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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. shouldn't "mess witht he best, cos the best don't mess with the rest"... so said Dangermouse...
  2. I just felt this thread was worth lifting back up to the top. 48592[/snapback] kiss ass
  3. twists the light fandango, does cartwheels across the floor
  4. didn't look ways before he crossdressed
  5. I've heard this phrase it's hilarious! I like it actually, along with: Get used with it and Have a bit sit! 47906[/snapback] oh aye, knocks my socks off... almost as much as yorkshiremen merrily calling eachother "love".... or cockneys with their desire to say "innit" all the fucking time. you really are a superior son of a bitch aren't you?
  6. my friend died, he drowned.... at his funeral we got him a wreath to look like a life belt... ..well it's what he would have wanted
  7. fondled a chipmunk in the hope of discovering the location of said ground squirrels stash of hazelnuts
  8. only because there weren't questions about Kangaroo bothering, or Koala smuggling
  9. was a really really good show, one of the few "Reality tv" shows I could stomach
  10. should know it's neither cheap nor dominican, it's pricey and Czech
  11. Killers- Hot Fuss...... dear God I am a student after all
  12. is no-one concerned at the sheer volume of crims on this board, specifically the proportion of ne'er do wells who face execution?
  13. is the reason that thread of conciousness got real ugly real fast
  14. should see I'm a long long way from dangling veiled babies from hotel balcomies the whole, billion dollar record deals are, however, a mere moonwalk away
  15. Crooked Ello, ello, ello… what 'ave we 'ere then…? You're living close to the edge and it's only a matter of time before you're collared by the Old Bill. You may have fallen on your feet so far, but it won't last forever. Have you ever thought about a more rewarding pastime? (Emotionally that is…) Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*: Years in prison: 80 Potential fine: £7000 Plus a possibility of the death penalty ut oh
  16. should beeat it beat it, beeeat it beat it (ad infinitum)
  17. congratulations mate, he looks to have a decent left foot and I'm sure it's something you'll culture
  18. I got a pair of khaki ones useful for dossing about the house in, but I wouldn't wear them anywhere other than maybe the beach if it's hot
  19. He had a heart attack, knocked over a bowl of oranges and died on the kitchen floor. Only to resurface in the OC about 15 years later. 47334[/snapback] He popped into the West Wing as well
  20. The Fish


    Not me, I leave that to pedantic twats like Alex. 46730[/snapback]
  21. Robin Hood : Men in Tights The best Robin Hood film ever. Fact. "I challenge you to a duel" thwap "I accept"((>CLANG<)) Mel Brooks is genius
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