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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. is not a happy hippy is a hissy hippy wants to be a pretty hippy but is just a sissy hippy
  2. so does the UPS bloke, but I aint paying £8 to watch him tell a joke.
  3. well.. I did precisely not enough work tonight, spent too much time making playlists to listen to while I work.....
  4. indicates with his hissy fit that I struck a nerve. which is ironic as normally, hippy types like he, are not so prone to bouts of histrionics
  5. oh don't get me wrong there are some terrible comedians, Roy Chubby Brown for one. He's not a funny man, he's a funny 12 year old boy who just got fatter and more odious he's the comedian Jo Brand seems to emulate most, to my mind.
  6. the spiral staircases spiral the way they do so defending soldier types can swing their sword easier... as long as they're right handed of course.
  7. it seems it's not just women who aren't funny....
  8. Being the operative words (or so the milkman wishes)
  9. never found comediennes laugh out loud funny and I've seen a few. I think a lot of them try to conform to male stereotypical comedy, being crude and obnoxious, Jo Brand is a prime example. I've never laughed at Jo Brands jokes, I find her just simply a common crude fat bitter woman. There's a short comedienne from London who makes me titter, but I think it's the shock factor that someone so teeny tiny can be so dirty. Also she was chatting with me and my mates before and after the gig because we were "The friendliest and least "Bunny in the headlight" looking bunch of studenty types" Which I think was a compliment. She of course picked us out during the comedy and thoroughly made our night with japery etc., but then the headliner came on and was laugh out loud funny. basically, men can make men and women laugh, women can either make women associate and chuckle or they can pretend to be men.
  10. no, not all bastards. You're a delightful mathematical-shape-I-cannot-describe of randomness. The trip was ok, didn't acheive the objective, but got an answer which is sometimes just as good. I discovered that you can get quite far in a foregin country by looky scowly and mean, people think you're local and either leave you alone or ask you for directions. I don't look parisian at all.... do I? the way to spot a frenchman seems to be the nose and the way he smokes.. I don't smoke and my nose is distinctly British so it must have been the aloof-ivity of my gait I like using the word gait. anyhoo I'm REALLY tired and can't sleep so... erm... her'es a thought Tea is a diarrhoetic.
  11. Marvel > DC Superman is too goody goody prissy wet and...well...just plain daisy chain for my liking.
  12. Just to clear a few things up quickly you're all bastards, I've been to paris plenty of times before, , I meant I'd never used the summary function before. ( iwas a little tired and emotional when I tapped out that post.) I like the city, but cannot stand the residents, and as such spent the majority of my times with Irish people and other ex pats. I flew from Manchester so the flight was only an hour or so I just ended up reading the Timeson the way there, but "Eats Shoots and Leaves" by Lynne Truss on the way back. Not remotely intermellectual. and no I didn't wear a beret or a blue and white hooped t-shirt.I did wear a scarf however. Paris is an incredible rip off, cup of tea 2.50 Euros, a coke was 3.50 and a Corona 5.50 (everything seems to cost ?.50) oh and I had to laugh when I saw a bottle of WKD cost 6 Euros. had little or no sleep and dug out my piss poor french on many occassion. all in all a decent break, but not nearly hot, beachy or sea-y enough for my tastes. I'm going to have to convince my friends to move to Honalulu
  13. would be well advised to avoid Charles de Gaulle airport.
  14. The Fish


    finished watching the four discs from the first season, floated my boat...a sci-fi western with Wheddons grasp of human nature and relationships. not reall dependant on graphics and those that are used, are good enough so that they don't detract from the decent performances from hitherto unknown actors.
  15. never changed it in this company. I quite like how some members call me Mr Fish. I feel like advising on weather fronts and getting it horribly wrong
  16. I'm going to Paris tomorrow.. get in! cheap travel and free accomodation, gonna stay with friends, pretend to be edumercated and tawk proper like what I'm s'posed to. I need to buy a book in the hairyport that looks intellectual, without actually being an effort to read. Any thoughts?
  17. has confused me with someone who could give a rats crap about international football.
  18. because before it was quite quite tame was it not. ... why are you now a Shrew, in my head?
  19. wouldn't mind that on my wall tbh
  20. The Fish

    Jesus Wept

    will have precisely the same clips that every other compilation of it's ilk. for once I'd like to see someone utterly uninvolved with the sport or light entertainment. I'd love an "Elizabeth II's football fuck ups" "This guy went on to lift the cup that looks like a bust of wor Charlie, despite being a useless fucker... that's the footballer, not the horse worrier."
  21. Agree with that. But then I'm not much of a clubber anyway. Get this.....they're full of blokes dancing. 56927[/snapback] and whats worse, they're mostly students too
  22. the boat is shit, it's full of pikey chavs, all getting as drunk as possible on cheap versions of drinks... and the drinks that they're imitating aren't that great either... what is the point in making a cheaper Blue WKD? surely the original is skanky enough? it's almost like a huge club slipped down the hill from the Bigg Marklet and landed in the Tyne. Hate the Boat, hate Baja, hate Bigg Market, dislike most bars on the Quayside now... The bars in Newcastle are really good, but the clubs are utter tosh.
  23. intriguingly knew automatically the nature and origin of Bukakke
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