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The Fish

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Everything posted by The Fish

  1. ...got that-the-hell-wrong. silly silly yankee
  2. he's doing a set, the compere isn't to great though, he's blatantly a student who was told he was funny by his mates and hasn't been found out yet. It'll the last thursday before I come home to Newcastle so I 'll definitely go there. It's always a good night out, knowing the barstaff certainly helps mind you, trying to get served is a fricking nightmare! there are tables of squealy type girls, buying "Sourz Towers" so that they can drink to forget the fact they're dragging a beanbag around behind them, bless em. So it's a god send when my mate is behind the bar and all I need do is get his attention... which admittedly can be tricky, it once took me leaning over the bar and tweaking his nipple. (it wasn't on show, I'm just a dab hand at the old nipple tweaking) erm... I'm getting a premonition.... Gemmil is going to call someone gay... probably me.
  3. hates all men everywhere... except for the nice ones
  4. coincidently that bloke is playing my local comedy venue on thursday, how about I pop along and give you a review?
  5. not at all oh auburn one, tis the season to be Jolly and as you have the mirth and merriment side covered It hought I'd play Grinch for a spell or two. oh and welcome Top_20 you should stick around a little longer than, if not simply to try and work out the point in the Famous Person Above thread.
  6. broke the rules and shall be fined a suitable amount... say an intenranl organ for every infraction
  7. X-Men> King Kong simply Wolverine in an anti hero you can remotely associate with, I struggle to find real empathy for a grotesquely large ape which is impressively less likely than a mutation enabling rapid regenration. also X-Men give the possiblity of some truly exceptional dialogue (given the right script writers), wheras a massive monkey can maybe grunt amusingly... surprised at the casting of Kelsey Grammar as Beast, I suppose he has the right mix of supeiority in his intonation...
  8. it's odd for such a young man to be such an embittered miser already. perhaps it was that time he spent in space eating nothing but instant mashed potatos.... maybe it had an unforseen effect on the poor lads psyche... perhaps it was this that turned him into such a feckless simpering ninny...
  9. there is something quite quite evil about the ugly one. Heidi and the Keisha(SP?) are alright, but Mutya... wel.. she's just a wrong-un still I wouldn't roll over her to get to Gemmil though
  10. and what will happen when we ask for him? will he appear like a Genie from the lamp? or is just going to hover about the place waiting for us like Gemmil does? I just hope his humour is better than wor Ginger Robot, otherwise we're in store for endless "You're gay fnar fnar" jokes and pedestrian, "yeah cos you're so funny" bitter snipes. bless the fat oaf, he tries his best. Have you seen Robin Ince yet? he's very very funny too.
  11. so tired I could metamorphose! BEars have it good, eat honey all day, then sleep all winter. I'm going to be a bear when I am reincarnated.
  12. Your sentence doesn't make sense Oh Great Psychological Genius. And why would looking at a cat's arse make you hungry? You really are a strange boy. 64740[/snapback] I meant to say "am I the only one who saw that picture and got hungry" but it was late, I was tired and probably quite quite drunk.oh and Gemmil is gay... or something equally predictable
  13. it's a tragedy when someone becomes predictable
  14. No Good -Prodigy you're no good for me, I don't need nobody, don't need no-one, that's no good for me... ain't that the damned truth!
  15. is damned right and should know I'm doing a perfect impression of the Spy-Meister in my head yesh mish Magshypenny
  16. should realise that A cad and a Bounder are similar to roguishness and rascalosity. in short I'm a bad bad man , but bad in a "Double Fudge Choc Chip Ice cream" kinda way
  17. would do well to acknowledge my bounder-ness
  18. pre-empted a "Brocks a big girl" joke... the cad
  19. if you ask him to pick on me I'll remind him that you get all doe-eyed at the thought of turrets and positively gush about the virtues of a fecking Woodlouse! A Woodlouse I say!
  20. Silky wouldn't pick on me, I'm too frightening. but yeah I'll be back around about 3.pm on the tenth, won't be able to make the match though. I'd definitely be up for a Hyena styled night out. also I only ever refer to certain things in letter form; female rude parts, the city from which I hail and those painted fellow who supposedly "Entertain" children with baloon animals and other such suspect japery
  21. should know that I am nobodies bitch except for the subject of my affection, I am entirely her bitch
  22. ... once more... am I the only one picture and got hungry
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