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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. haha - take that you buck toothed (possibly) racist dago wop scouse cunt -should of been six months lol
  2. Ah the sound of young scotland How I wish I was young again.......... "Blue Boy," "Simply Thrilled Honey," "Poor Old Soul" - has there ever been a finer trio of singles? absolute perfection
  3. Ah the sound of young scotland How I wish I was young again..........
  4. We are not discussing "the merry go round" subject. It's actually a totally different topic on which I think I've made some valid points, which I haven't seen refuted yet. Although you know who can't help himself with the diatribe. TP and LM-Two sides of the same coin
  5. more here http://damnyouautocorrect.com/13603/the-25-funniest-autocorrects-of-dyacs-first-year/ Number 18 actually made me sick I laughed so much
  6. I've been of the opinion that Raylor was doing a good enough job to overlook the fact that he plainly isn't a left back - I think today just proved that our defensive solidity owes a lot more to Jonas than it does to him. I honestly think we would have won today if Jonas had been playing. Losing today pales into insignificance compared to the injuries to Collo and Saylor though, our best 11 can give anyone a game, a couple of injuries and my confidence is shot Next week will be very interesting. Also add me to the people who will be very surprised to see Tiote ever play in black and white again
  7. I know nobody is interested, but the best e assisted moment I ever had was fatboy taking over the booth at the honey club in brighton and d for damage and the ill behaviour.
  8. Starting to look like we might need a replacement for Tiote http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2063855/Chelsea-want-sign-Cheick-Tiote-Newcastle.html
  9. I hope he gets found wrongly found guilty, banned for as long as possible and heads off the continent in a strop. Without him Liverpool are fucked
  10. Beyond? - like outer space, quite the claim
  11. Enough strawmen in this thread to start an army tbh
  12. I agree with Paddock Lad - lets give Shola the Number 9 shirt He deserves it for his performances against Sunnyblunderland alone
  13. They are the most racist cunts in the world. They consider themselves as the purist, best looking, master race. They're greasy dwarf like rodents who I hate more than Sunderland, shame the bomb at Hiroshima didn't hit Rome and Milan instead. Without sounding like Hitler, we (British, Irish and Scandi's) are a taller, stronger race of people, how many English Zola's do you see? Not many. your correct there Stevie
  14. Ginola is my favourite ever player - there I said it
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