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Everything posted by FCUM

  1. Not that my opinion matters a toss to NUFC supporters but I've changed my opinion over the last couple of days. When I first heard the news on Wednesday I thought it was a truly bizzare decision and quite frankly a bad one given: a) His time out of the game b ) The fact that he was never able to truly replicate his acheivements with NUFC elsewhere and was even in danger of takies the berties down c) Most importantly, I think you need long term stability now and don't think you'll get that with KK. He has a habit of walking away at the first murmurings of discontent and even if he brings success he's unlikely to stay beyond 3 seasons which throw the club into turmoil once more Let's be honest, leaving the Keegan 'emotion' out of it, there were far better candidates out there based on his managerial record. If it was anybody else with his managerial record, at his age, that hadn't won a single trophy as a manager you'd all be suicidal at the appointment But.... after reading threads on here and seeing the excitement it's generated then I'm changing my mind somewhat. The club and supporters quite obviouly need a massive boost and this appointment has generated a massive 'feelgood' feeling again. For a short time at least the fans will all be optmistic and full of hope again which I don't think can be underestimated. Personally, I can't see the appointment being succesful if you are going to judge success as winning trophies during his leadership but as somebody said previously on here.... fuck it, let the rollercoater begin
  2. Massive gamble to give it Shearer on his own. Shearer + AN Other shirley? Shearer + El Tel anyone?
  3. Not quite the same thing, Sammy. I'm talking about creating an image that he'll follow the whims of the supporters which I think will be counter-productive in the search for a new manager. Then again, probably it's just me that's gets this 'image' from his actions and nobody else.
  4. Just my opinion but yes, I think it does. I think 'image' is very important in attracting the calibre of manager you want. To me this sends out a message of following the whims of the fans and I'm not sure that will appeal to a lot of managers.
  5. In the short term I was but not really in the long term. I did think he would provide a better partner up front for Owen than anybody else you had. For various reasons (mainly Owen) that's not been given much of a chance.
  6. But I don't see how signing players like Smith would have helped him to his long term goals. Alan Smith is a decent player but he wouldn't get a regular game at a top 5/6 team which is where the aspirations/long term goals should be for your club. I could understand Keane signing somebody like Smith as his 'goals' are different, avoiding relegation. To me, NUFC were never in danger of that so the goals should be to challenge the top 4 and players like Smithy won't help to do that.
  7. But is that not just a little bit contradictory............. It was Allardyce that signed these players! I'm not sure that non NUFC fans think it's quite the joke that many of you seem to. Obviously it goes without saying that the next appointment is critical in this light. The managerial merry go round during Freddie's reign was a bit of a joke IMO, particularly the sacking of Sir Bobby. Yes, he was struggling with the discipline side of things with some of the tossers but surely giving him a 'proper' assistant could have solved that. Sometimes 'tinkering' is far preferable to sacking. One of the geatest managers around, Fergie, is practically useless without a decent coach alongside him ala Kidd, McClaren, Queiroz. Yet those same good coaches have, by and large, struggled as managers in their own right. It ain't just the manager, you have to tinker around to get the right team in place that can help offset some of the manager's weaknesses. Everybody realises that Sam wasn't the appointment of the new board so a new era can start now. They obviously need to find 'their' man, agree the long term strategy and give him time to deliver. Another short term appointment by this board will be seen as a joke. A far bigger 'joke' IMO is the Chairman's decision to don his shirt and sit with the supporters. He needs to be seen as the succesful businessman he is and not as a 'supporter' following their whims.
  8. Just got back from his gig at the Arena tonight. What a sad sight, he struggled badly throughout then after 1/2hr announced this would be his last ever gig, tried to sing Paradise but gave up after a few bars and walked off saying he couldn't continue. End of night! Shame, I've seen some great Meat Loaf gigs over the years but tonight he was reduced to a broken old man shuffling around the stage and barely able to raise a note. Is there summit wrong with him or is he just old and fat? They announced he'd been taken ill but I don't buy it. He just looked liked he'd 'gone' and finally realised he couldn't perform any more. As KN says, all the touring and gear has finally caught up with him I think.
  9. Just got back from his gig at the Arena tonight. What a sad sight, he struggled badly throughout then after 1/2hr announced this would be his last ever gig, tried to sing Paradise but gave up after a few bars and walked off saying he couldn't continue. End of night! Shame, I've seen some great Meat Loaf gigs over the years but tonight he was reduced to a broken old man shuffling around the stage and barely able to raise a note.
  10. Interesting point that, I think it did used to be true that managers needed time. Ferguson wasn't the only example. I can remember the blue dippers spraying graffiti on Howard Kendall's house before he had great success with them. I think that's why Liverpool always stuck with the 'boot room' philosophy. But... It seemed to apply more to what I would class as the 'old skool' managers. The trend today seems to be to appoint managers for their coaching abilities rather than their managerial abilities. A lot of these 'coach' managers seem to be able to get success a bit quicker. No idea why this should be though, maybe it's the changes in the modern game with more foreigners now plying their trade here. Having said that I'm not really sure how I'd classify Allardyce, he seems to be a bit of a mix of old skool and coach
  11. FCUM


    He said he had an accident with a candle !!! It must have jumped up and stuck the nut on him,I just wish a 'candle' would do that to Lawrenson. I think he was trying to be 'funny' with the candle comment, he said he got some wax (whacks) on his face. Least that was my take on it
  12. FCUM


    Speaking of which did anybody see Hansen last night? Looks like somebody has given him a right pasting, black eye, fat lip etc
  13. Never realised Phil Neville had problems with his daughter. It seems she still needs hospital treatment 3 or 4 times a month so I guess he wouldn't be too keen on a move away from the North West at this stage of his career. Hope she continues to improve Phil. Phil Neville Story
  14. Good solid player Phil Neville but...... far better as holding midfielder than as a full back, which is a position you seem well covered in now with Barton, Geremi, Butt (although I'd take him over Butt any day). TBH He can be a bit of a liability at full back.
  15. There has been some persistent rumours in the last couple of days that Ferguson has made enquiries about him F*** me! Emile Heskey and Man Utd, they go together like fish & custard
  16. I think a lot will depend on the fitness of your other forwards but if (and a big if) Owen has a relatively injury free season I actually think Smith will prove a more natural partner for him than any of your other forwards. Assuming Owen is fit I'm presuming he will be your no.1 striker. I don't think Owen likes to play with another out and out striker. Owen's principle assets have always been blistering pace to latch on to balls through the channels and a good eye for goal. Will the rehabilitated Michael Owen have the same pace as before? I'm not so sure which leaves his principle asset as his eye for goal in and around the box. Smith's constant harrying will create loose balls and half chances for Owen far more than say Martins. I don't somehow see Owen & Viduka forming a natural partnership (I may be proved wrong) so I think Smith will prove the best partner of them all for Owen, he'll create space and chances for him without taking up the positions Owen likes to find.
  17. Good luck Smithy, one of the few modern day footballers I have some time for. I'm not getting drawn into the debate of his playing ability but I do think he's a true professional. Signs for Man Utd from Leeds most hated rivals putting himself and his family in danger. If some stories I've heard are true his family have suffered dogs abuse as well physical threats but he doesn't go to the press whinging about it. Starts really well for Man Utd scoring some important goals for them. After a certain Fat Freddie Shepherd makes a public approach for Rooney, Fergie is forced into buying Rooney at least 12 months before he had a private agreement with Moyes / Everton to take him. Rooney comes in earlier than expected to play the position Smith is but he doesn't whinge about it, just knuckles down trying to earn his place. Asked to play out of position by Fergie but just gets on with it like unlike some. After breaking his leg is offered numerous chances to go out on loan but wants to stay and fight for his place with Man Utd. Comes back well and earns a recall to the England squad. Only leaves after Fergie tells him he has no future, not prepared to pick up his wages for sitting on the bench unlike some. OK, not a world beater as player but I think his attitude and desire will have a positive effect on everybody around him at Newcastle. A non drinking ultimate professional who will graft his bollocks off for you and won't whinge when things don't go his way. I sincerely hope he proves the doubters wrong and re-ignites his career now.
  18. FCUM


    I doubt anybody's interested but I'm still euphoric last night's 7-1 home victory sealed the NWC div 1 title. Two seasons, two titles, Unibond here we come
  19. No different to any other club mate, some of them will have gone there looking for it. Unfortunately it's usually the ones that are not that end up getting hurt. They are the easier targets.
  20. Hope your mate got back unscathed, Cath. Mate of mine needed 16 stitches after being slashed on the arm by some **** riding past on a scooter on the way to the ground but back home this morning. Rest all unscathed fortunately.
  21. It seems he can't handle any criticism of him or his players. Anyone who does, he flys off the handle at or refuses to have anything to do with. As far as Ferguson is concerned, it's his way, or fuck off. It's made him a great manager, but also a bullying twat of the highest order Fergie is a brilliant manager but a grade A cock. His whole life is dominated by personal greed as his ridiculous spat with the Coolmore mafia shows. He's given the lease of a top quality racehorse completely free of charge, makes a fortune in prize money, and then wants to sue them for the breeding rights after! The bullying of young players to sign with his son as their agent is well documented. I could go on and on. If anybody wants to get an insight into Fergie then read Michael Crick's excellent book. Michael Crick is a Man Utd fanatic but he's also a brilliant journalist.
  22. But I don't see him taking on Murdoch and co. With the rise of Setanta I think things are going to change a lot for TV sport viewers in the next few years. I can't see many people being prepared to fork out a subscription to both, so unless Murdoch crushes Setanta I think we'll see the end of subscripton packages and the start of everything becoming pay per view. It's a bit of a dilemma for me, there should be free competition to Murdoch, and Setanta are providing that but it's still convenient to have most of your sports TV under one operator.
  23. The whole TV thing is getting screwed. I have Virgin (Telewest) for my broadband and land line telephone but I stopped the TV stuff from them a couple of years ago and just went direct to Sky as the cost difference was minimal and Sky were offering a lot more channels. So I pay Sky for their Sky Sports package and since I stopped going to Old Trafford I now pay their season ticket for the pay per view games in addition. Apart from the football, the main thing I watch is golf. From this year Setanta have taken the USPGA tour off sky and will also be showing some premiership football. So, I now need a subscription with Sky, a subscription with Setanta, a pay per view season ticket with Sky and no doubt a pay per view contract of some kind with Setanta. It's bollox and I ain't f*ckin well paying it all! I can see me throwing the lot out if it becomes fragmented with more than one operator dominating.
  24. So a drinking game, where it's possible to go a couple of hours without even drinking? Or do you drink your own drink whilst this is happening? Silly question This was always played in the boozer with the pint glass going round 20/30 people. Call it a bonus drink if you got lucky
  25. Lille are now launching an appeal against the result of their first appeal http://www.sportinglife.com/story_get.cgi?...Lille_Snap.html Expect blockades on all the ports tomorrow
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