30222[/snapback] Permanently Moody Tossers? 30225[/snapback] lol The Irony tbh Jesus Wept and other things like that
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