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Anthony nufc

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Everything posted by Anthony nufc

  1. Could have been worse man, could have been Radgina.
  2. Sunderland being linked with him in the paper this morning along with his fellow team mate full-back Pual Mcshane
  3. I would say here I will eat my hat if that happens but I have no hat and I am not that stupid knowing my luck. However if "lady luck" is against NUFC we would buy him and he would get injured and play 10 games in the whole season and we would loose money.
  4. was unintended genius by the way I've never understood the "as fuck" thing... how can something be as hard as fuck ? just makes no sense. You're just picking faults now
  5. Light weight you should have been able to do that walk 10 times over. aye about 20 years and 10000 tabs ago mind you we did get given some free drink form the hospitality tent on the way past the Baltic what was it? Because even though free don't boast if it was bad stuff. You should also maybe invest in a motorised mobility scooter i hear they're good for getting about. two mini bottles of wine and 4 cans of Bulmers iirc ??? and a scooters not a bad idea at all Bulmers oooh man makes me wish i was 2 years older. And you should get your self all motored up. Don't chase no chavs on it mind you get ASBOs for things like that.
  6. Light weight you should have been able to do that walk 10 times over. aye about 20 years and 10000 tabs ago mind you we did get given some free drink form the hospitality tent on the way past the Baltic what was it? Because even though free don't boast if it was bad stuff. You should also maybe invest in a motorised mobility scooter i hear they're good for getting about.
  7. Light weight you should have been able to do that walk 10 times over.
  8. 1) Listening to Hot Club de Paris. 2) Just whacked my pizza in the oven 3) Had a bath as i stunk of beer off last night. 4) Boring day nobody is about. 5) It's shit having nothing to do.
  9. well i watched all 3 scary movies then onto old school then onto severance then onto the new pirates of the caribean.
  10. Can't say i did. There was some fucking weird people there. MacDonalds? what a load of shite it is there. You get what you pay for Thats what I kept on saying to the friends. It's free for a reason. That reason seems to be a wanker day out people can't enjoy music anymore.
  11. Can't say i did. There was some fucking weird people there. MacDonalds? what a load of shite it is there.
  12. So what if A foreign team buy him do they win the premiership?
  13. That was far worse than last year. Far too wild i mean a man in underwear dancing then every one decides to mosh about him the a glass bottle gets thrown and this guy gets it in the face. Ruined the day i loved Hot Club de Paris and i actually got my arse in gear and had a bit of a mosh for the enemy even though it isn't moshy music you have got to enjoy yourself. As for maximo they have gone down in my estimations. I don't know if it was the setup or what but they sounded gash nothing like i had hoped. good day out though
  14. 1 and 3 make you sound like a reet old age pensioner. Then you had 5 redeems yourself slightly.
  15. I remember I used to shit scared of the butler that followed you everywhere on one of the Tomb Raider games that I had. 'Cups' I named him, you knew he was coming, all you could hear was the cups rattling on his tray. Used to lock him in the freezer and everything, was great. So I'm not the only person who used to do that. Didn't he get kevlar stuff and use his tray to protect himself when you found the pistols? I'm still on FIFA 07 playing world class mde though unbeaten in my season at valencia
  16. My mate has been listening to alot of that Hotclub de Paris he says its easy to get into. However i must admit I can't beleive kano is on what a rip of akon.
  17. Whats the questions in that? 1. Describe how Shakespeare made use of the cut and paste function within Word I. 2. Give 5 ways in which the Bible could have been improve had the monks had access to the Wikipedia. 3. Shylocks pound of flesh, would it have been prudent to use Excel to record? Clever. But they were different exams. But they are both over now.
  18. 1)Just got in 2)Done 2 exams today English Literature and I.T. 3)Thats 3 done overall now 4)Looking forward to a 2 week break from G.C.S.E's 5)I'm starving
  19. And: -Smith -ole gunnar -Giggs
  20. What was number 3 again? Oh dear my toe hurts. I have a bad head. I didn't even type that.
  21. 1)Just played football knocked out in the semi-finals both times in knock out 2)My hay fever doesn't like me. 3)I'm ganin to the post box 4)I am starving here. 5)I need to purchase some new football boots.
  22. You're fucking joking right? This is juventus, going to be back in serie A next season currently leading serie B by 8 points although they have had 9 points deducted, team includes Buffon, Del Piero, Nedved, won the scudetto more than any other team in the history of calcio, juventus? Yeah, why would anyone want to play for them??? You missed my point slightly Liverpool would need alot of money swung their way to sell either of them and i couldn't see us selling Oba after a year of purchasing him. Juventus are too dodgey i understand players going their but they could always end up dropping down because of their ways.
  23. He did it. He's been banging on for ages about how he's a twisted firestarter.
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