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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. should know I just beat west brom in the FA cup.... in a game.... which makes me a silly Ghananian with a bad hairdo
  2. missed out a letter and in so doing spawned Gunjarget-tharurulnesqulpinge the God of missing letters
  3. I stayed in with my girly housemates and worked on a practical report while they payed drinking games and got progressively dishevelled. I was then roped into being the Sultan of Spin, now while you and I may have mistaken this for perhaps a wee jaunt into the wonderful world of cool pseudonym-ed D-J's like Fat Boy Slim and Mr Scruff, it was, instead, simply the task of flicking the Twister Spinner and calling out the designated body part and colour... now small and petty men may have misused the trust and grown power hungry when faced with this responsibility. One would imagine they would deliberate and asess the most inconvenient limb and coressponding hue, forcing the aforementioned inebriated ladies into the most perplexing and... dare I say provocative of stance for mere amusement... if I said I didn't do this a little I'd be lying.... so I won't say it instead I'll say that phrase that rattled around my head for the hour or so, that the game took up. Booooobies"
  4. never feels the need to get out of first gear
  5. I'd be surprised. But going within ten paces of a woman might help you get a shag rather than hanging around the bar moaning about how you never pull. 56293[/snapback] also showing you're not totally obsessed with how other people view you might endear you to girls. few like a socially retarded pompous bloke.
  6. Even fucking hideous ones like you? Dancing is for mincers. Fuh. Ah. Cuh. Tuh. 56063[/snapback] how else would you explain my notch ridden bed post ginge? standing by the bar bitching about men dancing is for fat wankers who take themselves far too seriously.... tbh....
  7. is right in his assesment of my "sick bastid"-ness but for the wrong reason. I'm no geriaphile, I'm a Hamsterphile mmmmm Hamsters.
  8. I already going to Edinburgh, cos I've got friends who have freinds who live there. You'll meet me and introduce me to your comedic chums, I'll regale them with my witty erdutie anecdotes, then they'll love me and call me their king, perhaps share their fortunes with me and sell their shoes for a knock down price. and simply because I've never used it I'd like to practise this smiley I call it the Jonny Bravo standing beside "Confusoman"
  9. I'm still agog at the ability for Aussies to play away games, you'd think the parole board would frown on border crossing like that..
  10. shows confidence and as long as you don't bite your bottom lip and squint they know you don't take yourself too seriously. but yeah, girls are more likely to find guys that dance attractive.
  11. I'm quite the horrid little man. I think you're suitably random to make plenty of people smile, laugh and maybe even pay for the privelege, but I might be biased because I thoroughly enjoy flights of fancy into the rediculous and random
  12. ... you've blatantly got access to the internet, so why don't you buy a bride and deal with your obvious need for sexual release
  13. no... it was more like a thousand different ideas all flitting about inside my head. it's just that you talk about stand up a lot and I was curious as to whether you were pursuing a career in that field.I also thought you were small... but you say you aren't... also I just imagine seperately about people in clown clothes
  14. Lou... are you a stand-up in training? because in my head you're like 3 foot tall and wearing clown pants..... I may be wrong.
  15. typical fricking americans... yes Mags, this means you too but Lou the carpet joke was ace and also the song about old women in clubs "pull your dress up because it looks like there's an old fruit bat up there roosting..." ace biscuits
  16. Do you mean there's actually more to you than that?!?! 55850[/snapback] ..... bitch but I still think you've much to offer the world....
  17. I like them but only really show one side of me. the cocky arrogant gobshite bit.
  18. Ong Bak has some of the best fight scenes I've ever seen, and the chase scene on foot is simply breath taking. no wire work what-so-ever. also it's one of those films with horrible horrible dubbing which means you can watch it first as an action adventure film, then again as a comedy. they have a woman who must be in her mid thirties trying to do the voice of a geriatric.
  19. it's basically those who are afraid of being mocked that don't dance, but it is true that if you dance you pull. It's the only fucking reason I can think of.
  20. The Fish

    Saw 2

    got to admit, I thought the acting in saw was awful, never once did I buy that the husband and father was going to do anything, and never once did I buy that he cared enough about his family, I didn't believe the other guy in the rooma nd I didn't give a crap about whether they all died in an incadescent ball of fire and fury or went on to become president of the United arab Emirates or whatever. good acting involves the audience, it engages the audience, I felt neither part of the piece, nor did I feel remotely amused by it. It was a nice idea, but it failed badly in my eyes, I'm not a movie snob I don't watch foreign films umming and arring over the use of sepia to convey the artists mirth at modern histrionics. I just didn't rate this film which seemd to end up being a mans exploration of new and funky methods of forcing self mutilation and or suicide... If I wanted to watch the work of a psychotic who wants people to mend their wicked ways I'd watch Phonebooth (which I admit has Colin Farrel, but it's a better concept than Saw) or I'd speak of the examples set by John Doe in Seven. Both superior films. this, to my mind, is put in the same bracket as final destination. all about the gore and "ewww" factor than any genuine substance.
  21. Love... that's when she lets you do her bumways... right?
  22. 55383[/snapback] I see your and raise you a
  23. saw that coming over the comedy horizon, but still smirked at the pay-off. I been watching Firefly and have found it quite quite good.
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