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Everything posted by FCUM

  1. aha...wondered when you would be back... I have roxio platinum and an upgrade to version Suppose it works, but I can't stop it being part of the boot up procedure, also I can't recover data on data CD's I copied before, it stored them in a "versions" format which I can't access any more, I am wondering if it is something to do with the udf installer - and something is interfering with windows media player. I can live with these probs but would fix them if possible. If it's only a small update file, then you could actually send it to me - I'm on broadband - ???? Why did you switch to nero ? It's probably a good programme but I think roxio is far more user friendly 16734[/snapback] The upgrade I have is so it's the same one you already have. I installed the platinum version and ran the upgrade over the top and never had any problems (apart from the equivalent to incd which I don't think was supported in XP). I changed to Nero because I started to get problems with 'buffer underun' in Roxio, it was bloody infuriating, the CD burn would get almost to the end then crash!!! Nero's got something in the programme to stop that happening and I've never had a CD or DVD fail to burn properly since I got Nero a couple of years ago. I think the interface is just a case of what you are used to, I prefer Nero now as I'm used to it. If you want Nero 6 then download it from the website and I'll PM you a serial key to unlock it if you need one.
  2. I've asked this before but any suggestions of where I can watch the match in the town. I've got some mates staying up and will be going on the piss with them before the game then meeting them after. I was thinking of just going in the labour club but don't know if they will be showing the match.
  3. Leazes, If your Roxio is version 5 you will need an update from their website. I've switched to Nero but had Roxio CD creator platinum V 5.0 and needed to download an upgrade from Roxio when I went to XP. If you have a problem getting the update let me know, I still have the upgrade file floating about and can stick it on a CD for you.
  4. Interesting article from the backbeat column in the new Red Issue fanzine I picked up today. Red Issue is Man Utd / FC Utd fanzine and one of the best fanzines around. The backbeat column is written by an anonymous well connected hack and tells the stories that the media are aware of but can't / won't print. Foggier and foggier on the Tyne: ''I'm told that two Newcastle players failed club drug tests. However, on closer inspection, the tests had not been failed but tampered with in some kind of smear attempt. The two players are/were famous internationals. The whole thing is the subject of a very hush-hush internal investigation. The source of this is supposedly a lawyer who does work of some form for Freddie Shepherd.''
  5. Make of this one what you will My mate is the manager of a West London branch of a leading bookies and rang me last night to ask if I'd heard any rumours floating round Tyneside. Within the last 48 hrs he's had 2 separate punters asking what is the best price they could offer to a £1000 bet on Dick Advocaat becoming the next Newcastle manager
  6. FCUM


    Strange thing about heights, I have no fear of heights, only of falling from them I'll happily stand gazing down from any height as long as there is a barrier or rail to stop me falling but get me within 6 yds of a cliff edge or something and I'd pass out
  7. Nah, heard there is a bit of a 'funny smell' in there
  8. It will be the first time I've missed this fixture for 20 odd years. I'll be 'escorting' a few mates into town for beer and then hanging around to meet them after (can't bring myself to go in). Can anybody recommend a decent place to watch the match in town whilst I'm waiting? Will the labour club have it on?
  9. Fat Fred quite rightly gets a bit of stick from supporters but credit where it's due. I know you will argue he's only doing for self publicity etc but it's still a good gesture. If you are one of those supporters who made that trip at short notice it will be nice to have that loyalty recognised. It's not the trip itself more the fact that the club have recognised your individual support. Fair play to fat fred on this occasion I say
  10. I don't disagree, I'm just saying that supporters of most prem clubs will delight in seeing you fail. To back up my point I've just checked on the bitters site. http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=13995 or try TheMightyQuinn's comments on this thread http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=13953
  11. but it's a little odd to be mocking a team that are not rivals about failing to get into Europe... I didn't see any threads dedicated to Spurs failure to acheive European competition, or Birmingham... or Blackburn... but lets not let facts get in the way of a nice sweeping statement eyh? 7932[/snapback] That's because of the stereotypical view the rest of football has about Newcastle supporters. Just as all Man Utd supporters are gloryhunters from the home counties, all Liverpool supporters are scallies trying to nick your hubcaps, all Chelski supporters wave £50 notes at you etc etc The stereotypical view most have of NUFC supporters is that they all have chips on their shoulder and think they are bigger/better than everybody else. I don't, I've lived up here too long but that is the way you are perceived by others. So naturally they take a great delight when you fail. You could probably go on any other prem club messageboard and find a similar thread. They will take greater delight in seeing you fail than somebody like Birmingham.
  12. This whole point about integration though is meaningless. How is integration going to be promoted? The only people that can really boost integration are the general public and they have shown time and time again that they are not interested. The majority of those peope of Asian descent have demonstrated time and again that they don't want to integrate, just create their own communities with their own values and ethics. The majority of Brits have no real interest in integrating and certainly won't go out of their way to do so, they are by and large apathetic about integration. How's it going to happen then? Sorry, back off topic
  13. Fans of one prem club slagging off another prem club. What a shocker! Whatever next
  14. Spot on. Rooney toe to toe with Billy Whitehurst
  15. Good answer GF but I'm not sure I follow your logic. Surely, if your club are prennial under achievers it's easier than if you are used to winning trophies. You are giving up less to some extent. I suppose the counter to that is that if you've supported your club for decades and seen them win nowt then you'd be gutted if they won something after you left. I can only speak personally and it isn't about trophies, for me it's about supporters reclaiming the game from the corporates. I can honestly say I'd be doing the same if we'd won the treble last season. Maybe the comparison isn't a fair one though as your club has not yet become the global commercial brand that mine did, full of gloryhunters wearing their stupid jesters hats
  16. Given the recent talk of a takeover at NUFC, I'm curious as to what you would all do given a scenario similar to ours. Assume you get taken over by a Glazer type figure who then transferred all his personal debt onto the club. Further assume a group of supporters started a breakaway club owned by the supporters at the bottom of the pyramid system. Where would your loyalties lie?
  17. We've got a friendly there tomorrow night, where we'll finally score our 1st goal You'll only be assaulted if you insist on drinking Pimms as usual
  18. Never mind the heckling, come and meet us for a few beers at Flixton tomorrow night You never know, you might enjoy it
  19. It's certainly been divisive. I've got 'mates' that I've been to games with for years who are no longer speaking to me. To many we are traitors for throwing the towel in and not continuing to 'fight from within'. I've tried to stay out of the politics of it but it has led to a lot of friction. Out of 20 us that met up for all the games, 8 are strictly FCUM, 7 have stayed loyal to MUFC and 5 will do both (MUFC don't get many 3.00pm Saturday kick offs). It's been an agonising decision for many of us but contrary to popular belief it isn't just about Glazer, that was just the final nail in the coffin. I feel my club has been gradually eroded for years. We were no longer 'fans' but customers who were expected to quietly make our way to our seats and sit down and shut up. The 3 friendly games we've had have been an amazing experience. Meet your mates for a few beers, stand on the terraces and sing, then get some more beer down The warmth and friendliness of opposition supporters is something I've never experienced for years (if at all). We were leaving Kingson in our minibus after an AFC Wimbledon friendly last week when one of their supporters stopped us and threw a case of beer onto our bus. Can you imagine that happening in the prem!!! There will be testing times to come, notably early season when MUFC play at St James. As usual it will open house at my place and I'll go on the drink in the town with some mates but then leave them when they go to the ground. It will be a strange experience but I can't go into the ground with them and sing and chant for a club I no longer believe in.
  20. Says the man who frequents Didsbury's gay wine bars
  21. Gotta be dogs............. ....... I mean you can't get a bet on a cat can you
  22. Not me mate, I've given up on the franchise. My ST has gone back and been replaced by one for FCUM. It's strictly non league football for me this season and it's brilliant, I'm enjoying every minute of it even though we've now gone through 270 minutes of football without scoring Ah well, tomorrow night at Flixton 'all we are singing, is give us a goal' I never thought I'd be taking holidays to watch non league friendlies but I'm hooked
  23. The word is that a few of the Spring Gardens 'boys' caused some bother in the Tuns (Old Hundred) last week and there was a bit of a revenge mission
  24. My 'sources' tell me that Owen has said he'll only move to a club playing Champions League football. It would appear that Arse or Chelski are not interested and Liverpool supposedly not wanting him back I think that paves the way for Man Utd to sign him. I reckon Saha will stay and RVN will be the one to move on. It's rumoured he wants to try his luck in Spain or Italy and is not happy at OT. Fergie will need to keep players happy who are not playing every week, he'll do that with Saha but not RVN. Expect Guissepe Rossi to make the breakthrough at OT this season. Potentially he's better than either Owen or RVN. He's already played for the Italian U21 team and looks an awesome prospect. My guess is RVN will move on leaving Owen, Rooney, Rossi & Saha as the 4 strikers although Rooney may settle into the Scholes role in time.
  25. Who's career did he end? Certainly not Haaland if that's what you are thinking. Nasty 'tackle' but on the other leg to that which finished Haaland's career. For me it would have to be Cristiano Ronaldo. Shouldn't like him for being such a cheating, diving cnut but has the skills to get you out of your seat and is one of the few who make paying the over inflated prices worthwhile.
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